Banning 'To Kill a Mockingbird' teaches students the wrong lesson

how should I know and why does it matter?
Not everything(most not) at that local level is driven by ideology. Take the OP at face value.

People are overly sensitized,and throw out quality literature because of words. That is the same thing PC does

Take nothing you say or post at face value.

You're a racist coward.
I've already told you that your changing of my posts proves your inferior. That you fail to get it only further proves you're inferior. That you don't have the guts to try and take what you say I shouldn't own is just more evidence of it. I don't know how many times you have to prove it for you to realize you're inferior. Maybe you're just that stupid.


Go cry to someone who gives a shit, dumbass peckerwood.

Go cry to someone who gives a shit, dumbass peckerwood.

At least you realize you'll never be anything more than a fucking nigger born of a cunt.

I hope that bitch died a slow, agonizing, and painful death for you to watch.
I was reminded of this thread as one of my best high school buddies, who happens to be black, wrote on Facebook today about To Kill A Mockingbird. His first comment was "Wife and son trying to find a book to read and To Kill A Mockingbird comes up. F*ck that, nope." He later said "They like sneaking these racist ass books with the great white savior in to our schools to f*ck with our black children's self esteem. Not on my watch." Clearly the book makes my friend uncomfortable. Should it be required reading for his son?

That sounds familiar.

I didn't realize that TTQ64 was one of your high school buddies.

I also don't know that TTQ64 is actually Black or a woman. It could be a Rachel Dolezal kind of thing.
I do realize that.

Thanks for reminding me, though. :thup:

I don't blame you, given how she raised you and what she caused you to become.

I don't need to remind you that the acceptance of YOUR invitation is one day closer.
I wonder if Lorax thinks that these book bannings (which have been regularly transpiring over the past 30 years) are representative of the left as a whole, or just the work of a very persistent fringe element?

You could ask him directly, I suppose.
other racists claim you are high quality racist

Ironic, racist.

These are YOUR posts.

I spit in the face of the black guy.

Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".