California real estate is so expensive that families, retirees, and even tech workers

Your economic system has everything to do with war hon.

So when we in California discuss our laws to allow development it's really about the war machine? Ok.

And what economic system do you support that would build enough housing for everyone?
Not necessarily. Millions live in Florida and Texas and real estate prices aren't anywhere near what they are in Cali or NY.

Yes, but that's a bit like saying that millions more people own Ford Fiestas than own Bentleys.

You're not looking at the policies that drive pricing so high. In California we have a combination of anti development (CEQA) laws and Prop 13 that discourage new building which forces prices up. In Texas, for example,when prices rise they just build more to meet the demand

So why doesn't enough population flow from California to Texas to equalize prices? The answer is that there are a whole lot of people who'd rather pay vastly more for the right to life in California than relocate to the Ford Fiesta of states.
Yes, but that's a bit like saying that millions more people own Ford Fiestas than own Bentleys.

So why doesn't enough population flow from California to Texas to equalize prices? The answer is that there are a whole lot of people who'd rather pay vastly more for the right to life in California than relocate to the Ford Fiesta of states.

California puts market barriers in place that inflates housing values. It's also why we have such a smaller middle class. We create a situation where basically only the rich and poor can afford to live here
California real estate is so expensive that families, retirees, and even tech workers are living in cars and vans

If I was a retiree, I would have been long gone from California?!!

[FONT=&]Cars are no longer just a means of transportation. In a time when rents are soaring and housing prices are on the climb, they're also doubling as a home.

[FONT=&]Look no further than California, where the median price for a home is at a record high of $600,000 and sleeping in cars is a common occurrence. A recent Slate article explored the rising epidemic on America's West Coast and found that 15,000 people live in cars, vans, and RVs in Los Angeles alone, citing the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. That's not counting car dwellers in other expensive California cities, like San Diego and San Francisco.


Marva Ericson, who works as a nursing assistant, has been sleeping in her Kia for the past three months in parking lots around Santa Barbara, California, USA, USA, USA!!!

they should move to a real state.....
So why doesn't enough population flow from California to Texas to equalize prices? The answer is that there are a whole lot of people who'd rather pay vastly more for the right to life in California than relocate to the Ford Fiesta of states.

its because lib'ruls aren't very smart.....
A different way to think about it is that these people see living in California as so desirable (presumably thanks to the vibrant economy and high pay), that they'd rather live in California in a van than live in, say, Kentucky in a house. I find that fascinating.

If the economy is vibrant and has such high pay, why are people living in their cars?
see we need to up the minimum wage and build lost cost housing.

if you are willing to live in a car

how about building a mass of one room housing that include a kitchenette and a bath room

Low income housing should be a high priority

According to Oneuli, the economy in California is vibrant and pays well. Why are people living in cars if it's that good?

The high priority, if what Oneuli says is true, is to take part in it.
this is why I never sold my cali house when I moved to las vegas.

I knew I wanted to come back

I love having no house payment to live is some of the best weather in the world

Location, location, location

I don't have a house payment, the weather is good, and there are very few of you leftwing assholes here. The few we do have are so few and far between we can ignore them.
A different way to think about it is that these people see living in California as so desirable (presumably thanks to the vibrant economy and high pay), that they'd rather live in California in a van than live in, say, Kentucky in a house. I find that fascinating.

Except for the 6 million that moved to other states between 2007-2016.
this is why I never sold my cali house when I moved to las vegas.

I knew I wanted to come back

I love having no house payment to live is some of the best weather in the world

Location, location, location

Yeah, I hope the San Andreas has a MAJOR Conniption fit and the worst part of that state sinks into the Pacific.
see we need to up the minimum wage and build lost cost housing.

if you are willing to live in a car

how about building a mass of one room housing that include a kitchenette and a bath room

Low income housing should be a high priority

Then you should do,something

Take your money and buy a tract of land and build houses to give away to po people you greedy crack whore
If the economy is vibrant and has such high pay, why are people living in their cars?

So that they can have access to that vibrant economy with high pay. If they wanted a less vibrant, lower-paying economy, there are dozens of states they could choose from, and the move would come with the consolation prize of not having to live out of their cars. But, they prefer California.
Except for the 6 million that moved to other states between 2007-2016.

Yes, certainly some have chosen to move.... just not even remotely as many as would be needed to bring the cost of housing down to the level it's at in the less desirable states.