Banning 'To Kill a Mockingbird' teaches students the wrong lesson

: situated higher up : upper
: of higher rank, quality, or importance
: courageously or serenely indifferent (as to something painful or disheartening)
a : greater in quantity or numbers escaped by superior speed
b : excellent of its kind : better her superior memory
: being a superscript
a of an animal structure : situated above or anterior or dorsal to another and especially a corresponding part a superior artery
b of a plant structure : situated above or near the top of another part: such as (1) of a calyx : attached to and apparently arising from the ovary (2) of an ovary : free from the calyx or other floral envelope
: more comprehensive a genus is superior to a species
: affecting or assuming an air of superiority : supercilious
— superiorly adverb

Like I said, I'm of a higher rank, quality, or importance than you.
I've heard many a complaint from black folks about TV shows or movies especially that show the white hero saving the black person in need. You don't think that applies here?

Were their complaints centered around the automatic mindset that when it happens it is racially motivated?

Do they have a problem when a black hero saves the white person in need?

: situated higher up : upper
: of higher rank, quality, or importance
: courageously or serenely indifferent (as to something painful or disheartening)
a : greater in quantity or numbers escaped by superior speed
b : excellent of its kind : better her superior memory
: being a superscript
a of an animal structure : situated above or anterior or dorsal to another and especially a corresponding part a superior artery
b of a plant structure : situated above or near the top of another part: such as (1) of a calyx : attached to and apparently arising from the ovary (2) of an ovary : free from the calyx or other floral envelope
: more comprehensive a genus is superior to a species
: affecting or assuming an air of superiority
: supercilious
— superiorly adverb

"So books like “Mockingbird” and “Huck Finn,” if taught with sensitivity, open up dialogue about topics that mean something to students. And will continue meaning something to them as adults. In addition, give the students a little credit, they’re smart enough to understand tough words in the proper context, not to mention tough new ideas."

noise, the PC Fascists have deemed that our Negroes are like littles children and need the White Man's protection in these matters. These racial 'slurs', in the minds of the PC Fascists, will cause Negroes to go insane, explode, or maybe 'act out'. It's all about the superiority of White People doing what's best for their Negroes.
I wonder if Lorax thinks that these book bannings (which have been regularly transpiring over the past 30 years) are representative of the left as a whole, or just the work of a very persistent fringe element?
Like I said, I'm of a higher rank, quality, or importance than you.

Yes, you are about as RANK as it gets.



adjective: rank; comparative adjective: ranker; superlative adjective: rankest

having a foul or offensive smell.

synonyms: offensive, unpleasant, nasty, revolting, sickening, obnoxious, noxious; foul, fetid, smelly, stinking, reeking, high, off, rancid, putrid, malodorous; literarynoisome; informalminging, pongy "a rank smell"

very unpleasant.

"the tea at work is nice but the coffee's pretty rank"

3. (especially of something bad or deficient) complete and utter (used for emphasis).

"rank stupidity"
"So books like “Mockingbird” and “Huck Finn,” if taught with sensitivity, open up dialogue about topics that mean something to students. And will continue meaning something to them as adults. In addition, give the students a little credit, they’re smart enough to understand tough words in the proper context, not to mention tough new ideas."

noise, the PC Fascists have deemed that our Negroes are like littles children and need the White Man's protection in these matters. These racial 'slurs', in the minds of the PC Fascists, will cause Negroes to go insane, explode, or maybe 'act out'. It's all about the superiority of White People doing what's best for their Negroes.

This happened in red state Trumptard Mississippi.
Again... tell me something I don't know.

I've already told you that your changing of my posts proves your inferior. That you fail to get it only further proves you're inferior. That you don't have the guts to try and take what you say I shouldn't own is just more evidence of it. I don't know how many times you have to prove it for you to realize you're inferior. Maybe you're just that stupid.