Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Hmmm ... parents who are opposed to CRT are domestic terrorists ... killing and maiming kids is not ... YEP dimlib logic 101.

I sincerely doubt that Brooks is ever going to see daylight for the rest of his life. I support that. But he isn't a terrorist, you fucking idiot. The parents who oppose "CRT" who take the additional affirmative action of threatening policy makers and their families are terrorists. Read a fucking book, you 800-year-old retard.
I think Stretch is one of the most effectively evil assholes in this or any other forum. The benefit she has over nearly every other person who thinks like she does is that she's literate. She's able to frame her corruption, malice, and rabid hatred in ways that seem compelling. She should be burned at the stake and then weighted to the bottom of the ocean for good measure.

Isn't that the type of behavior she's advocating?

When GW Bush authorized torture, black sites and other war crimes, he lowered the integrity of the US to most effectively counter the terrorists. What he did was lower our nation to the level of the terrorists.

The purpose of the al-Qaeda terrorists was to destroy the American ideology and way of life. George W. Bush did it for them by lowering our ideals to the level of terrorists.

We, the People should be cautious about how we handle dissent and disagreement among our own citizenry because those same procedures can come back on ourselves.
Isn't that the type of behavior she's advocating?

When GW Bush authorized torture, black sites and other war crimes, he lowered the integrity of the US to most effectively counter the terrorists. What he did was lower our nation to the level of the terrorists.

The purpose of the al-Qaeda terrorists was to destroy the American ideology and way of life. George W. Bush did it for them by lowering our ideals to the level of terrorists.

We, the People should be cautious about how we handle dissent and disagreement among our own citizenry because those same procedures can come back on ourselves.

The problem is that the worst people among us have been encouraged since long before GWB to be the worst people they can possibly be. GWB certainly did make the US a country no better than terrorists. Trump made the US way, way worse than terrorists.

So what do we do with those psychopaths and villains who have been emboldened to break laws without consequence, harm strangers, and spread hate like it's peanut butter for a starving person? Fuck 'em. That's my opinion. Let them all die and rot by whatever means it comes to them.
Since you are incapable of reading comprehension I'll spoon feed you your pablum again ...


You properly capitalizing the acronym "DA" (congratulations, sweetie!) does not clarify your statement. To what "comment" from the DA are you referring. Try again. I think you can do it.
You properly capitalizing the acronym "DA" (congratulations, sweetie!) does not clarify your statement. To what "comment" from the DA are you referring. Try again. I think you can do it.

Posted today ... just like du ... try to keep up with what's already on the board.
on the very day of Rittenhouse's acquittal - he came bragging about how my prediction that he would either get off, or it would be a hung jury didn't age well.

who does that?

mouth breathers do that

I thought you were jumping to conclusions, but you were ultimately right. I am not a mouth breather.
30 pages of criminal records many felonies. The judge lets him off two days before on 1000 bond he mows down a Christmas parade. The reason he was in court was skipping a previous court appearance he was bonded out for $500.
Who is more at fault, the driver of the frickin judge that let him out?