Biden touts science then Nominates this thing!

She proved she was not only incompetent, but a hypocrite with double standards, when she sent others back to the nursing home, and keeping her mom out!

No, not incompetent. She did her job based on the guidelines that were issued by your former president's administration, dumbass.

I don't know if she's a hypocrite nor why she removed her mom for home care. I am just smiling at your conniption about the assistant secretary of health nominee. Get a real life, loser.
She proved she was not only incompetent, but a hypocrite with double standards, when she sent others back to the nursing home, and keeping her mom out!
of course..but they refuse to acknowledge that.
He's a tranny -all that matters to leftists -check th diversity box and move on to the next
Does her sexual orientation affect her ability to perform her job?

No, but sexual orientation shouldn't be the reason someone is given a job like 'she' was. Many of Biden's picks are unqualified, or poorly qualified for the posts they are to hold. Instead, they were picked on the basis of political ideology, race, gender, sexual orientation, or some other physical trait(s) that has NOTHING to do with their ability to actually do the job they will be put in to.
You don't bother me, man. I think we get along pretty well. I also never said that you "own the internet," which is just a weird statement. You referred to a map about meth use and political preference. You can provide it if you want. I'm not going to look for it independently. I have a job and a life. Up to you.

this is what you said... "I don't search for other people's sources." the source would be the internet wouldnt it?
She was nominated for the position based upon her qualifications, which is a breath of fresh air after the disasters of totally unqualified people trump nominated.

This is truly the best thing about Biden being elected. Smart people are back in charge.
so do we all.......the difference is we realize that irrational behavior is evidence that she lacks ability.....

This is why people call fucksticks like you 'deplorable'. Not because you're being deprived of freedom, or because you're a victim.

It's because you're a religious bigot. A wholly bad person.
But her MOM got out!

Yes, a 95-year-old woman made her own decision to leave.

Are you against that? Should a grown adult be denied the right to determine where they live?

This criticism of yours has been fact-checked, and it's false.

[h=2]The Ruling[/h][FONT=&quot]False.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]There is no evidence to support Greene's claim that Levine placed coronavirus-positive patients in nursing home facilities, thus likely contributing "to the thousands of elderly deaths in Pennsylvania."[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]It is true that coronavirus nursing home-associated deaths have risen in the state.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]However, although Levine serves as the Pennsylvania secretary of health and was active in that position when the state's health department issued the guidance to nursing home facilities saying they can accept patients from hospitals and patients who formerly had COVID-19, that does not prove she placed coronavirus-positive patients in nursing homes or contributed to thousands of elderly deaths in the state.[/FONT]
Rightys are crying about superficial things. Their hatred and bigotry cannot be constrained. Being trans has nothing to do with her ability to do the job and her experiences give her a different knowledge base. This is not her problem, but yours.