Bragg Fails to Cite UNDERLYING FELONY that is the Entire Basis of His Case

What claims did I make that were contrary to US law? NONE!
I can't think of any claim you've made since 2009 that wasn't.....but let's focus on the current situation.......Trump has violated no campaign finance've claimed he have claimed that evidence has been submitted already that proves he ONE legal expert that agrees with that claim..........

as to legal experts who say it has NOT, I submit Alan Dershowitz.......
I can't think of any claim you've made since 2009 that wasn't.....but let's focus on the current situation.......Trump has violated no campaign finance've claimed he have claimed that evidence has been submitted already that proves he ONE legal expert that agrees with that claim..........

as to legal experts who say it has NOT, I submit Alan Dershowitz.......
So, just a stupid emotional insult on your part? I understand, its hard being you.
At his first POST -ARRAIGNMENT presser, Soros-funded. smalltime city lawyer Alvin Bragg failed to cite the UNDERLYING FELONY his entire case rests upon.

Instead of plainly stating what he is prosecuting, he just spewed a mishmash of bullshit, referring to the "underlying felony" that he STILL HAS NOT CITED.



He is FORCED TO SPECIFY IT in the Bill of Particulars, in OPEN COURT.

Can't wait for this...

Have you ever heard of Tax, Insurance, and Bank fraud?
So, just a stupid emotional insult on your part? I understand, its hard being you.
No crime has been even presented, much less proven. Thye have a stack of receipts, with zero proof that any are falsified, or that Trump had anything to do with them.

A monumental wasted of taxpayers' money.
What about the election fraud conviction?
It was never adjudicated in court. Bradley Smith the former Chairman of the FEC says it isn't a FEC violation in fact John Edwards had a love child he tried to cover up using DONOR money and a jury found him not guilty. Trump used his own money. For it to be a campaign contribution violation it has to be for the campaign ONLY. Hope Hick and Cohen said Trump did not want Melania or his family to find out. Sorry Flash it isn't a campaign FEC violation.
Cohen didn't plead guilty and go to prison for violating campaign finance laws?
He would have pleaded guilty of anything to prevent his wife from being indicted. He was going to jail for tax evasion and the FEC sentence ran concurrently so added no additional time to his sentence.

Bradley Smith: Those payments to mistresses were unseemly, but that doesn’t mean they were illegal
"The U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York has extracted a guilty plea from Cohen for “knowingly and willfully” violating campaign finance laws by arranging for payments to two women accusing Trump of extramarital affairs. Cohen admitted he did so under the direction of “a candidate” — obviously referencing the president — to “influence” an election. Cohen was facing multiple tax and fraud charges that could have landed him in jail for the rest of his life, even if he beat the campaign finance allegations. By pleading guilty, he limits his jail time to just a few years.

However, regardless of what Cohen agreed to in a plea bargain, hush-money payments to mistresses are not really campaign expenditures. It is true that “contribution” and “expenditure” are defined in the Federal Election Campaign Act as anything “for the purpose of influencing any election,” and it may have been intended and hoped that paying hush money would serve that end. The problem is that almost anything a candidate does can be interpreted as intended to “influence an election,” from buying a good watch to make sure he gets to places on time, to getting a massage so that he feels fit for the campaign trail, to buying a new suit so that he looks good on a debate stage. Yet having campaign donors pay for personal luxuries — such as expensive watches, massages and Brooks Brothers suits — seems more like bribery than funding campaign speech."
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It was never adjudicated in court. Bradley Smith the former Chairman of the FEC says it isn't a FEC violation in fact John Edwards had a love child he tried to cover up using DONOR money and a jury found him not guilty. Trump used his own money. For it to be a campaign contribution violation it has to be for the campaign ONLY. Hope Hick and Cohen said Trump did not want Melania or his family to find out. Sorry Flash it isn't a campaign FEC violation.
Yet, Cohen plead guilty and served prison time for that very act.

Why did he only start worrying about Melania and his family ten years after it occurred? He waited until he was running for office before he spent money to cover up an affair. Was that money to hide it from Melania or the American people? Melania probably already knew.
Yet, Cohen plead guilty and served prison time for that very act.

Why did he only start worrying about Melania and his family ten years after it occurred? He waited until he was running for office before he spent money to cover up an affair. Was that money to hide it from Melania or the American people? Melania probably already knew.
Trump asked Hope Hicks to not let the morning newspapers be delivered to Mar A Lago so Melania would get them. That does not sound like Melania had ever mentioned it to Trump. Plus the payment CANNOT have dual purposes . Like a New Suit to look good in a debate isn't solely a campaign contribution.
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Yet, Cohen plead guilty and served prison time for that very act.

Why did he only start worrying about Melania and his family ten years after it occurred? He waited until he was running for office before he spent money to cover up an affair. Was that money to hide it from Melania or the American people? Melania probably already knew.
Because that is when Stormy started to blackmail Trump. :palm:
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