Biden touts science then Nominates this thing!

She was nominated for the position based upon her qualifications, which is a breath of fresh air after the disasters of totally unqualified people trump nominated.

It points to the lies already being told, you don't say science, and transgender together, as one does not equal the other!
"Freakish" doesn't matter. Incompetent she is not. If this thread is an indication of the way you're going to be bunching your panties for the next four years, I can probably skip an abs day every week and replace it with laughing at you.

She proved she was not only incompetent, but a hypocrite with double standards, when she sent others back to the nursing home, and keeping her mom out!
It points to the lies already being told, you don't say science, and transgender together, as one does not equal the other!

One should have nothing to do with the other, however if you dont like it- tough shit! I realize you need something, anything, to whine and complain about for the next 4 years- or longer.
sorry I bothered, your asssertion that I own the internet is incorrect

You don't bother me, man. I think we get along pretty well. I also never said that you "own the internet," which is just a weird statement. You referred to a map about meth use and political preference. You can provide it if you want. I'm not going to look for it independently. I have a job and a life. Up to you.
Keep you B.S to yourself!

Bitch, please. If you start a conversation like this, I am going to hand your flabby, decrepit ass to you every single time. You don't have the first fucking clue about this topic, yet you decided to create a thread to boost your transphobia and anti-Bidenism. How'd that work out for you?