Atheists more Intelligent

It's impossible to debate your statement because it's a false statement, a fallacy.

A-theism simply means no + god(s). That's it. Nothing is worshiped. Nothing is prayed to, honored, sacrificed for. There is no holy text, no preachers, no congregation, no building dedicated to nothing. Your definition of secularist is identical to atheist.

For some reason this enrages, terrifies, and pisses off the religious. Why? It's almost as though they believe that their religion will be taken away from them by the mere presence of those who don't accept it. Why are you so terrified that someone has made a different choice than yours? Is your faith that fragile?

do you feel there is a difference between a belief about religion and a religious belief?.......
until you prove something all you got is ass snot

Prove what? That you exist? That we don't know what happened before the Big Bang? That the Universe is finite but obviously it came from some where? What is it you want me to prove, kid?
Yes. You and I can believe what we want about the Branch Davidians, while the Branch Davidians have a definite belief about their religion/cult.

if the topic is religious, a choice to believe or not believe something is inarguably a religious may like or dislike a Branch-Davidian without making a choice about religion, but accepting or rejecting what Branch-Davidians believe will always be a religious choice.......
if the topic is religious, a choice to believe or not believe something is inarguably a religious may like or dislike a Branch-Davidian without making a choice about religion, but accepting or rejecting what Branch-Davidians believe will always be a religious choice.......

Agreed. The same applies to atheism, at least the way Katzgar and his ilk use it.
prove a god exists you inbred moron

Why? You believe you're a soulless ambulatory meat computer of no more value than the sum of your basic components. That's why it's so easy for atheist like Stalin and Mao to murder millions in the name of efficiency.
Why? You believe you're a soulless ambulatory meat computer of no more value than the sum of your basic components. That's why it's so easy for atheist like Stalin and Mao to murder millions in the name of efficiency.

Or for an atheist Trump to shrug and say "it is what it is" about the deaths of 160,000 Americans.

One does not need a god, or even a soul, to mourn the death of another life form whether human or not.
Why? You believe you're a soulless ambulatory meat computer of no more value than the sum of your basic components. That's why it's so easy for atheist like Stalin and Mao to murder millions in the name of efficiency.

There is no logical or rational reason to exist that your God exists but if your God does exist your God is clearly a fuck up look around you
Why? You believe you're a soulless ambulatory meat computer of no more value than the sum of your basic components. That's why it's so easy for atheist like Stalin and Mao to murder millions in the name of efficiency.

your comment is one of the most drug addled comments literally ever made on the internet
Or for an atheist Trump to shrug and say "it is what it is" about the deaths of 160,000 Americans.

One does not need a god, or even a soul, to mourn the death of another life form whether human or not.

Agree. There are plenty of "Christians" who are happy to gas a group of innocent Americans for a photo op with a prop Bible. Is there any doubt there are some like him in this forum? Those who talk the talk but obviously don't walk the walk?

Mourning the deaths of others came long before organized religions....and even before Homo Sapiens. Neanderthals ritualistically buried their dead at least 70,000 years ago.
Neanderthals really did bury their dead. Archaeologists in Iraq have discovered a new Neanderthal skeleton that appears to have been deliberately buried around 60,000 to 70,000 years ago.....Pomeroy’s team found multiple lines of evidence that the Neanderthal was deliberately buried, including that fact that the sediment layer around the body is visibly different to the layer below. “The one containing the bones is much darker,” says Pomeroy.
your comment is one of the most drug addled comments literally ever made on the internet

Why do you think so? Are you now flip-flopping and now claiming you have a soul? Are you now saying you believe in an afterlife? If so, prove it.
There is no logical or rational reason to exist that your God exists but if your God does exist your God is clearly a fuck up look around you

What is my "God" that you keep yammering about? Please explain your logic.
you cant believe in god and have critical thinking skills, nope, no way

According to reputable polling, the most highly educated people in the country come from the religious groups Jews, Anglicans, Hindus, Episcopalians, Unitarians, Buddhists, Presbyterians, United Church of Christ. With athesists and agnostics coming in 9th and 10th place respectively.

Bringing up the rear, in the dumb ass category, are the southern evangelicals and fundamentalists