Capitalism Is EVIL!


its means corporations and government combining forces to dominate everyone.
Repetition argument (chanting). Corporations are not government. Redefinition fallacy.
why are you doggedly pro crony capitalism/ fascism?
Capitalism is not fascism. Redefinition fallacy.
Banker bailouts are the biggest example.
What 'Banker bailouts'?? Banks in the United States are controlled by the government. That is fascism.
are banker bailouts free trade or fascism?
What 'Banker bailouts'??
for every "too big to fail" there are millions of "too small to succeed"s.
Are you discussing the devaluing of the dollar during the Obama administration? That money went to GOVERNMENT. A small amount was given away as welfare. That's communism, not fascism.
Repetition argument (chanting). Corporations are not government. Redefinition fallacy.itio

Capitalism is not fascism. Redefinition fallacy.

What 'Banker bailouts'?? Banks in the United States are controlled by the government. That is fascism.

What 'Banker bailouts'??

Are you discussing the devaluing of the dollar during the Obama administration? That money went to GOVERNMENT. A small amount was given away as welfare. That's communism, not fascism.
repetition of fallacious fallacy accusal fallacy.

nobody said corporations are fascism. they're half of fascism. the profitable half.

denial of banker bailouts fallacy.

you have failed.
No, YOU are an idiot - stupid as a fucking stump.

In your own words, not Michael Moore, but using all 10 of your IQ points, what makes Capitalism "evil?"

What exactly do you think Capitalism is?
Atlas shrugged is a super gay illuminati book trying to make self important oligarchs into victims, and how we better suck them off or they will take their shit and go home.

fuck you Atlas, shrug then, ho. you're not as central as you think.

you're kind of a dick.

oh no, we mustn't besmirch the job creators.

lol. supply side corporate fluffer brigade.
Then they aren't contracts. You need to find a different word/term, perhaps "informal agreements," "handshake deals," etc...
Same thing. Two parties voluntarily entering to an agreement to trade goods and services. Cry if you must but that's what all contracts essentially are whether formal or informal.
Quite right. A so-called "handshake agreement" is a contract, even if it isn't enforceable by the courts.

If that handshake agreement contract is satisfied and completes, it is done, just as if it were a legally binding contract.
If either party backs out, that contract becomes void. Sometimes, such agreements are enforced by something other than a court, such as by vengeance.
Exactly right. If I shake hands with someone on a deal and they don't follow through what I've learned is that persons a pos.
Explain to me the essential difference between two people voluntarily agreeing to exchange goods and services and a CONTRACT, a LEGAL CONTRACT.

IF you think it's a word game that's your issue not mine.
one has a written component documenting the deal, signed by both parties, enforceable by a court of law, or otherwise agreed to mediator.
So you're saying there's no essential difference between what I'm calling a contract and what you're calling a contract except for punishment for non performance.

that's why people always say "get a contract, not just a verbal agreement".

Are you trying to encourage the working poor to eschew legal protection?

so right wing.

that's why people always say "get a contract, not just a verbal agreement".

Are you trying to encourage the working poor to eschew legal protection?

so right wing.
Big deal. One can be punished by the law the other by alternative means. They're still both contracts

Stop with the drama queenery. The point I made remains, contracts are entered into millions of times a day and that's capitalism and capitalism works quite well.
Atlas shrugged is a super gay illuminati book trying to make self important oligarchs into victims, and how we better suck them off or they will take their shit and go home.

fuck you Atlas, shrug then, ho. you're not as central as you think.

you're kind of a dick.

oh no, we mustn't besmirch the job creators.

lol. supply side corporate fluffer brigade.

I'm sorry it was so far over your head.
Big deal. One can be punished by the law the other by alternative means. They're still both contracts

Stop with the drama queenery. The point I made remains, contracts are entered into millions of times a day and that's capitalism and capitalism works quite well.

of course you're allowed to be in your own world separated by your own obtuse definitions and shades of meaning.

just be aware when most people say contract they mean written contract, with more legal protections.

gay word games.

of course you're allowed to be in your own world separated by your own obtuse definitions and shades of meaning.

just be aware when most people say contract they mean written contract, with more legal protections.

gay word games.

: a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties
especially : one legally enforceable.

Notice "Especially" NOT exclusively or only ... one legally enforceable.

Why are you using the word "gay" as a pejorative?
: a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties
especially : one legally enforceable.

Notice "Especially" NOT exclusively or only ... one legally enforceable.

Why are you using the word "gay" as a pejorative?


  1. An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law.
  2. The writing or document containing such an agreement.

why are you gaslighting people about words?

are you trying to be into the night and ibdamann?

why would you want to be in the retarded gay club?

most people mean written contract when they say contract.


  1. An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law.
  2. The writing or document containing such an agreement.

why are you gaslighting people about words?

are you trying to be into the night and ibdamann?

why would you want to be in the retarded gay club?

most people mean written contract when they say contract.
What I offered was a valid definition. NOTHING indicates a contract MUST be enforceable by law. Unless you can show where a contract is exclusively one written and enforceable by law. I'll wait here.

BTW it's.nkt nice to use the word "gay" as a pejorative.