California real estate is so expensive that families, retirees, and even tech workers

So that they can have access to that vibrant economy with high pay. If they wanted a less vibrant, lower-paying economy, there are dozens of states they could choose from, and the move would come with the consolation prize of not having to live out of their cars. But, they prefer California.

If they have such high pay in a vibrant economy, they have no need to live in a car.
Hello signalmankenneth,

California real estate is so expensive that families, retirees, and even tech workers are living in cars and vans

If I was a retiree, I would have been long gone from California?!!

[FONT=&]Cars are no longer just a means of transportation. In a time when rents are soaring and housing prices are on the climb, they're also doubling as a home.

[FONT=&]Look no further than California, where the median price for a home is at a record high of $600,000 and sleeping in cars is a common occurrence. A recent Slate article explored the rising epidemic on America's West Coast and found that 15,000 people live in cars, vans, and RVs in Los Angeles alone, citing the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. That's not counting car dwellers in other expensive California cities, like San Diego and San Francisco.


Marva Ericson, who works as a nursing assistant, has been sleeping in her Kia for the past three months in parking lots around Santa Barbara, California, USA, USA, USA!!!

Wonderful awesome capitalism has produced some of the richest people ever. These low life people are losers who don't really try. Nobody should even waste their time getting a loser job like nursing assistant or teacher. Everybody should be CEO. If everybody was the CEO of a giant corporation then machines can do all the work and everybody will be rich. If you just believe in capitalism and work hard then everybody can work their way up and be CEO and be super-rich. Capitalism is going to make everybody rich if we just believe hard enough.

We just have to end all regulations, don't worry about pollution or climate change, worker rights, product safety, none of that loser stuff that holds us back. Pollute all the rivers with coal ash, mercury, lead, asbestos. Rivers are God's gift to us as natural sewers to carry all our waste away. Get rid of all the immigrants and all the losers we hate. Then America can be all white and all rich. Rich, rich, rich! We are all going to be rich. Just believe in richness, whiteness, and President Trump. Make him president for life. Get rid of the media. Deport the fake news! We don't need to know what's going on. Trump will tweet all the news we ever need to hear. We can totally trust him. He has shown to be the most honest man since Jesus.
Yes, certainly some have chosen to move.... just not even remotely as many as would be needed to bring the cost of housing down to the level it's at in the less desirable states.

What you choose to leave out, and I'm assuming it's because you aren't familiar with the housing market in California, is we don't build enough supply to keep up with the demand. If other states did that they would have the same problem we do.
Since I don't live there, I couldn't tell you.

Does Obama's asshole have good weather. You spend a lot of time with your lips there.

black people scare you huh

location, location, location

soon trumpy will be located in prison

are you going to as for conjugal visits?
And Desh, raising the minimum wage does not make housing more affordable. We have the highest minimum wage in the country already.

And microunits face the same NIMBY restrictions regular housing does.
enough to afford to actually live

yes we can build low income housing

If its movable people wont be so against it
rent an empty lot

place tiny homes on it

then move them in a couple of years

It will help the land owner get needed utility hookup for the future sell of their land
this is why I never sold my cali house when I moved to las vegas.

I knew I wanted to come back

I love having no house payment to live is some of the best weather in the world

Location, location, location

um doesnt this make you part of the problem then? You have all these people living in cars and your in vegas while your nice house in CA is empty ?
If they have such high pay in a vibrant economy, they have no need to live in a car.

They don't need to live in a car. In theory, they could instead move to a lower-paying, less vibrant economy somewhere else, where housing is cheap. They choose to live in the car, because, in their view, it beats that alternative.
Hello signalmankenneth,

Wonderful awesome capitalism has produced some of the richest people ever. These low life people are losers who don't really try. Nobody should even waste their time getting a loser job like nursing assistant or teacher. Everybody should be CEO. If everybody was the CEO of a giant corporation then machines can do all the work and everybody will be rich. If you just believe in capitalism and work hard then everybody can work their way up and be CEO and be super-rich. Capitalism is going to make everybody rich if we just believe hard enough.

