Biden freezes up again. Obama leads him off stage.

conservatives when Mitch freezes ~ "that's sad, he really needs to think retirement"

libtards when Dementia Joe freezes ~ "you all are lying - he is perfectly fine"
It's his STUTTER man! LOL

I love that one. He falls off a bike... "He's an old man with a stutter!" He tells a whopper about uncles and cannibals... "He's got a stutter!" He falls flat on his face on stage... "it was that flat sandbag, and he's got a stutter!" He tries to sit down minutes early during the clapterfest in France... "He's fine, it's just his stutter again!" He is led away by the Doctoriest Doctor of all the Doctors in the World, the Doctors' Doctor, when you really need a doctor you don't listen for the TARDIS you call Doctor Jill, before the ceremony is remotely over after squatting for a few minutes while people clapped and Macron has to greet our WWII veterans in his stead... "It's his STUTTER!" He says his son died in Iraq, "It's a stutter!"
The Trumpys are into editing videos to make Biden look bad. This was just another one like the one when he started to sit down a little early. This works on the rightys.
"U R not seeing what you think you are seeing" is a part of crazy making behaviour....and oft used tool in the abusers toolbox.
It's his STUTTER man! LOL

I love that one. He falls off a bike... "He's an old man with a stutter!" He tells a whopper about uncles and cannibals... "He's got a stutter!" He falls flat on his face on stage... "it was that flat sandbag, and he's got a stutter!" He tries to sit down minutes early during the clapterfest in France... "He's fine, it's just his stutter again!" He is led away by the Doctoriest Doctor of all the Doctors in the World, the Doctors' Doctor, when you really need a doctor you don't listen for the TARDIS you call Doctor Jill, before the ceremony is remotely over after squatting for a few minutes while people clapped and Macron has to greet our WWII veterans in his stead... "It's his STUTTER!" He says his son died in Iraq, "It's a stutter!"
It infuriates you that he's president and not Trump?
Who's concerned? I don't see the world mocking him...the "convictions" didn't change anything...they did show the world that our justice system has some problems...;)
Let's talk about policy...not your hurt feelings... Joe is not going to win trying to demonize Donald...;)
But trump is going to win trying to demonize Biden?
Who's concerned? I don't see the world mocking him...the "convictions" didn't change anything...they did show the world that our justice system has some problems...;)
Let's talk about policy...not your hurt feelings... Joe is not going to win trying to demonize Donald...;)
Who is concerned about Joe? I don't see the world mocking him , like they do Trump.. the "convictions" changed a lot... and did show the world that the Justice system works in America.

Lets talk about policy, that thing Biden accomplished that Trump could not and not just your feelings. Trump is not going to win by editing videos of Biden.
The Trumpys are into editing videos to make Biden look bad. This was just another one like the one when he started to sit down a little early. This works on the rightys.
Look you moron, some of those videos you say are edited have music playing in the background. No breaks in the music, no editing. I don't expect you to admit brandon is a kindly old man incapable ofstanding trial, but i would hope you are sharp enough to stop defending his actions with excuses.
Look you moron, some of those videos you say are edited have music playing in the background. No breaks in the music, no editing. I don't expect you to admit brandon is a kindly old man incapable ofstanding trial, but i would hope you are sharp enough to stop defending his actions with excuses.
You fucking conservatives still cant/wont learn to call things what they are....excuses is entirely the wrong word.....lies is what they are.