Atheists more Intelligent

Atheists belong in death camps, they don't deserve any human rights at all, any more than a feral dog does - exterminate atheists like the scourge they are, and you also eliminate other atheistic plagues such as rape, child molestation, bestiality, warfare, terrorism and violence, and so forth.

A world without atheism would be a world without any evils to speak of, it's what every civilized entity should strive for. (Much as how most if not all so-called "religious" violence was merely atheism infesting religions with its plague and vices such as greed, materialism, lust, and so forth, which are the motivators behind every war and atrocity; atheistic to the core - such as how terrorists like ISIS are more motivated by things an atheist would delight in, such as rape and bloodshed, said feral and beastly things in which an atheist, by virtue of being a beast rather than a human, naturally delights in, far less so anything Godly, philosophical, divine, or anything worthy of being called "human" to begin with).

So if all violence and animosity in the world, were instead re-directed at its true cause, namely atheism, the world would be at peace forever - one merely needs to read the evil and degenerate atheist Marquis de Sade, to see what atheism in its true interpretation actually is; the only reason why atheists don't more frequently rape, murder, torture children, and so forth is because of the moral or religious values which they steal and appropriate and are therefore forced to believe in simply on the basis of faith; without the theft of religiousity, the true ferality and bestiality of the atheist would be in full force and unpretentious).

Atheist should be the new "negro", the new "der Jude", I believe all world religions and philosophies, perhaps even Islam and Christianity, could come together in their natural and entirely just loathing of such scourge, and therefore be at peace with each other, understanding their and humanities rightful enemy and bane.
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Atheists belong in death camps, they don't deserve any human rights at all, any more than a feral dog does - exterminate atheists like the scourge they are, and you also eliminate other atheistic plagues such as rape, child molestation, bestiality, warfare and violence, and so forth.

A world without atheism would be a world without any evils to speak of, it's what every civilized entity should strive for.

You are mentally ill. Tired of reading your psychotic ramblings.
Atheists belong in death camps, they don't deserve any human rights at all, any more than a feral dog does - exterminate atheists like the scourge they are, and you also eliminate other atheistic plagues such as rape, child molestation, bestiality, warfare, terrorism and violence, and so forth.

A world without atheism would be a world without any evils to speak of, it's what every civilized entity should strive for. (Much as how most if not all so-called "religious" violence was merely atheism infesting religions with its plague and vices such as greed, materialism, lust, and so forth, which are the motivators behind every war and atrocity; atheistic to the core).

you're not a good christian. spread the good news. that's all you need to do. all this extermination talk is unseemly.
it marks the beginning of our universe.....whatever might have been before is NOT our universe

The cause of the Big Bang was a singularity in which the laws of physics and time break down. There was not "nothing" before the big bang -- there was a singularity of infinitely small entropy

Quantum mechanics tells us there can be uncaused events, therefore the premise that every event needs a cause is a false premise.

Thus, there does nor necessarily need to be a cause of the singularity.

Wrapping up, it is possible that the singularity is the uncaused causer of the universe.

That does not mean the singularity is sentient, intelligent, or an anthropomorphic diety. But in times of reflection, I think the singularity is as good a candidate as any for nature's God.
you're not a good christian. spread the good news. that's all you need to do. all this extermination talk is unseemly.
I never said I was a good Christian, I just said that atheists are sub-human and unworthy of life, if I was a Muslim or Jew, I think this opinion could be rationalized.

The only way an atheist can justify not raping, murdering, molesting, and so forth is by stealing or appropriating faith-based or religious values, without which an atheist is no different than any feral or rapacious dog or beast, and no more worthy of being considered "human" to begin with (since the notion of humanism itself is another stolen "religious" value which an atheist can believe in, but only on the basis of "faith", nor any Baconian scientific notion of "testability", verifiablity, empericism, or anything else).
I never said I was a good Christian, I just said that atheists are sub-human and unworthy of life, if I was a Muslim or Jew, I think this opinion could be rationalized. (If I had the power to do it, I'd round up all atheists in America and Western Europe and put them in concentration camps like Hitler did the Jews).

The only way an atheist can justify not raping, murdering, molesting, and so forth is by stealing or appropriating faith-based or religious values, without which an atheist is no different than any feral or rapacious dog or beast, and no more worthy of being considered "human" to begin with (since the notion of humanism itself is another stolen "religious" value).

you're just as bad when you advocate extermination.
you're just as bad when you advocate extermination.
It is perfectly legal to euthanize animals, an atheist, by virture of its own degeneracy can't imagine or claim itself to be anything else, sxcept by hypocritically and plagiariously stealing and asserting faith-based, "religious" values such as humanism, rights, and so forth. (None of which concepts exist within the realm of the natural sciences either, none being testible, verifiable, emperical, and so forth, they're merely values and axioms upon which an atheist has to place its faith with all of the religious ferver as any other religious person does).