We just have to end all regulations, don't worry about pollution or climate change, worker rights, product safety, none of that loser stuff that holds us back. Pollute all the rivers with coal ash, mercury, lead, asbestos. Rivers are God's gift to us as natural sewers to carry all our waste away. Get rid of all the immigrants and all the losers we hate. Then America can be all white and all rich. Rich, rich, rich! We are all going to be rich. Just believe in richness, whiteness, and President Trump. Make him president for life. Get rid of the media. Deport the fake news! We don't need to know what's going on. Trump will tweet all the news we ever need to hear. We can totally trust him. He has shown to be the most honest man since Jesus.

if you get rid of all the immigrants then there would be less competition for housing and prices would go down. That would not be a bad suggestion for this particular problem.
What you choose to leave out, and I'm assuming it's because you aren't familiar with the housing market in California, is we don't build enough supply to keep up with the demand. If other states did that they would have the same problem we do.

Yes, obviously, prices are the result of both supply and demand, and pricing could be brought down either way -- either by increasing housing supply, or by reducing the demand for housing by making the state a less desirable place to live. The point I'm making is that it's fascinating that this housing shortage hasn't reduced the desirability of living in California enough to bring housing prices down. Enough people are willing to live out of vehicles, rather than relocating, that the prices remain high.
if you get rid of all the immigrants then there would be less competition for housing and prices would go down. That would not be a bad suggestion for this particular problem.

its and evil un-American plan asshole
Hello signalmankenneth,

Wonderful awesome capitalism has produced some of the richest people ever. These low life people are losers who don't really try. Nobody should even waste their time getting a loser job like nursing assistant or teacher. Everybody should be CEO. If everybody was the CEO of a giant corporation then machines can do all the work and everybody will be rich. If you just believe in capitalism and work hard then everybody can work their way up and be CEO and be super-rich. Capitalism is going to make everybody rich if we just believe hard enough.

We just have to end all regulations, don't worry about pollution or climate change, worker rights, product safety, none of that loser stuff that holds us back. Pollute all the rivers with coal ash, mercury, lead, asbestos. Rivers are God's gift to us as natural sewers to carry all our waste away. Get rid of all the immigrants and all the losers we hate. Then America can be all white and all rich. Rich, rich, rich! We are all going to be rich. Just believe in richness, whiteness, and President Trump. Make him president for life. Get rid of the media. Deport the fake news! We don't need to know what's going on. Trump will tweet all the news we ever need to hear. We can totally trust him. He has shown to be the most honest man since Jesus.

you are beginning to understand who we are dealing with huh
Yes, obviously, prices are the result of both supply and demand, and pricing could be brought down either way -- either by increasing housing supply, or by reducing the demand for housing by making the state a less desirable place to live. The point I'm making is that it's fascinating that this housing shortage hasn't reduced the desirability of living in California enough to bring housing prices down. Enough people are willing to live out of vehicles, rather than relocating, that the prices remain high.

There's always going to be a desire to live in a place near the ocean with amazing weather. The question is how long will these people currently living on their cars last here. It's not an easy lifestyle to maintain. The best and brighetest in the world want to come here because it's where opportunity is (if you can afford to come here). We have a hollowing out in the middle. Mostly high earners and poor people with little in between
if you get rid of all the immigrants then there would be less competition for housing and prices would go down. That would not be a bad suggestion for this particular problem.

Or you just build more housing. California needs cheap labor, that fact isn't going to change.
There's always going to be a desire to live in a place near the ocean with amazing weather.

Certainly, California is helped by such factors. But there's a lot more than that going on. The world is packed full of places that are warm and within a few hours of the beach and which are dirt cheap, because they don't have much more than that to offer.... including large parts of Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

The question is how long will these people currently living on their cars last here. It's not an easy lifestyle to maintain.

True. And I'd certainly advocate California doing something about this, rather than continuing to test their endurance. That would include loosening rules that restrict building vertically. In the meantime, though, it really speaks to how lousy the alternatives are that these people have decided that life in California, living in a van, is better than life would be in, say, Texas.