Austrian economics

What does that actually mean?

You don't actually think she knows do you?

She just tosses out one liners and thinks she is clever. I do believe she is just trolling at this point because NO ONE can be as ignorant as she is being right now... well, except for an Ohioan or a USC grad.
BTW the Austrian school is the short bus school huh

You are the only one on the short bus Desh. You have proven time and again you have no clue when it comes to economics. You cannot even accurately portray which economic theories people on this board or political parties in general support. Thanks for once again proving what an idiot you are.
You are the only one on the short bus Desh. You have proven time and again you have no clue when it comes to economics. You cannot even accurately portray which economic theories people on this board or political parties in general support. Thanks for once again proving what an idiot you are.

go get your proof the austiran school is well respected by the rest of the economic schools.

It is not

Its the short bus school that refuses most of the entire fields mathematic tools
you will just call names instead of bringing any proof the Austrian school is respected in the field.

they are a philosophy and not a sceince

General criticisms[edit]

Mainstream economists have argued that Austrians are often averse to the use of mathematics and statistics in economics.[80]

like this

Economist Bryan Caplan argues that many Austrians have not understood valid contributions of modern mainstream economics, causing them to overstate their differences with it. For example, Murray Rothbard stated that he objected to the use of cardinal utility in microeconomic theory; however, mainstream microeconomic theorists go to great pains to show that their results are derived for any monotonic transformation of an ordinal utility function, and do not entail cardinal utility.[21][81] The result is that conclusions about utility preferences hold no matter what values are assigned to them.[citation needed

like this

Austrian School of Economics

DefinitionEdit DefinitionSave to FavoritesSee Examples

Forerunner of unrestrained free market (libertarian) economics, its central concept is that the coordination of human effort can be achieved only through the combined decisions and judgments of individuals and cannot be forced by an external agency such as a government. It emphasizes complete freedom of association and sovereignty of individual property rights. Its other main tenets include (1) abolishment of central banks and return to the gold standard, (2) elimination of bank deposit insurance schemes so that bank failures punish bad investments, (3) institution of an information system that make real-time prices data available to everyone, (4) abandonment of mathematical models as too rigid and limited to be of any use. Most of its recommendations are fiercely opposed by the mainstream (both capitalist and socialist) economists who call it 'anarchist economics,' and barely acknowledge its existence.
Read more:

and this

and this
go get your proof the austiran school is well respected by the rest of the economic schools.

It is not

Its the short bus school that refuses most of the entire fields mathematic tools

LMAO... so you provide NO evidence to support your stupidity, yet you expect us to provide evidence yet again that you are wrong? You keep ignoring the evidence of what Austrian economics is about. You have no clue what you are talking about, yet continue spewing your hate filled bullshit.
you will just call names instead of bringing any proof the Austrian school is respected in the field.

they are a philosophy and not a sceince

Call names, like short bus?

Again, Austrians argue that economics is not a hard science because it deals with human behavior. Most of the world seems to agree, other than economists who pretend they are doing real science. You would get the same denial from psychologists who do not like to be told they are doing soft science and will put on a show to pretend they are not.
Call names, like short bus?

Again, Austrians argue that economics is not a hard science because it deals with human behavior. Most of the world seems to agree, other than economists who pretend they are doing real science. You would get the same denial from psychologists who do not like to be told they are doing soft science and will put on a show to pretend they are not.

Talk all you want, explain it to her all you want... but nothing is getting through that special helmet she wears.
Talk all you want, explain it to her all you want... but nothing is getting through that special helmet she wears.

Desh is the kind of person who would argue with a brick wall, call it a wooden fence, and use pictures of cake to prove it.
Desh, can you take a break from spamming and trolling my other thread. Here is your opportunity to make your point on topic. Can you?

I have no idea what it is you are babbling about with the red square comments.

I eventually found out through Billy that she means the notifications, which are really red rectangles, for thanks and groans. I think of her as the "Squeaky" Fromme of JPP.
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Call names, like short bus?

Again, Austrians argue that economics is not a hard science because it deals with human behavior. Most of the world seems to agree, other than economists who pretend they are doing real science. You would get the same denial from psychologists who do not like to be told they are doing soft science and will put on a show to pretend they are not.

see these fools actually think they are the majority.

they are the minority and they are wrong.

what does your idiot ass do?

pick the short bus school over the rest.

Just like you pick your science for political reasons
see these fools actually think they are the majority.

they are the minority and they are wrong.

what does your idiot ass do?

pick the short bus school over the rest.

Just like you pick your science for political reasons

What a moron!!!