Complaint Thread. Dedicated to doniston

Ok... 99.9999% of the time when I give my word to someone I stand by it. This is the 0.0001% of the time. I take back my promise not to alter your quotes anymore. Since you are insistent upon posting stupid crap like this and refuse to stop bitching.... I am going to do it as often as I please. If YOU don't like it, TOUGH.

I also encourage everyone else to do the same to diaperdon... perhaps when he is done crying he will friggin die already.
I am trying to see where you changed it. no matter. I have learned that with the rules in force here, there is no way to tell if a post is honest or not. Let your ethics be your guide. here, we have no choice but to assume the real truth. Thanks for the lovely sentiments tho. I won't return the favor.
I am trying to see where you changed it. no matter. I have learned that with the rules in force here, there is no way to tell if a post is honest or not. Let your ethics be your guide. here, we have no choice but to assume the real truth. Thanks for the lovely sentiments tho. I won't return the favor.
Of course there is. First indication would be the "Fixed that for ya" when the post is changed, and you can click on the quote button in the quote which brings you right to the original post and read it.

However, this post is about moderation style and again goes into your extra-special thread for those who can't do what they say they will when they register.
I am trying to see where you changed it. But no matter I am senile and would forget in a minute anyway. I have learned that when it is time for a diaper change I should start bitching and whining on this board until someone comes to change me. Let your ethics be your guide in determining how long I should sit here in my own filth. here, we have no choice but to assume the real truth... I am a dumbshit. Thanks for the lovely sentiments tho. I won't remember this in a moment.

Good to see you are opening up a bit. If you see a bright light... please run towards it. With luck it will be a big truck.
Ummm... we should definitely meet next time I am in NYC.... :rolleyes:

Ok. But to be fair you should know, that all (apparent) appearances here aside, I'm really not a slut, and in fact, I can get signed affidavit from exes who will be happy for the opportunity to state that I am the least easy woman they ever got into bed, and it was a sometimes hellish experience...but, not unworth the trouble. (ok I added that last part, but I'm pretty sure they would say that too)
Ok. But to be fair you should know, that all (apparent) appearances here aside, I'm really not a slut, and in fact, I can get signed affidavit from exes who will be happy for the opportunity to state that I am the least easy woman they ever got into bed, and it was a sometimes hellish experience...but, not unworth the trouble. (ok I added that last part, but I'm pretty sure they would say that too)

yeah, I was just teasin ya.... but we could certainly get a beverage and make fun of the old man.

I wouldn't ban someone who had alzheimers or dementia, which donnie obviously does. He probably can't help himself.

Now, that RJS dude is a total idiot. And conciously and deliberately so. I'd ban him. ;)

I don't know. I would have voted for him as moderator if he had said "I'll only ban donnie".

Well, I was serious about Donnie... just joking about Cypress. Wanted to see how long it would take him to whine. Extremely surprised he managed to do so without creating a strawman.
Well, I was serious about Donnie... just joking about Cypress. Wanted to see how long it would take him to whine. Extremely surprised he managed to do so without creating a strawman.

I'm flattered that you think about me so much, and specifically think up threads to post, to get my response! Didn't realize you thought about me that much. You can't have pictures of my hands, though. Sorry.

Thanks again!

Warning to all...

old diaper don, after crapping himself yet again, has discovered how to use the PM function. If you think his whiney bitching and crying is enjoyable on the threads, just WAIT until you have had the extreme pleasure of his personalized bitch sessions... and he sends them to you multiple times. The joy I have felt today can not be expressed in words.

Mixing Dementia Diaper Don and private messages, is like mixing small children and sharp knives.

Perhaps you should disable his PM account?

Moderator nazi... :pke:

Whatcha gunna do if I post it????

Huh tough guy :tongout:

He Pm'd me and said that he was going to spank me for doing it yesterday, but that if you do it, there will be hell to pay.

Sometimes, he does show favoritism SF. Don't listen to the naysayers, or "Damo Groupies" as Doniston might say.
He Pm'd me and said that he was going to spank me for doing it yesterday, but that if you do it, there will be hell to pay.

Sometimes, he does show favoritism SF. Don't listen to the naysayers, or "Damo Groupies" as Doniston might say.
Well, his evangelistic posts about my awesomeness notwithstanding, he has added significantly to my fan base.
Check the rules, they are allowed.
now who made the strupid rules--- what few there are? But the post to which you just responded should have been moved according to YOUR Rules, but again, you don't even follow your own rules. You lying Jackass