Car plowed through the Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin

Posted today ... just like du ... try to keep up with what's already on the board.

How in the actual fuck do you expect anyone to read every thread that mindless fucktards like you create? How in the actual fuck do you not know how to post a hyperlink? I still don't know what point you're trying to make, but at least we gave it a good try.
Ready ,made excuse for everything. Meanwhile the rest of America is strapping up for war sick to dog death of the bullshit. Things could get ugly. WHY are the libtards willing to sacrifice black people ?

Seriously, shut the fuck up, you fat fuck. You have been threatening a race war every damn day that I've logged onto this site. You're monotonous, full of shit, and a raging pussy.
Ok. I hope you won't mind if I don't give a flying fuck. Btw, I was just reading your opinion that beards mean Muslim. I honestly think you should be dead.

So, FAG... do u consider/opinion Mullets mean redneck?
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The problem is that the worst people among us have been encouraged since long before GWB to be the worst people they can possibly be. GWB certainly did make the US a country no better than terrorists. Trump made the US way, way worse than terrorists.

So what do we do with those psychopaths and villains who have been emboldened to break laws without consequence, harm strangers, and spread hate like it's peanut butter for a starving person? Fuck 'em. That's my opinion. Let them all die and rot by whatever means it comes to them.

So we fix the problem by acting just like them? If we do then the terrorists win. ;)

Best to just uphold the law and support those responsible to support the law and justice systems.
30 pages of criminal records many felonies. The judge lets him off two days before on 1000 bond he mows down a Christmas parade. The reason he was in court was skipping a previous court appearance he was bonded out for $500.
Who is more at fault, the driver of the frickin judge that let him out?

Are you saying the Wisconsin justice system is corrupt and ineffectual? What is your solution? Federal takeover of the State? LOL
When you learn to pull the three cocks out of your mouth before you try to talk to me, you might receive a thoughtful response. Until then, get raped to fucking death, bottom bitch.

You are a fag/enjoy male dick? correct?

and since u thinks its a-ok to use the slang term Redneck

its ok to use the slang term Fag
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Are you saying the Wisconsin justice system is corrupt and ineffectual? What is your solution? Federal takeover of the State? LOL
Mr. Tiny Penis,
Try not to be a better jerkoff than you are. These judges are allowed to set the bail amount. They are also allowed to sentence criminals that continually come before the court system. The Soros bought state attorney generals are all in favor of releasing these thugs and in some cities they don't even have bail imposed.
What is needed are judges that will hold these asshats accountable and if there is not enough prison room, BUILD MORE PRISONS.

Instead of pounding the keyboard in your America hating rage, talk to a cop and ask them what is going on.
Mr. Tiny Penis,
Try not to be a better jerkoff than you are.

Awesome. Your high school education, once again, fails you. I can see why there is no spark of ingenuity in you. You have the mind of a high school punk and haven't changed for 15 years.

As for your anti-Semitic rant; it figures that you are just another dumbass hater slinging insults in lieu of answering questions or providing Constitutional solutions.

Unlike you and your fellow white supremacist terrorists and/or keyboard kommandos, I support States Rights. The citizens of Wisconsin have the right to their own laws under the Constitution and no fucking dipshit terrorist cocksuckers outside the state should have a say.

Everyone can see why you assholes want to ban abortion; you're afraid to many women wouldn't want to be saddled with dumbasses like you.
How in the actual fuck do you expect anyone to read every thread that mindless fucktards like you create? How in the actual fuck do you not know how to post a hyperlink? I still don't know what point you're trying to make, but at least we gave it a good try.


I read the tripe you dimlibs post ... apparently you aren't interested in getting educated which allows you to wallow in the mire of stupitity.
Awesome. Your high school education, once again, fails you. I can see why there is no spark of ingenuity in you. You have the mind of a high school punk and haven't changed for 15 years.

As for your anti-Semitic rant; it figures that you are just another dumbass hater slinging insults in lieu of answering questions or providing Constitutional solutions.

Unlike you and your fellow white supremacist terrorists and/or keyboard kommandos, I support States Rights. The citizens of Wisconsin have the right to their own laws under the Constitution and no fucking dipshit terrorist cocksuckers outside the state should have a say.

Everyone can see why you assholes want to ban abortion; you're afraid to many women wouldn't want to be saddled with dumbasses like you.

lol @ ...across state lines...

I thought you were jumping to conclusions, but you were ultimately right. I am not a mouth breather.

you thought I was jumping to conclusions - so you enter the thread beating your chest like an ape and jump to conclusions that turned out wrong 3 hours later

it was comedy gold - and a hell of an introduction