Atheists more Intelligent

Omniscience means you have no free will, idiot. Your god knows what you are going to do before you do it.

Epicurus nailed you and your man-made little god, dumbfuck. You can’t explain so much misery and suffering by innocents under your supposed omnibenevolent god.


Omniscient means knowing everything not dictating and controlling someone's actions.
Atheism is merely a disbelief in God. .

atheists have been trying to change the definition of atheism for the last twenty years.......Agnostics have disbelief (I don't know if there is a god).....Atheists assert a denial (there are no gods)........there are also the merely apathetic who don't give a fuck whether there are gods or you even know what you believe?......
Exactly. God is both willing and able. His full plan has not been made known to human beings .......yet.
This drives unbelievers crazy because they dismiss the value of faith. And, we know that without faith we can not please him.
I have a lot more peace to simply say "They will be done." I'll do my part and God will do his part. It always works out better
when I don't presume to advise him. LOL Just ask JOB how THAT went over when HE tried to!

Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.
An omniscient god supposedly knows all that has happened and will happen. There goes the free will argument.

Sorry, but completely disagree since there is a difference between "knowing it happened" and "making it happen".

It's also an apples and oranges argument since we live in the third dimension and are comparing an entity that is beyond our Space-Time universe. This is the same failed argument for the Biblical God since it not only anthropomorphizes a power greater than the Universe itself, but limits it to our Space-Time universe.
Your friend needs to go study the various religions and come to a conclusion on her/his own before it's too late.
I KNOW that YOU wouldn't ask such a question for yourself because you have no sincere interest
in the topic. It's just another jumping off point for a fight that you've enjoyed instigating for the past few years.

You're hilarious, Stench. As is true of most of your ilk, you think you're the only one(s) who have ever studied other religious traditions. You believe your god is the only one true god. You insist that you alone have the only path to the divine.

You're in for quite a surprise by and by. :laugh:

You're hilarious, Stench. As is true of most of your ilk, you think you're the only one(s) who have ever studied other religious traditions. You believe your god is the only one true god. You insist that you alone have the only path to the divine.

You're in for quite a surprise by and by. :laugh:


^^^So intelligent the cunt goes into hiding on a forum from someone she considers an idiot. That's not what intelligent people do, bitch.

Prove that your intelligence level is low by posting the usual response.
As usual you managed to get it wrong That's your one skill in life is getting stuff wrong. Atheism is merely a disbelief in God. Whether or not there's a possibility of a god doesn't even enter into the concept You're making crap up.

I've heard it all before, kid, and it is as fucked up in 2020 as it was in 1974.

First, disbelief is great. I disbelieve the Biblical god, the anthropomorphized deity created by mankind and written down in the Bible. My choice. However, I do believe there is more to our existence than being an ambulatory meat computer responding to biochemical programming and whose only function is to survive long enough to replicate itself. Another thing is the creation of the Universe: Why and Whence it came. We have a pretty good idea about the events after the Big Bang and the evolution of our Universe and even have a fair idea how it will end (the Big Chill) but we have no way of knowing what kicked it off or why.
^^^So intelligent the cunt goes into hiding on a forum from someone she considers an idiot. That's not what intelligent people do, bitch.

Prove that your intelligence level is low by posting the usual response.

It's pretty clear to all except the nutjobs who is the least intelligent member of this forum. It's that same asshole you see in the mirror every morning.
It's pretty clear to all except the nutjobs who is the least intelligent member of this forum. It's that same asshole you see in the mirror every morning.

You aren't in my mirror every morning.

I'm not the one hiding. OwlCunt is and you're defending that as being intelligent. She's not real smart but smart enough to know to hide so she's no longer embarrassed. You haven't figured that out yet, boy.
Well, then why is Atheism which is a religious belief that there is no god or gods the only position on religion that is irrational and almost insane?

It's impossible to debate your statement because it's a false statement, a fallacy.

