Consumer Spending Grows by Just 0.1 Percent in May, Inflation Remains High

Biden takes credit for people going back to work after Democrats lifted the lockdowns. He had nothing to do with that

Presidents take credit and make claims for all kinds of crap that are not true--including both Biden and Trump.
the evaporation of credit has caught up with those who tried to ride out heavy inflation with debt.

see the fan ?
see the shit ?
its coming and will happen unusually fast.
The fed will continue to raise interest rates. wages have done little to keep up wirh inflation so it is a losing situation for most people. Biden is taking credit yet he says noting about the poor that struggle or about the increase in Bankruptcy

I don't like bankruptcy laws, but Congress passed them so we are stuck with them until Congress stiffins them up.

I don't have a problem with restructuring your debts, but a full pardon- NO, that is wrong.

And if you believe that the pardoning off the student loans was wrong, you would also agree with me.
the evaporation of credit has caught up with those who tried to ride out heavy inflation with debt.

see the fan ?
see the shit ?
its coming and will happen unusually fast.

America's economy is now to a great degree illusionary, and the Fed will be forced to continue to raise rates.

However....where America is going is collapse....this is worse than the shit and fan analogy.
I don't like bankruptcy laws, but Congress passed them so we are stuck with them until Congress stiffins them up.

I don't have a problem with restructuring your debts, but a full pardon- NO, that is wrong.

And if you believe that the pardoning off the student loans was wrong, you would also agree with me.

If the economy was good Bamkruptcies would not be increasing
They are still lower than pre COVID level, you forgot that little factoid.

“Bankruptcy filings rose slightly for the 12-month period ending March 31, 2023, but new bankruptcy cases remain sharply lower than before the start of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.” released by,14,467 in the newest report.

Three years ago MAGAs practically guaranteed us an unprecedented economic depression if Americans dared to elect Biden.

Now they are plumbing the depths of economic data to find anything that even remotely indicates Biden can be blamed for something economic.
Easy to cherry pick economics indicators, unemployment fell to 3.4%, Americans are working, look long enough and anyone can find one to support what they want to say

Cherry picking fallacy. Inversion fallacy. It is YOU that is cherry picking. We are still in economic depression. Businesses can't find people because they still choose to remain on welfare. Shortages are everywhere. High inflation is an ongoing problem. The 'federal' debt is now over $32 trillion. The budget just to service this debt will soon exceed the cost of the entire military. Velocity is low. Massive printing of dollars faster than wealth being created is still happening. Open violent crime and looting have made conducting business in the cities near impossible.

And you STILL continue to ignore what's right in the face of people trying to survive in all this.
Want a fiddle so you can play it like Nero?
When they start saying it is “tremendous,” “best ever,” “historical,” when it isn’t as your Messiah did for four years on nearly everything, get back to us

Trump ended the economic depression that started in late 2008. Taxes were lowered for EVERYONE, and regulations were REMOVED that were strangling businesses. The result was an economic boom that was greater than at any time in the history of the nation. NAFTA was successfully renegotiated to better benefit the U.S. It stayed this way until DEMOCRATS shut down the economy using Covid fear mongering, starting the current economic depression.
The u30 is a terrible measure to use for employment. The employment rate or labor utilization rate in the US is at an all time low. That indicates that people are choosing not to work at all rather than our having full employment.

If you make it easy to get on welfare and the benefits are generous, many people will opt not to work rather than seek employment even when they could be employed.

Absolutely correct. Those going on this permanent welfare disappear from the unemployment roles.

Meanwhile, of course, the businesses that managed to somehow survive the destruction by Democrats during the peak of the Covid fear mongering can't find enough people. People prefer to stay on welfare.
Biden certainly does. Can you provide examples for Trump?

Sure. T[FONT=&quot]he Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014 passed under Obama Trump takes credit for.

The "largest tax cut in historyl"

The "best economy in history"

The largest inauguration crowd

Winning the popular vote in 2016

Winning the presidential election in 2020

And many more...[/FONT]
Actually he had a lot to do with it. Perhaps not all, but he got people vaccinated and safe.

mRNA shots are treatments not a vaccine.

'Vaccination' against Covid was unnecessary and unsafe.
Living in cities that have open violent crime, looting, and arson is NOT SAFE.
DEMOCRATS CAUSED the lockdowns. They DID NOT LIFT IT. Republicans did!

Vaccination mandates create a paradox which you are STILL making; paradox V:

1) I get the Covid 'vaccination' to protect myself from Covid.
2) I demand YOU get the Covid 'vaccination' because mine doesn't work.
Only by cherry picking. Unemployment hit 15% under Trump and he left office with fewer jobs than when he began. Plus the deficit went from about $600 billion to $3 trillion.

Trump doesn't control the deficit. CONGRESS DOES. DEMOCRATS.
You are cherry picking. Fallacy. High unemployment didn't occur until DEMOCRATS shut down the economy and DESTROYED BUSINESSES using Covid fear mongering. Until that happened unemployment rate was as low as 3%.

Are you really that clueless and forgetful?
Trump doesn't control the deficit. CONGRESS DOES. DEMOCRATS.
You are cherry picking. Fallacy. High unemployment didn't occur until DEMOCRATS shut down the economy and DESTROYED BUSINESSES using Covid fear mongering. Until that happened unemployment rate was as low as 3%.

Are you really that clueless and forgetful?

Excuses by blaming it on others.
I didn't blame Trump.
You did. Don't try to deny your own posts. Anyone can read them.
I just pointed out that the economy goes up and down and presidents get the credit or blame although they do not control inflation,
The Federal Reserve is a government agency, created and managed by CONGRESS, dope.
Shortages caused by executive orders from Biden is a CAUSE OF INFLATION. It also caused a worldwide rise in oil prices as U.S. oil supplies went off the market. Other executive orders implementing nonsense like price controls cause shortages AND ARE AN ECONOMIC FACTOR.

Obama's policies converted a downturn into a 9 year economic depression.
Trump did not cause the 'pandemic' and did not shut down the economy. DEMOCRATS DID.
Biden CAUSED high inflation through executive orders.
Obama and DEMOCRATS CAUSED economic depression by attempting to nationalize the used car market, the health insurance market, the energy market, and the automotive market, all the while printing massive amounts of money and increasing the debt.