Atheists more Intelligent

All you have is deflection and name-calling now.

Disagreed. You don't want to talk like an adult. The discussion was Jesus the man and you keep going back to the divine thing like a child to candy.

It was caused when the universe before it farted this one into being. And before that universe, a universe had existed that farted it into existence.

There is an unending chain of universes past and the chain will continue indefinitely.

See how absurd I'm being? But it's no less absurd than to say that there is a magic person who created the universe.
it doesn't HAVE to be, but science tells us that it had a beginning.......if something had a beginning, something had to cause it.......there is no natural explanation, which leaves a supranatural one......

No. Big Bang is only the origin of the current status of our universe. Nothing about it having to have been caused by something else. All empirical.
Who created the god who created it? It becomes barbershop mirrors, a never-ending vision problem of what came first. The truth is man created god. He created lots of gods.

Nordie, who always publically disdains circular arguments, falls back on his own favorite circle........
Quote Originally Posted by Michael_Panetta View Post
You're the one claiming something exists. Until you can offer proof of your god, I see no reason to believe it exists.
that would only be true if some one was required to prove something to you...../.the reality is none of us cares whether you believe it or not........most of us think heaven will be a much better place if you aren't there......