So even if we did exterminate atheist, by the virtue of atheists' own bestiality, how would it be any different than euthanizing any other unwanted species of animal?

Plus, since societies tend to turn their bigotries and prejudice to other ethnic groups, if instead all ethnic and/or religious groups simply turned their wrath against humanity's common and most repugnant specimin, namely the savage and degenerate atheist, it may mean less racism, less ethnic and religious conflict, so the death of atheists might be a small price to pay in the long run for bringing everyone else together against a common scourge.
It is perfectly legal to euthanize animals, an atheist, by virture of its own degeneracy can't imagine or claim itself to be anything else, sxcept by hypocritically and plagiariously stealing and asserting faith-based, "religious" values such as humanism, rights, and so forth. (None of which concepts exist within the realm of the natural sciences either, none being testible, verifiable, emperical, and so forth, they're merely values and axioms upon which an atheist has to place its faith with all of the religious ferver as any other religious person does).

So even if we did exterminate atheist, by the virtue of atheists' own bestiality, how would it be any different than euthanizing any other unwanted species of animal?

It was caused when the universe before it farted this one into being. And before that universe, a universe had existed that farted it into existence.

There is an unending chain of universes past and the chain will continue indefinitely.

See how absurd I'm being? But it's no less absurd than to say that there is a magic person who created the universe.

We know from quantum mechanics the creation of matter can be uncaused.

You are relentless in discussing the historical Jesus and the physics of cosmology, but it seems like you have not actually bothered to learn or educate yourself on the academic scholarship and science of these topics
We know from quantum mechanics the creation of matter can be uncaused.

You are relentless in discussing the historical Jesus and the physics of cosmology, but it seems like you have not actually bothered to learn or educate yourself on the academic scholarship and science of these topics

1. I was being facetious in my comment. It was a response to the religious poster who had conveniently claimed that their deity is uncaused. You've taken my comment out of context and made it seem like I believe what I wrote. Maybe you didn't bother to read the end of my post.

2. I know quite a lot about these topics. The Christ Myth theory is pretty much mainstream. I'm sorry if it obstructs your fundie worldview, but you're free to keep believing in the magical Jew who was killed and then flew into the clouds.
The cause of the Big Bang was a singularity in which the laws of physics and time break down. There was not "nothing" before the big bang -- there was a singularity of infinitely small entropy

Quantum mechanics tells us there can be uncaused events, therefore the premise that every event needs a cause is a false premise.

Thus, there does nor necessarily need to be a cause of the singularity.

Wrapping up, it is possible that the singularity is the uncaused causer of the universe.

That does not mean the singularity is sentient, intelligent, or an anthropomorphic diety. But in times of reflection, I think the singularity is as good a candidate as any for nature's God.

thank you for sharing your religious beliefs with us........
There! That's exactly the face everyone needs to see; your true face. The face of an angry loudmouth who claims he's good but hides a heart of hatred and a desire to see harm on others. A person who claims to be Christian but spreads division and lies.

You are a troll, and yes I am sure your Grand kids will end up thinking critically of anyone they meet, and end up killing them if they disagree, shove off go back under your bridge! Righteous indignation toward you is just fine! You are a lying troll trying to stir up trouble and anger! It won't work!
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science cannot reach valid conclusions about things that predate the existence of matter and energy.......what we know from quantum mechanics is that it is the philosophic study of mere speculation.........

Science and philosophy are both valid extensions of human reason.

You are confusing me with those who cling to the logical positivism approach to human knowedge.

I am on record stating that there is probably knowledge which is beyond the reach of human reason. We tend to overestimate our cognitive abilities to grasp all the scope and breadth of reality. We are only smart chimpanzees who are evolutionarily removed from our primitive primate progenitors by a few hundred thousand years
then religion is as well.....

Science and philisophy are reason-based.

Religion is faith based. But religions still have value as expressions of ethics, justice, virtue, and the human condition.

The Bhagavad Gita, Torah, NT, Annalects of Confucius are at least important to the human condition as are the the knowledge of general relativity and the standard model of particle physics.
You are a troll, and yes I am sure your Grand kids will end up thinking critically of anyone they meet, and end up killing them if they disagree, shove off go back under your bridge! Righteous indignation toward you is just fine! You are a lying troll trying to stir up trouble and anger! It won't work!

If Christian beliefs are 100% true, you just committed several grievous sins. Jesus said absolved the whore of her sins but also admonished "Go and sin no more". Yes, Christians are "born again" by being baptized and are forgiven their sins, but can't just keep sinning and then taking a dunk in the magic bathtub. That's not how it works. If you know different, please tell me and explain why.