Atheists more Intelligent

Impressive! So what's your take on Hindus? American Pagans? Buddhists? Satanists? Shintoists? Muslims? Coptic Xtians?

Just asking for a Friend.

Your friend needs to go study the various religions and come to a conclusion on her/his own before it's too late.
I KNOW that YOU wouldn't ask such a question for yourself because you have no sincere interest
in the topic. It's just another jumping off point for a fight that you've enjoyed instigating for the past few years.
False: Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
True: If he is able but not willing, then he knows something you do not.....namely, that a life without free will is not worth living......

Then whence cometh evil? From your foolish choices.....

you and Epicurus have been proven to have a false premise......if you are not willing to admit your error, why call you anything other than a fool.......

Omniscience means you have no free will, idiot. Your god knows what you are going to do before you do it.

Epicurus nailed you and your man-made little god, dumbfuck. You can’t explain so much misery and suffering by innocents under your supposed omnibenevolent god.

Epicurus was from a much simpler time with a much simpler audience.

The link discusses the issue from a more modern POV:

A variety of arguments have been offered in response to the problem of evil, and some of them have been used in both theodicies and defenses. One argument, known as the free will defense, claims that evil is caused not by God but by human beings, who must be allowed to choose evil if they are to have free will. This response presupposes that humans are indeed free, and it fails to reckon with natural evil, except insofar as the latter is increased by human factors such as greed or thoughtlessness. Another argument, developed by the English philosopher Richard Swinburne, is that natural evils can be the means of learning and maturing. Natural evils, in other words, can help cultivate virtues such as courage and generosity by forcing humans to confront danger, hardship, and need. Such arguments are commonly supplemented by appeals to belief in a life after death, not just as reward or compensation but as the state in which the point of human suffering and the way in which God brings good out of evil will be made clear. Since many theodicies seem limited (because one can easily imagine a better world), and since many thinkers have not been convinced by the argument that the reality of evil establishes atheism, it is likely that future discussions will attempt to balance the reality of evil against evidence in favour of the existence of God.

I support the free will argument. If life is Kindergarten, then is it evil to punish a child who is causing harm to themselves or others? Is it evil to deny giving them the answers to a quiz but "forcing" them to learn the answers for themselves?

An omniscient god supposedly knows all that has happened and will happen. There goes the free will argument.
Exactly. God is both willing and able. His full plan has not been made known to human beings .......yet.
This drives unbelievers crazy because they dismiss the value of faith. And, we know that without faith we can not please him.
I have a lot more peace to simply say "They will be done." I'll do my part and God will do his part. It always works out better
when I don't presume to advise him. LOL Just ask JOB how THAT went over when HE tried to!

Why do you feel the need to “please” some god? Isn’t merely being a good person sufficient? How do you know that without faith you cannot please him? Did he tell you so?
Why do you feel the need to “please” some god? Isn’t merely being a good person sufficient? How do you know that without faith you cannot please him? Did he tell you so?

You ask the same gotcha questions as the Pharisees did. Not interested. G'night. Peace.:cool:
Well, then why is Atheism which is a religious belief that there is no god or gods the only position on religion that is irrational and almost insane?

In the coarsest sense, there are four positions on religion and a higher deity etc., you can hold:

Theist. A person who believes in a God or Gods, something greater than themselves.
Agnostic. A person who is undecided on the issue of religion, a fence sitter so-to-speak.
Secularist. Someone who has no interest in religion or if there is a god. They don't know, and they don't care.

Then there's Atheism. A person who believes there is no possibility of a god or gods.

Given what we don't know about a whole lot of stuff, and our past history where we knew even less, it's reasonable to argue that the possibility of something greater than ourselves does exist while denying that possibility is clearly irrational. This doesn't mean there is a god or gods. We have no tangible proof of that. But the possibility does exist there is. Flatly denying that amounts to claiming the Earth is flat or that there's no other life in the universe. Atheism's position is clearly wrong.
Well, then why is Atheism which is a religious belief that there is no god or gods the only position on religion that is irrational and almost insane?

In the coarsest sense, there are four positions on religion and a higher deity etc., you can hold:

Theist. A person who believes in a God or Gods, something greater than themselves.
Agnostic. A person who is undecided on the issue of religion, a fence sitter so-to-speak.
Secularist. Someone who has no interest in religion or if there is a god. They don't know, and they don't care.

Then there's Atheism. A person who believes there is no possibility of a god or gods.

Given what we don't know about a whole lot of stuff, and our past history where we knew even less, it's reasonable to argue that the possibility of something greater than ourselves does exist while denying that possibility is clearly irrational. This doesn't mean there is a god or gods. We have no tangible proof of that. But the possibility does exist there is. Flatly denying that amounts to claiming the Earth is flat or that there's no other life in the universe. Atheism's position is clearly wrong.

As usual you managed to get it wrong That's your one skill in life is getting stuff wrong. Atheism is merely a disbelief in God. Whether or not there's a possibility of a god doesn't even enter into the concept You're making crap up.
Intelligent people know that regardless of the source, what is important is whether or not the information it contains is accurate. In this case, just using it as a jumping off point to search "Intelligence-Mismatch Association Model" is enough. Even so, it's important to read the studies themselves and not the hyperbole reporters or commenters say about the study. Note my previous comment that "atheist" isn't noted in the study. A person can lack of all religiosity but still believe in an almighty power.

The OP link:
The theory — called the 'Intelligence-Mismatch Association Model' — was proposed by a pair of authors who set out to explain why numerous studies over past decades have found religious people to have lower average intelligence than people who do not believe in a god.

A 2013 analysis by University of Rochester found “a reliable negative relation between intelligence and religiosity” in 53 out of 63 historic studies.

A negative correlation between intelligence and religion makes sense if religion is considered an instinct, and intelligence the ability to rise above one's instincts, say researchers Edward Dutton and Dimitri van der Linden in their new paper published today.

Like I said, the source is a joke.
Omniscience means you have no free will, idiot. Your god knows what you are going to do before you do it. l

??? God is omniscient.......are YOU omniscient? YOU know what you're going to do before you do it?........did God whisper in your ear what you are going to do so you don't have to make a choice......... God knew you were going to post the above without thinking about it first but we both agree he didn't make you post can't blame him for the stupidity of your post.......

You can’t explain so much misery and suffering by innocents under your supposed omnibenevolent god.

sure I can........people do stupid things contrary to what he would want them to do.......
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I'm glad you chose a Cult you can believe in. It's always nice to know you will be going somewhere and having Eternal Life.

I am not happy that you have chosen the cult of atheism, pray you will see the light some day, just like all the others here who refuse to acknowledge God!