BREAKING NEWS: Memo finally released!!!!!!!!

The court was not told why the dossier was compiled, namely as opposition research in a political race. That it's author was fired for breech of ethics, and finally that it had not been verified. That the Yahoo news article used as a separate source was from the same author as the dossier.

So? Not relevant! Especially since they had corabrating evidence.... did the court ask if the info came from a memo?

NBC is reporting that the court was told BTW!
So? Not relevant! Especially since they had corabrating evidence.... did the court ask if the info came from a memo?

NBC is reporting that the court was told BTW!

No, they didn't have corroberating evidence. They had a Yahoo news report who's source of that news report was the same Christopher Steele as the fake dossier. Are you unable to keep up? Are you senile?
So? Not relevant! Especially since they had corabrating evidence.... did the court ask if the info came from a memo?

NBC is reporting that the court was told BTW!

How can the same source be corroborating evidence?

If Steele was the source of the dossier AND Steele gave the info to Isikoff how is that corroborated

You really are a shitty lawyer

GayRod in front of judge

Judge: Counselor present evidence
GayRod: My witness is Deshtard. She has provided me info from Wikilpedia in the past
Judge: Can you independently corroborate Deshtard claims
GayRod: yes your honor
Judge: how?
GayRod: Watermark corroborates the story
Judge: and how does Watermark know this information?
GayRod: Deshtard told him
Judge: you are a fucking retard
Rump is using a typical criminal trick, discredit the prosecution and any purveyor of the truth.

Speaking from personal experience counselor? If your postings here are any indication, I suspect you have had your legal experience questioned many times
and it doesn't matter anyway. Liberals, believing in identity politics and sucking the almighty dick of labels, think we actually give a shit if say... a rino is on record for saying everything is above board. It was made abundantly clear last election that trump was running against both the democrats and PLENTY of republicans. At least when it came to the establishment. For a liberal to trot out "DURRRRR A REPUBLICAN SAID X Y Z DURRRRR" :derp: is the most moronic fucking thing in existence. It's political thinking reserved for like the 1990s.

It is funny that they continue to trot out NeverTrumpers like Flake and McCshamnesty and expect us to acquiesce
they dont have any choice at this point, do they?

all they can say is "dud." and deny the existence of reality.

It isn’t that surprising that the left is convincing themselves that the contents of the memo are “nothing”

For 30 years they have been able to convince themselves that a living baby is not really alive thus justifying its killing.

If you can convince yourself of that, you can convince yourself of ANYTHING.
It isn’t that surprising that the left is convincing themselves that the contents of the memo are “nothing”

For 30 years they have been able to convince themselves that a living baby is not really alive thus justifying its killing.

If you can convince yourself of that, you can convince yourself of ANYTHING.

Meanwhile Republicans have convinced themselves that the poor have no value and a whole lot of the poor are children.
Muller investigation matches forward.
Flynn is still cooperating.
Manafort will still serve serious time.
Trump will still have a “sit down” with Mueller.

You Rumppers will see that you experienced pre-mature ejaculation, and the beauty you thought you were fucking was really a pig!


The FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (FISA) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The FISA court turned down the application, asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus.

The FBI applied for a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (FISA) court over the summer in order to monitor four members of the Trump team suspected of irregular contacts with Russian officials. The FISA court turned down the application, asking FBI counter-intelligence investigators to narrow its focus.

This statement is true!
You guys said the Mueller investigation is dead doe to this memo! When? You think Manafort will soon be released from house arrest? When? Will Papadopoulos be released from his plea agreement? What about Flynn? No new indictments?
You guys said the Mueller investigation is dead doe to this memo! When? You think Manafort will soon be released from house arrest? When? Will Papadopoulos be released from his plea agreement? What about Flynn? No new indictments?

Trump will pardon them and throw Hillbag and Obama in jail.