Barrack Jimma Carter Obama

Desh are you retarded, unnessary profits. thats comical thanks

Dungshit I like my dividend, and let me drill anwr and I won't but they stock back.
What you idiots don't get is millions of Americans make up the oil companies.
They are on average WAY SMARTER THAN YOU

From an investment perspective large number of pension funds have oil and energy stocks in their portfolio. So attacking their earnings would have an impact on "the little guys" retirement fund.
"They never charge the companies with gouging because they can't prove it."

Well, there's that, and the fact that most of them are basically on the payroll of big oil.
Good thinking. Now let's do the same with agribusiness, they've been making record products, enlarged with subsidies. You first, ok?

Don't forget the windfall taxes on insurance companies, banks, credit card companies. Hammer those bastards. They gouge us far more than the oil companies.
Don't forget the windfall taxes on insurance companies, banks, credit card companies. Hammer those bastards. They gouge us far more than the oil companies.

True, but for a true believer, start with boycotting agribusiness. ;)
Oncelor your a liar and stupid.
Cutting subsidies in place when we needed help is one thing on the payroll is you being more sophmoric than Air America. You are a tool.
if two proposals suck why accept or settle for either?

Would you knock this shit off? I already explained to you why these issues should be discussed on a comparative basis and I already explained that I dislike the windfall tax as a policy matter but think it's decent politics.
I forgot the Superfreak rules: where two things are bad but the considerably worse of the two is Republican, the two things are the same.

Dung... if you want to get technical, the WORST of the two is the windfall tax. It directly raises the energy prices of consumers and will likely do so in far greater dollars than the temporary pause in gas taxes.

But I forgot, you ignore the numbers and toe the party line.
Oncelor your a liar and stupid.
Cutting subsidies in place when we needed help is one thing on the payroll is you being more sophmoric than Air America. You are a tool.

How can you work in the industry and have absolutely no clue about the extent of the influence of oil money in Washington?

It's really strange.
Dung... if you want to get technical, the WORST of the two is the windfall tax. It directly raises the energy prices of consumers and will likely do so in far greater dollars than the temporary pause in gas taxes.

But I forgot, you ignore the numbers and toe the party line.

The gas tax holiday is a bonanza for the oil companies, basically a direct 18 cent per gallon shift from the Highway Trust Fund (which consumers rely on to get where they're going) to the oil company coffers with zero benefit to the consumer.

At leas with the Obama plan we can maintain the infrastructure and provide some wealth redistribution through tax breaks to lower income consumers.
The gas tax holiday is a bonanza for the oil companies, basically a direct 18 cent per gallon shift from the Highway Trust Fund (which consumers rely on to get where they're going) to the oil company coffers with zero benefit to the consumer.

At leas with the Obama plan we can maintain the infrastructure and provide some wealth redistribution through tax breaks to lower income consumers.

Do you believe the tax breaks will offset the higher cost consumers will pay?
Again Desh, it is not that they are gouging the consumer. They make less per dollar than many other industries. Yet no one clamors to tax them for windfalls. Why?

These record profits are due to record production which in turn is due to record demand.

Raising taxes on an industry that has no alternative competitor is idiotic at best. It does no good. Unless you are suggesting we should raise energy prices to force people to consume less. "taking it off the top" will not effect them one bit, because they in turn will "take it right out of the pockets of the consumers".

The oil companies are NOT the ones consuming the oil. We are. They are simply producing what we demand they produce. Because our demand exceeds their capacity to produce, prices escalate.

But they do have a competitor and when you raise taxes on them and then use some of that revenue to further their competitor You also make that competitor duely better able to compete with the oil industry.

I want it gone. Its a product that is doomed anyway , is dirty , it funds some of the greatest political threats to this country. Its time we start pouring some of that old American ingenuity into a future market which hopefully we can stand at the forefront of and that can fuel our economy in place of this dirty old bastig.
Can we start with the credit card industry? I promise we'll do agribusiness next.

yes, for everyone who complains nothing was done to stop mortgage lenders from taking advantage of consumers, they pale in comparison to what credit card companies are doing. Teasing with low rates, offering credit to many that should not get it, allowing them to run up big debt, then jacking their interest rates up to extortionist levels.

Yet our politicians do nothing about the 20-25% many people are being charged. But damn... if the oil company makes 8-9% profits... WINDFALL TAX!!!
a lot of industries have influence in Washington.
Energy is very stategice to the country you tool.
How do you ride a bike to sell software?
But they do have a competitor and when you raise taxes on them and then use some of that revenue to further their competitor You also make that competitor duely better able to compete with the oil industry.

I want it gone. Its a product that is doomed anyway , is dirty , it funds some of the greatest political threats to this country. Its time we start pouring some of that old American ingenuity into a future market which hopefully we can stand at the forefront of and that can fuel our economy in place of this dirty old bastig.

Then you should be rooting for gas prices to continue rising. Europe pays $7 - $8 a gallon. If you want people out of their cars force it upon them by making gas prices so prohibitive that its not an option.
But they do have a competitor and when you raise taxes on them and then use some of that revenue to further their competitor You also make that competitor duely better able to compete with the oil industry.

I want it gone. Its a product that is doomed anyway , is dirty , it funds some of the greatest political threats to this country. Its time we start pouring some of that old American ingenuity into a future market which hopefully we can stand at the forefront of and that can fuel our economy in place of this dirty old bastig.

Really desh... who is the competitor to oil?

Second... AGAIN... you may as well just tax the consumer directly. Raise the gas tax and use that money for the R&D you propose. Because that is in essence what you are doing with this so called windfall tax. There is NOTHING to stop the oil companies from passing the costs of this new tax right on to consumers. Nothing.

As for future investments into alt energy... we agree on that.