Damar Hamlin

The op claims that it had something to do with race...It did not... and nothing to do with the response to the injury.... And yes.. I taught for 30 years... so you don't have to put that in quotes...that's just silly...

The OP claims that the positive response to the injury was due to Hamlin's celebrity status and that if he wasn't an NFL star entertaining white people and making white people rich, that they wouldn't care about his injury. That, of course, is undeniable except to a racist like you. No one believes you were a teacher. I find it unconscionable that any school district in the country would leave you alone with children.
There are no soft white Americans really. The conquest of Earth surely proves that. :laugh:

"There are no soft white Americans."

How high were you yesterday? White Americans are the fattest, laziest, slowest, slowest people on the planet. Then remind them that they are the beneficiaries of racism and their panties get sucked straight up into their flabby asses.
Are you sure that Hamlin did not say the same thing? On the first day I saw such a report, but I have seen nothing since presumably because official victims are not to be criticized.

Anyway, this statement that is said to come from Hamlin makes my skin crawl: "I am pure love...."


Pure fucking hate
The OP claims that the positive response to the injury was due to Hamlin's celebrity status and that if he wasn't an NFL star entertaining white people and making white people rich, that they wouldn't care about his injury. That, of course, is undeniable except to a racist like you. No one believes you were a teacher. I find it unconscionable that any school district in the country would leave you alone with children.

Everyone knows that I was a teacher... proof has been provided to pretty much everyone in the Forum ...did they miss you? THE Op is wrong ...and so are you...this was nothing about race... nothing...
It is beyond refreshing to see a black man recieve so much love and so much support from ppl all over the country, while this nation still struggles with a divisive legacy of racism and hatred. It does however saddens me that a negro in order to get this type of love and affection has to be in full gear, ie a sport uniform for white ppl to give a damn, else he's just another negro in distress.....as a matter of fact, had this brother had this same event take place outside of entertaining white ppl, I don't think he'd recieve the type of attention he's recieving now. So to all my black brothers, you want love from the master, bust your ass while in a uniform, else look out!!

Read the op again

The issue is why do you feel NO COMPASSION for black victims that are not rich and famous?

That was the subject of the thread
Everyone knows that I was a teacher... proof has been provided to pretty much everyone in the Forum ...did they miss you? THE Op is wrong ...and so are you...this was nothing about race... nothing...

But that's what you say. An old, white person. Telling a Black person that he's not allowed to perceive the racism he perceives.

And this is why your kind is freaking out. You know that you're losing control and that when we finish eroding white privilege that you will have to beg the rest of us to be kinder to you than you were to us. You're not a teacher, and your insistence on telling people of color how your master race is going to allow us to feel today is the surest sign that you are a piece of shit and a horrible person.
The OP claims that the positive response to the injury was due to Hamlin's celebrity status and that if he wasn't an NFL star entertaining white people and making white people rich, that they wouldn't care about his injury.

Stop right there. Now you’re accusing the NFL of being rayciss.
You don’t even seem to realize blacks are also being entertained.
Jeezus crise you people are just sick seeing raycism everywhere .
I remember there being a black guy that needed blood of a certain type on a cruise ship in an emergency situation and he got more donated than he needed.
But that's what you say. An old, white person. Telling a Black person that he's not allowed to perceive the racism he perceives.

And this is why your kind is freaking out. You know that you're losing control and that when we finish eroding white privilege that you will have to beg the rest of us to be kinder to you than you were to us. You're not a teacher, and your insistence on telling people of color how your master race is going to allow us to feel today is the surest sign that you are a piece of shit and a horrible person.
There's nothing about this incident that has a thing to do with race...

No one is freaking out but you..the OP AND evince...why is that? I'm a retired teacher...
He was killed by dome insane idiot for walking home from the corner store with candy

He was stalked in the night by some man twice his age

There is evidence he was hit first by this creepy guy

He did nothing wrong but try to protect him self

The right screamed that the killer was a hero for stalking a child at night


And you refuse to discuss actual history which shows you don’t want to fix this mess racists have caused our nation
I dont know why the Hispanic community hasnt answered you yet about your accusations that the Hispanic man Zimmerman killed Travon for racist reasons. If there are any Hispanics in your "hood" maybe you can ask them......

He followed Trayvon for racist reasons. He killed Trayvon for standing his ground.

Why on earth would anyone follow a kid coming home from a mini-mart? It happens every day across the US with no fatal results.
Are you completely incapable of understanding what was written there you fucking idiot?

Why do you demean victims who are NOT RICH AND FAMOUS when they are black?

So you did not see the Collision... what happened afterwards has nothing to do with race..The end...
There's nothing about this incident that has a thing to do with race...

No one is freaking out but you..the OP AND evince...why is that? I'm a retired teacher...
You may as well try to talk sense to a gerbil.
It’s in their DNA.
To them everything is about race, ergo, raycissm. Literally everything .

Oh, and anybody that disagrees with them about any topic is a rayciss. Because of course all topics are about race.
They’re obsessed with it.
Example of dumb fucking racist saying idiot racist things to divert the real subject of actually talking racism through

It will happen again I’m sure

But on with the true conversation

Why do certain people try really hard to DEMEAN THE DEATHS OF INNOCENT CHILDREN like Trayvon?

Why can’t some see him for the innocent child that he was

Just a typical American teen

Didn’t cause any problems to people in his life

Went to school

Kinda thought Brittany was cute

Loves his moms mashed potatoes

Wishes he could buy a sweet ride

And was visiting his dad

Just a regular kid

Of African descent

The same state that Rosewood is in


Learn history
Stop right there. Now you’re accusing the NFL of being rayciss.
You don’t even seem to realize blacks are also being entertained.
Jeezus crise you people are just sick seeing raycism everywhere .
I remember there being a black guy that needed blood of a certain type on a cruise ship in an emergency situation and he got more donated than he needed.
It's beyond me how anyone could even consider making this about race... but then I consider the sources...