Capitalism Is EVIL!

Projection. :palm:
definition 2 of contract literally means the written copy and the legality of it.

a contract in other words.

the privatization zealots are working overtime to destroy concepts.

libertarian warmonger illuminati dipshittery.

Atlas shrugged = victim mentality for oligarchs.

repetition of fallacious fallacy accusal fallacy.
Discard of logic. Buzzword fallacy.
nobody said corporations are fascism. they're half of fascism. the profitable half.
Corporations are not fascism. Paradox. Irrational.
denial of banker bailouts fallacy.
Discard of logic. Buzzword fallacy.
What 'banker bailouts'??
you have failed.
Assumption of victory fallacy.
Atlas shrugged is a super gay illuminati book trying to make self important oligarchs into victims, and how we better suck them off or they will take their shit and go home.
You've obviously never read 'Atlas Shrugged'.
fuck you Atlas, shrug then, ho. you're not as central as you think.

you're kind of a dick.

oh no, we mustn't besmirch the job creators.

lol. supply side corporate fluffer brigade.
Random phrases. No apparent coherency.
Don't you mean 1010 things?

Nope. Just 0 and 1. Obviously, you don't understand binary.
derp derp

a binary system existing does not preclude ME from using the written language to communicate the same elements

you are a fucking dipshit

you literally want to argue what 1+1 =

fucking tool
Explain to me the essential difference between two people voluntarily agreeing to exchange goods and services and a CONTRACT, a LEGAL CONTRACT.

IF you think it's a word game that's your issue not mine.
Well written legal contracts include clauses on what binding action happens should the contract be breached.
: a binding agreement between two or more persons or parties
especially : one legally enforceable.

Notice "Especially" NOT exclusively or only ... one legally enforceable.

Why are you using the word "gay" as a pejorative?
It's another one of his buzzwords. He uses it as a general insult.

Remember when 'gay' meant 'happy'?


  1. An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law.
  2. The writing or document containing such an agreement.

So you just nullified your own argument. Which is it, dude? This definition is also wrong, since verbal agreements CAN be enforceable by law.
why are you gaslighting people about words?
Learn what 'gaslighting' means.
are you trying to be into the night and ibdamann?
He is neither. The problem is YOU.
why would you want to be in the retarded gay club?
Buzzword fallacy.
most people mean written contract when they say contract.
You don't get to speak for everybody. Omniscience fallacy.