Complaint Thread. Dedicated to doniston

now who made the strupid rules--- what few there are? But the post to which you just responded should have been moved according to YOUR Rules, but again, you don't even follow your own rules. You lying Jackass
Not true. I have said that complaints about moderation will be moved. Thererfore this one will be moved. I was not complaining about the rules, or their application, I was simply mentioning that those accounts are allowed per the rules.

If you do not like the rules you can always move on to another board, as you have promised you would do as soon as you found one that follows your strict regimen. You don't appear to be looking too hard. Google is your friend.
Why do you...........

Not true. I have said that complaints about moderation will be moved. Thererfore this one will be moved. I was not complaining about the rules, or their application, I was simply mentioning that those accounts are allowed per the rules.

If you do not like the rules you can always move on to another board, as you have promised you would do as soon as you found one that follows your strict regimen. You don't appear to be looking too hard. Google is your friend.

even bother with him anymore...he has truely lost it...many tried humor to bring him around...he just doesn't get it!
:sexy: <<<< dedicated to donny he needs all the help he can get!
I was going to move a bunch of posts, but I will leave them this time. Most are about posting style and not about moderation and it would leave this thread disjointed and unreadable.
Maybe that should be a lesson for you---- but of course it isn't
Of course it is. However, I remain consistent. Unfortunately you do not. You seem to believe you have gained a supporter.... Let's see what uscitizen has to say on that one.
Of course it is. However, I remain consistent. Unfortunately you do not. You seem to believe you have gained a supporter.... Let's see what uscitizen has to say on that one.
I got no dogs in Yours and donnies squabble.
You are both grown boys sort it out.
I'd have to move half the thread... That would suck. I'll leave this one. Another thread for doniston to complain in.... If he'll do it.
I was going to move a bunch of posts, but I will leave them this time. Most are about posting style and not about moderation and it would leave this thread disjointed and unreadable.
So why should that change your plans, Yiu have done it many many times before.--- and with that precise result.
Of course it is. However, I remain consistent. Unfortunately you do not. You seem to believe you have gained a supporter.... Let's see what uscitizen has to say on that one.
Ihave a hunch that if they weren't affraid you would come at them. A lot more people would support my position. There are only about eight or nine that seem to support you, and the reasons are obvoius.
Ihave a hunch that if they weren't affraid you would come at them. A lot more people would support my position. There are only about eight or nine that seem to support you, and the reasons are obvoius.
Come at them? I haven't even come after you.

You are a hypocritical bore. You tell others how to post and do not follow your own supposed strict posting rules. Either put up or shut up. Post how you think others should or stop whining.

You promised you would leave, use google, find your special site, and go.
I'd have to move half the thread... That would suck. I'll leave this one. Another thread for doniston to complain in.... If he'll do it.
Why should I complain, you are going tio do exactly what you want, regardless of what is right. But, as always, I will comment as I deem appropriate.
Ihave a hunch that if they weren't affraid you would come at them. A lot more people would support my position. There are only about eight or nine that seem to support you, and the reasons are obvoius.

Behind you diaperdon :fogey:.... Damo gunna get ya... :ninj: :orang:

ya friggin loon :foil: