Atheists more Intelligent

Honest question, but what do you know about honesty. I expect you have an answer to the question!

You are free to refuse to be honest. I'm content to let everyone else judge for themselves who is most honest and who is a lying, piece of shit scumbag pretender.
No you didn't. Philo never mentions Jesus, who allegedly drew crowds of thousands for three years and became such a pest that the highest government took care of him. Nor did Philo mention Matthew's zombie invasion of the city for three days straight. Lol. Get real.

So you are admitting to be exactly like a fundamentalist bible thumper, taking every thing in the bible to be literally true, a faithful and accurate record of historical events.

That makes you exactly as stupid as a bible thumpers.

Trained scholars spend decades evaluating what in the bible is exaggeration, embellishment, or unverifiable - and those things in the bible which the weight of evidence indicates are historically reliable.

Jesus was a peasant from Galilee with a small group of illiterate peasant followers. Any glorious, high profile, and triumphant entry into Jerusalem is a later embellishment of the NT.

His entry into Jerusalem was probably unremarkable and unnoticed by most people.

Jesus was executed as a common criminal by a unremarkable and fairly obscure Roman governor. Thousands of common criminals were executed by Roman provincial authorities in Judea in the first century.

There is no plausible reason to conclude a preeminent Jewish philosopher in Egypt would have had Jesus' execution on his radar in the slightest way.

Jesus' reputation in years following his death is due to Paul and the other apostolic figures who worked relentlessly to circulate the story of Jesus words and deeds.
You are a lying troll! Your grandkids will end up in Prison!

There! That's exactly the face everyone needs to see; your true face. The face of an angry loudmouth who claims he's good but hides a heart of hatred and a desire to see harm on others. A person who claims to be Christian but spreads division and lies.
Who created the god who created it? It becomes barbershop mirrors, a never-ending vision problem of what came first. The truth is man created god. He created lots of gods.

Christians use the logic of causation to explain how our universe got here. But they refuse to use that logic for how God got there.