Capitalism Is EVIL!

What I offered was a valid definition. NOTHING indicates a contract MUST be enforceable by law. Unless you can show where a contract is exclusively one written and enforceable by law. I'll wait here.

BTW it's.nkt nice to use the word "gay" as a pejorative.
ESPECIALLY enforced by law, is what my definition says.

when people mean verbal agreement they say verbal agreement because contract usually means contract.

why so retarded right now?
Especially isn't exclusive no matter how much you really really really really want it to be.
people do especially mean that when they say the word.

but you're free to be remain stupid and annoying.

as a note to self for clearer communication in your life, you should say verbal agreement when you mean verbal agreement, and contract if a legal document is involved.

some wisdom just for you.

you people are starting to destroy your own minds just to feel right about stuff.

turn back.

the path of evil leads to destruction.
people do especially mean that when they say the word.

but you're free to be remain stupid and annoying.

as a note to self for clearer communication in your life, you should say verbal agreement when you mean verbal agreement, and contract if a legal document is involved.

some wisdom just for you.

So you know that especially doesnt mean exclusively or only. Very good.

If you're annoyed that's in you not me.
There isn't much that the religious and myself can agree upon. But when it comes to capitalism being evil, we are on the same page. I have a short video from the Michael Moore documentary called, "Capitalism: A Love Story." In it they show a few religious leaders saying that capitalism is evil. I agree with them. Here is the video.


Michael Moore? Seriously? Capitalism cannot be evil. It is not a person or thing. Perhaps you are foolishly conflating greed with Capitalism.

Let's explore this deeper; what other societal belief has provided man with more prosperity, more inventions, conveniences and comfort? Marxism? I don't think so. Socialism? That's just a mild form of Marxism that ends up in Marxism.

Our Constitutional Republic is a brilliant example of what does work. A Government where there are limitations placed upon it while celebrating private property rights.

Name one nation that has done it better with a better record of liberty, freedom and prosperity.
I will tell you what I KNOW it is. Basically, slavery. Why? Because do you know how much a wealthy person thinks is enough? Nothing is enough to them. Or to them, is there such a thing as working too hard for what they pay you? NO FUCKING WAY!!! In that, I am reminded of Andrew Carnegie. He used to subject his workers to long work days 7 days a week. And in poor working conditions with low pay. He considered it survival of the fittest. When what it actually was is him stuffing his pockets with as much money as they could hold.

But these days, we have a new form of slavery. Where we just export our jobs to foreign countries to wage slaves there. And in that way we don't have to worry about the workers or the pollution they cause. On top of that we import wage slaves from latino countries who are willing to work for less than what an American worker would expect. Does any of this help your shriveled up mind?

I cannot imagine someone so incredibly ignorant and uneducated in history or facts.

So, tell us, mental midget, what is better than a society based on capitalism and property rights?
You are a simpleton
Capitalism is awesome when run by adults who don’t fall for idiot screeds and work to properly fetter it
Grow the fuck up

Mental case says what? There is no such thing as "unfettered capitalism".

Being an uneducated mental case like the thread author, you conflate GREED with capitalism. They are not one and the same.
Dear fucking idiot
Ayn Rand was also a simpleton
And a shitty writer
She died broke living on Social Security
Grow the fuck up
Fuck you very much

:lolup: This is why you cannot argue with a mental case who is an idiot. It's best to point at mentally challenged dotards and laugh at them.
You can’t have a modern world without capitalism
It is in essence the power of a better idea
It has to have REGULATIONS and large taxes involved for the mega corps
We can even FORCE them to not get bigger
No monopolies
DEREGULATION and freedom from any taxes for the corps creates mega corps that rape the entire world
Republicans want everything deregulated and untaxed because they are stupid and or corporate whores

:lolup: Uneducated mental case believes there are not enough laws on the books.