Consumer Spending Grows by Just 0.1 Percent in May, Inflation Remains High

Of course, all presidents who faced tough economic times had a reason for that problem.

Obama-recession. Bush-recession. Trump-pandemic. Biden-inflation. Hoover-depression.......

Obama and DEMOCRATS caused the economic depression that lasted 9 years.
Bush and DEMOCRATS caused the anemic recovery from the economic depression started during the Clinton administration.
Trump didn't cause the 'pandemic'. Trump did not shut down the economy. DEMOCRATS DID.
FDR caused the Great Depression, not Hoover. FDR is what made the Great Depression Great. FDR is a DEMOCRAT. That Depression lasted well into the 50's.
Wilson caused the setup that eventually resulted in the crash of '29. Both Coolidge and Hoover were nothings that did nothing to stop it. It was Wilson's attempt at globalism that set it up.
Obama was facing a 2nd great depression and he fixed Buh's economic disaster. he fixed it and left Daffy Donald with a vibrant and growing economy. Trump left an economic mess for Biden. Biden is doing a great job of fixing it in spite of the Putin inflation problem.

Blatant lie.
Obama CAUSED the economic depression that lasted almost a full year into the Trump administration (Trump finally ended it!).
The setup for that crash in late 2007 was caused by DEMOCRATS in CONGRESS, not a president.
DEMOCRATS shutdown the economy, not Trump.
High inflation caused by DEMOCRATS was occurring long before Putin's war. Putin has no capability to affect inflation in the States.
The current economic depression AND the high inflation is a direct result of Biden executive orders.
Excuses by blaming it on others.

And he is lying about the unemployment rate being as low as 3.0%. They just make shit up. Unemployment under Trump NEVER went below 3.6%. But under Biden it has.

I'm not ignoring anything.
Yes you are. You are ignoring history, you are ignoring Biden's executive orders, you are ignoring the Constitution of the United States, you are ignoring Obama's executive orders, and you are ignoring Congress.
There is always a reason things happen although the president can do little to prevent it.
Blatant lie.
Obama had a recession,
Obama had economic depression...caused BY OBAMA.
Biden had inflation,
Biden had high inflation...caused BY BIDEN.
Reagan and Carter had inflation.
Caused by DEMOCRATS.
Carter was stupid enough to try price controls, and attempted nationalization of the health insurance industry, resulting in economic depression.
Reagan ended that depression.
These are all reasons/excuses the economy performed poorly for periods of time.
Blatant lie. You are ignoring history and contributing factors.

Far right wing Chinese FALON GONG religious crap link

The Epoch Times is in China to counter the Chinese Government Press (propaganda) service. The Chinese government is currently trying to quash them. Falon Gong is not a religious movement. It is a political one.
The paper was founded by some Chinese-American citizens (those that lived under that hell in China and successfully escaped to the States!). They are completely independent of any government. The often wind up at odds with governments trying to censor them (which is why they founded the paper in the first place!).

Based out of Atlanta, GA, the Epoch Times is now published in 22 languages around the world. Quite the success story for a few Chinese American immigrants!
Falun Gong practitioners founded a variety of outreach organizations in the United States and elsewhere, including the dance troupe Shen Yun[17][18]. They are known for opposing the Communist Party of China and for anti-evolutionary views.[19][20][21] They also operate Epoch Media Group, which is known for its subsidiaries, New Tang Dynasty Television and The Epoch Times newspaper. The latter has been broadly noted as a politically far-right[35] media entity, and it has received significant attention in the United States for promoting conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation, and producing advertisements for former U.S. President Donald Trump. It has also drawn attention in Europe for promoting far-right politicians, primarily in France and Germany.[5][36][26][8]

They Q tards

Inversion fallacies and insults get you nowhere, dope.
It is YOU pushing Covid misinformation. It is YOU ignoring history.

The Epoch Times is not associated with any political party and is not part of any government.
It fiercely remains independent. In the States, that tends towards the conservative viewpoint...and that sticks in your craw.
Remember when the idiots said Obamacare would destroy the nation?
Wordstuffing. Obamacare wasn't going to destroy the nation, but it DID do much to destroy the health insurance market.
Remember when they said Sadam had WMDs?
He did. He also moved them to Syria.
Remember when they said covid wasn’t real?
Word stuffing. Covid is quite real. It does not kill, however. That's a DEMOCRAT hoax.
They are just lying assholes who never pan out to be correct
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself and other Democrats.
Campaigns (and politics) is less about policy differences today and more about finding things wrong with the other side; and, believing the worst about the opposing team even if it is a lie.

Blatant lie.

I didn't vote against Hillary. I voted FOR Donald Trump. I voted FOR Donald Trump in the primaries too.
Biden takes credit for people going back to work after Democrats lifted the lockdowns. He had nothing to do with that

Democrats didn't lift the lockdowns. Republicans did.
Democrats are STILL trying to return to lockdowns.

People went back to work not because of Democrats, but despite them.
Sure. The Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice,
Not a lie. A goal. Blocked by Democrats.
Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014 passed under Obama Trump takes credit for.
Wordstuffing. He never claimed any such act.
The "largest tax cut in historyl"
Not a lie. They were.
The "best economy in history"
Not a lie. It was.
The largest inauguration crowd
The size of that crowd is unknown. This is a personal estimate, not a lie.
Winning the popular vote in 2016
The President is not elected by popular vote.
Winning the presidential election in 2020
There was no election in 2020. Had election fraud by Democrats not faulted the election, Trump would probably have won.
And many more...
So...nothing else, eh?