Biden freezes up again. Obama leads him off stage.

Look you moron, some of those videos you say are edited have music playing in the background. No breaks in the music, no editing. I don't expect you to admit brandon is a kindly old man incapable ofstanding trial, but i would hope you are sharp enough to stop defending his actions with excuses.
Russia Russia Russia deep faked them. :palm:
It's his STUTTER man! LOL

I love that one. He falls off a bike... "He's an old man with a stutter!" He tells a whopper about uncles and cannibals... "He's got a stutter!" He falls flat on his face on stage... "it was that flat sandbag, and he's got a stutter!" He tries to sit down minutes early during the clapterfest in France... "He's fine, it's just his stutter again!" He is led away by the Doctoriest Doctor of all the Doctors in the World, the Doctors' Doctor, when you really need a doctor you don't listen for the TARDIS you call Doctor Jill, before the ceremony is remotely over after squatting for a few minutes while people clapped and Macron has to greet our WWII veterans in his stead... "It's his STUTTER!" He says his son died in Iraq, "It's a stutter!"
He wanders away from the parachutist he has a stutter.
Look you moron, some of those videos you say are edited have music playing in the background. No breaks in the music, no editing. I don't expect you to admit brandon is a kindly old man incapable ofstanding trial, but i would hope you are sharp enough to stop defending his actions with excuses.
Ya except what you are saying is all lies.

Even Fox News is now calling out Fox news for all the edited, selectively cut segments they are playing and that is circulating on the magat right.

You guys KNOW you have nothing if you just show Biden honestly and fully, and that is why you lie. If you had the goods you would just show them as we do with Trump.
This turnip is the leader of the free world, the holder of the nuclear codes.

An old man with a poor memory and incompetent to stand trial.

The leader of the free world and the holder of the nuclear codes...what could go wrong?
You fell for it again... are you really that stupid?

So, receptionist, we don't see what we see.

When all else fails, just lie, right, receptionist?
He most certainly did...
i almost feel sorry for Binder and the " Cheap Fake Video" comment...good grief...I am not going to miss her...
Indeed, TOP.

She tells us every day that what you see, you really don't see.

The US taxpayers are paying Binder to lie through her teeth.
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Indeed, TOP.

She tells us every day that what you see, you really don't see.

The US taxpayers are paying Binder to lie through her teeth.
She was gone for 3 weeks it was lovely.... I do feel sorry for her in a way... I bet she's got all kinds of little scars from papercuts on her fingers from all that flipping....
She was gone for 3 weeks it was lovely.... I do feel sorry for her in a way... I bet she's got all kinds of little scars from paper-cuts on her fingers from all that flipping....
Her line, "the president has been very clear" is annoying. If she said that the president is a turnip, I would believe her.
Biden's freezing up episodes are getting more frequent. After freezing up at the White House June 18th celebration . This time Obama had to assume Dr. Jill's job of leading him off stage. Last week the Prime Minister of Italy Giorgia Meloni had to lead him around. These mind wandering moments are getting more frequent. This at least three separate episodes in a couple of weeks THAT WE KNOW OF. His rapid decent into dementia can no longer be denied. Anyone that votes for Dementia Joe is committing elder abuse.

The televised debate later this month will prove either that Biden is dementia-riddeled and helpless without a teleprompter, or prove that you have been lying your flabby ass off
The televised debate later this month will prove either that Biden is dementia-riddeled and helpless without a teleprompter, or prove that you have been lying your flabby ass off
Trump is demanding a drug test before the Ritalin soaked Biden this time.
She was gone for 3 weeks it was lovely.... I do feel sorry for her in a way... I bet she's got all kinds of little scars from papercuts on her fingers from all that flipping....
I cannot stand the little liar. She tries to be condescending while she lies. She has no same.
The televised debate later this month will prove either that Biden is dementia-riddeled and helpless without a teleprompter, or prove that you have been lying your flabby ass off
Only if they both take and pass drug screens after the debate . I suspect we will get jacked up Joe like we got at the SOTU address. Mandatory drug screens or required for lots of jobs. POTUS is important enough to take one too.
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