Biden Says He Did Not Tell DOJ to Charge Trump

If you think Joe committed a crime, why haven't the maga nazi Republican majority congress filed articles of impeachment? Answer: They got nothing.

Meanwhile these are the actual charges against Donald Trump:

31 counts of willful retention of national defense information.
The list of documents include at least one about US nuclear weapons.

1 count of conspiracy to obstruct justice with co-conspirator -Nauta
1 count of withholding a document or record when Trump and Natua moved records to hide them from Trump's lawyer
1 count of Corruptly concealing a document with Natua
1 count of concealing a document in a federal investigation with Natua
1 count of of scheme to conceal with Natua
1 count of false statements

And then 1 count of false statements by Natua.

They are still getting evidence since the FBI and DOJ are protecting Biden
They are still getting evidence since the FBI and DOJ are protecting Biden

Look, even if Biden IS impeached he's not going to be removed from office by the Senate.

I cannot see that happening at all.

Don't be like a leftist and never admit you're wrong. That will be their folly. They double, triple, quadruple down to infinity on being wrong and still keep trying the same thing.

Do you think that magically 25% of the Senate that is Democrat will not march lock-step with the DNC and vote to remove Joe Biden from office, and then there's President Kamala Harris?

There will be no 2/3 vote to remove Biden from office. I have serious doubts that could happen.

That's just reality.

Another reality is this:
They are still getting evidence since the FBI and DOJ are protecting Biden

They weren't protecting Biden when trump was president. And the Republicans had congress when Biden was VP. The GOP's only going after Biden now to hurt him politically because the GOP can't win elections with their ideas.
Look, even if Biden IS impeached he's not going to be removed from office by the Senate.

I cannot see that happening at all.

Don't be like a leftist and never admit you're wrong. That will be their folly. They double, triple, quadruple down to infinity on being wrong and still keep trying the same thing.

Do you think that magically 25% of the Senate that is Democrat will not march lock-step with the DNC and vote to remove Joe Biden from office, and then there's President Kamala Harris?

There will be no 2/3 vote to remove Biden from office. I have serious doubts that could happen.

That's just reality.

Another reality is this:

The Republicans will wait till after the election and treat him the way Democrats are treating Trump
You mean now the Democrats show trial starts to keep Trump from running for president. That means Garland has to drag out for more than a year. That would mean DeSantis will be president that is fine by me

If you oppose the US government you are not a good citizen. Tired of your horseshit.
They weren't protecting Biden when trump was president. And the Republicans had congress when Biden was VP. The GOP's only going after Biden now to hurt him politically because the GOP can't win elections with their ideas.

Biden was protected by the FBI then also as well as by Obama. The Democrats must protect Biden because if Biden goes down Obama goes down. There is no way Biden did this without Obama knowing