BIDEN LIED AGAIN. His story of 10 year old rape victim denied abortion exposed as lie

HAHAHA. Liberals calling other people liars?? Libs are the loons who tell us men can get pregnant and math is racist and serial felon george floyd was a national hero.

How fucking dumb are you today?

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest

The best part of this whole thread is that it gets to live on JPP forever and serve as a perfect example of how Conservatives like you don't fucking know shit.
I think pedo joe was fantasizing again. As the youtube vids prove, he has this thing for 10 year old girls. couldn't even go TWO DAYS without being made a complete and utter fucking fool:

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest

Now this thread of yours gets to live on JPP forever, and we get to bring it back up whenever you open that big, fat, fucking mouth of yours.
This one was would have to be reported...Are you saying child abuse is not reported ...all the time? Every person involved is breaking the law by not reporting it.... isn't that correct?

Once again, Conservatives rush to post bullshit without bothering to do the work to know what the fuck they're talking about.

You're a fucking liar.

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest
In this case I guess you can't report something that didn't happen...(But... You do realize that "story" this was about a minor who was supposedly raped and...correct?
It's against the law not to report it on Ohio.. are the laws different where you "practice"?)

Boy, do I love quoting posts like these when shit like this happens:

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest

And the best part is that your fuckup will live on the internet forever and serve as a perfect example of your poor judgment, shitty instincts, broken moral compass, and rotten character.
Because the Ohio AG says there is no report you dumb fuck

That's because the Ohio AG is a lazy fucking partisan hack like you.

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest

Hilarious that it took 24 hours to show how much of a fucking moron and loser you are.

Maybe the reason the Ohio AG didn't know about this is because he didn't care.

Every Conservative chiming in on this thread should fucking kill themselves for doubting a story of an underage rape victim who had to travel to another state to get an abortion.
There is no choice when it comes to doctors or child abuse counselors reporting the rape of a child you retarded fucking faggot.

Well turns out it was reported, after just hastily jumped to a conclusion because you were SO SURE you caught Biden bullshitting everyone the way you and your fucking loser Nazi pals bullshit everyone here every fucking day.

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest

Kill yourself.
Because they claimed the child was exactly 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant when she tried to get the abortion so we know the approximate dates of when the rape would have been reported not to mention that there aren't a lot of cases of ten year old rape victims being reported by doctors, it wouldn't be hard to narrow it down.

Or are you saying that the supposed child abuse doctor didn't give their name to the planned parenthood doctor?

No, the doctor didn't give the patient's name to the Daily Caller, and because they refused to give the DC any info, the DC accused Biden of lying.

Turns out, the only liars here ARE YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES.

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest
All states require that persons named by statute (eg parents, physicians, teachers, etc) who suspect child abuse report the case to the particular social welfare agency charged with protecting children.

https://journalofethics.ama-assn.or...rsons,agency charged with protecting children.

Stupid fuck.

Which was done.

What you're lying about is that the doctor refused to give the Daily Caller the victim's info.

The Ohio AG learned about this the same time everyone else did because he's not good at his job, like every Conservative ever.

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest
It literally says all states you stupid fuck.

Regardless here's the law specifically for Ohio:

Ohio Mandatory Reporting Requirements Regarding Children RAINN

It was reported, the doctor just didn't want to give the Daily Caller the victim's info for obvious reasons.

Now you have to eat a plate of shit for the rest of your life, or until you delete this sock and create a new one.

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest
Section 2151.421 | Reporting child abuse or neglect.
Ohio Revised Code/Title 21 Courts-Probate-Juvenile/Chapter 2151 Juvenile Court

(A)(1)(a) No person described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section who is acting in an official or professional capacity and knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect based on facts that would cause a reasonable person in a similar position to suspect, that a child under eighteen years of age, or a person under twenty-one years of age with a developmental disability or physical impairment, has suffered or faces a threat of suffering any physical or mental wound, injury, disability, or condition of a nature that reasonably indicates abuse or neglect of the child shall fail to immediately report that knowledge or reasonable cause to suspect to the entity or persons specified in this division.

Turns out it was reported, the Ohio AG was just a fucking lazy fascist about it because now he's celebrating the arrest:

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest

Which it was, the Ohio AG was just a lazy fucking fascist about it who doesn't know anything about how his office operates at any given time.

Or he didn't believe the victim. Either way, he was wrong and so were you.

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest
Ohio law enforcement says no such reports of a child rape have been reported or filed. The Ohio AG says that he is unaware of this crime and there are no reports about it.

Well, that's news to the victim and doctor who reported it to deaf ears.

Or the Ohio AG just doesn't believe that anyone can be raped, let alone a ten year old.

He does now, though:

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest
Biden made the accusation and so the burden of proof is on him. Turns out he doesn't have any. And as always, the tv nets are covering for Child Molester in Chief Biden.

Turns out he does, and it was the heroic actions of the IN doctor who refused to give the Daily Caller any details on the victim.

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest

Every single time you open that big, fat, fuckin mouth of yours, you end up putting your itty bitty, tiny, size 3 foot in it.
Do you have a link supporting your lie filled bullshit? What part of there was no police report are you struggling to comprehend you brain dead hack? :palm:

Fact is that Truth Detector here is just like the Ohio AG; clueless and in disbelief anyone can be raped.

Ohio AG Dave Yost cast doubt on 10-year-old rape victim case, now 'rejoices' at arrest

And now your shitty posts about this get to live on the internet forever, and we get to bring it up every time you open your big mouth.