Atheists more Intelligent

I'm glad you two lovebirds found each other. You're a good match; about the same level of education, maturity and intelligence. Have fun!

So you're still unable to answer the questions regarding Philo's lack of mention of Jesus and the alleged zombie invasion.
what caused the big bang, senor science?

It was caused when the universe before it farted this one into being. And before that universe, a universe had existed that farted it into existence.

There is an unending chain of universes past and the chain will continue indefinitely.

See how absurd I'm being? But it's no less absurd than to say that there is a magic person who created the universe.
It was caused when the universe before it farted this one into being. And before that universe, a universe had existed that farted it into existence.

There is an unending chain of universes past and the chain will continue indefinitely.

See how absurd I'm being? But it's no less absurd than to say that there is a magic person who created the universe.

do you think the concept of causation is antiscience?
Why do you think reality depresses me. Camus spoke about the fundamental question in philosophy. The depressed should either take it as advice or get treatment, their call.

Dude, you aren't living in reality. You're living in a fantasy of your own making by believing shit you can't prove.

I'm not religious either, what does that have to do with our conversation? Oh, wait. It's because you only think you know what the fuck you are talking about. Please come back to me when you decide to live in reality; the Universe where you either prove what you claim or admit it's just your own opinion. ;)

You're the one claiming something exists. Until you can offer proof of your god, I see no reason to believe it exists.
So you are admitting to be exactly like a fundamentalist bible thumper, taking every thing in the bible to be literally true, a faithful and accurate record of historical events.

That makes you exactly as stupid as a bible thumpers.

Trained scholars spend decades evaluating what in the bible is exaggeration, embellishment, or unverifiable - and those things in the bible which the weight of evidence indicates are historically reliable.

Jesus was a peasant from Galilee with a small group of illiterate peasant followers. Any glorious, high profile, and triumphant entry into Jerusalem is a later embellishment of the NT.

His entry into Jerusalem was probably unremarkable and unnoticed by most people.

Jesus was executed as a common criminal by a unremarkable and fairly obscure Roman governor. Thousands of common criminals were executed by Roman provincial authorities in Judea in the first century.

There is no plausible reason to conclude a preeminent Jewish philosopher in Egypt would have had Jesus' execution on his radar in the slightest way.

Jesus' reputation in years following his death is due to Paul and the other apostolic figures who worked relentlessly to circulate the story of Jesus words and deeds.
Agreed. OTOH, Trump and his followers are doing the same thing with modern technology. I think they'll fail because there's an "X" factor in the rise of both Jesus and Siddhartha. I'm not sure what it is, but my guess is something along the lines of Aesop's wisdom five centuries earlier. A recognition of truths that saw a religion rise around it.

“It is in vain to expect our prayers to be heard, if we do not strive as well as pray"

"Every truth has two sides. It is as well to look at both sides before we commit ourselves to either."

"A crust eaten in peace is better than a banquet partaken in anxiety."
You're the one claiming something exists. Until you can offer proof of your god, I see no reason to believe it exists.

Now you're waffling again, kid. This is the third(?) time you've injected "God" into a discussion on the existence of Jesus of Nazareth? Why are you so dishonest?

To you yesterday:
Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Jesus, if he existed, was a small movement. It took time to grow, which history proves it did. You are advocating it grew out of nothing at all. I'm saying there was a seed, no matter how small, and that seed was a Jewish rabbi who had some new ideas about existence.

Let's stick with reality and leave the divine out of it since that's a faith thing.
You even quoted it:
There were many people in those days claiming to be the Messiah. Some even were named Jesus. Many had apostles and many allegedly performed miracles.
So you're still unable to answer the questions regarding Philo's lack of mention of Jesus and the alleged zombie invasion.

I already answered about a Jewish philosopher 300 miles away who was old at the time of Jesus' execution. Again, why are you resorting to dishonesty?
There is no phenomenon to compel us to wonder if there is a sentient force influencing the universe. The question "Does a god exist?" is therefore unjustified.

incuriousness indicates dumbassery.

god isnt the point.

humane codes of behavior is the point.

thats really why the deranged hate spirituality.
I already answered about a Jewish philosopher 300 miles away who was old at the time of Jesus' execution. Again, why are you resorting to dishonesty?

Will you at least admit that the myriad claims made about Jesus are absurd? Because Philo and other writers would have mentioned such events as Matthew's zombie invasion.