A-theism simply means no + god(s). That's it. Nothing is worshiped. Nothing is prayed to, honored, sacrificed for. There is no holy text, no preachers, no congregation, no building dedicated to nothing. Your definition of secularist is identical to atheist.

For some reason this enrages, terrifies, and pisses off the religious. Why? It's almost as though they believe that their religion will be taken away from them by the mere presence of those who don't accept it. Why are you so terrified that someone has made a different choice than yours? Is your faith that fragile?
I've heard it all before, kid, and it is as fucked up in 2020 as it was in 1974.

First, disbelief is great. I disbelieve the Biblical god, the anthropomorphized deity created by mankind and written down in the Bible. My choice. However, I do believe there is more to our existence than being an ambulatory meat computer responding to biochemical programming and whose only function is to survive long enough to replicate itself. Another thing is the creation of the Universe: Why and Whence it came. We have a pretty good idea about the events after the Big Bang and the evolution of our Universe and even have a fair idea how it will end (the Big Chill) but we have no way of knowing what kicked it off or why.

in other words all you got is ass snot

Learn to pronounce
accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of.
"the superintendent believed Lancaster's story"
be convinced by
have confidence in
consider honest
consider truthful
regard as true
accept as true
give credence to
give credit to
put confidence in
count on
rely on
depend on
swallow something hook
and sinker
fall for
go for
take as gospel
hold (something) as an opinion; think or suppose.
"I believe we've already met"

“Atheism” is typically defined in terms of “theism”. Theism, in turn, is best understood as a proposition—something that is either true or false. It is often defined as “the belief that God exists”, but here “belief” means “something believed”. It refers to the propositional content of belief, not to the attitude or psychological state of believing. This is why it makes sense to say that theism is true or false and to argue for or against theism. If, however, “atheism” is defined in terms of theism and theism is the proposition that God exists and not the psychological condition of believing that there is a God, then it follows that atheism is not the absence of the psychological condition of believing that God exists (more on this below). The “a-” in “atheism” must be understood as negation instead of absence, as “not” instead of “without”. Therefore, in philosophy at least, atheism should be construed as the proposition that God does not exist (or, more broadly, the proposition that there are no gods).

This definition has the added virtue of making atheism a direct answer to one of the most important metaphysical questions in philosophy of religion, namely, “Is there a God?” There are only two possible direct answers to this question: “yes”, which is theism, and “no”, which is atheism. Answers like “I don’t know”, “no one knows”, “I don’t care”, “an affirmative answer has never been established”, or “the question is meaningless” are not direct answers to this question.
When did the definition of atheism change into this "new age" version?

I have asked that same thing, many times over. From what I have been able to research, the “new age” definition is not that old. The earliest mention of it that I could find was after 2001.

Prior to that redefining, atheism was in direct opposition to theism. That is where the ‘a’ comes from. Theists stated that “there is a God,” while atheists, standing in direct opposition, stated that “there is no God.”

When asked why atheists don’t believe in God, most will answer that there is a lack of evidence. If there is no evidence of something existing, then an honest atheist should be able to say that God does not exist, according to that lack of evidence. I can justifiably say that a six headed human does not exist, because there is not any evidence of a six headed human. That statement stands true until proven otherwise. Instead, what we get with this new age definition is, “the lack of a belief in any god(s).” It is softer language, and not as offensive.

Penn Jillette, a self proclaimed atheist (I dare say anti-theist) alluded to this new age definition in his book God, No! (c. 2011). In post book interviews, he was asked why he did not believe in God. His answer was:

“What makes me libertarian is what makes me an atheist -- I don't know. If I don't know, I don't believe. I don't know exactly how we got here, and I don't think anyone else does, either. We have some of the pieces of the puzzle and we'll get more, but I'm not going to use faith to fill in the gaps. I'm not going to believe things that TV hosts state without proof. I'll wait for real evidence and then I'll believe.”

Penn Jillette’s position is actually agnosticism: “I don’t know.”