Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

You are having trouble reading.

I love it the way debates here have small shifts in word meaning, and then both sides get confused, and then people start shouting baby killer/Misogynist woman hater at each other, and it pretty much becomes World Wrestling Federation fake wrestling here. We need to perhaps move to format where we have moderated debates, where posters are held accountable for statements, and where we can all weigh into the factuality of claims.
I love it the way debates here have small shifts in word meaning, and then both sides get confused, and then people start shouting baby killer/Misogynist woman hater at each other, and it pretty much becomes World Wrestling Federation fake wrestling here. We need to perhaps move to format where we have moderated debates, where posters are held accountable for statements, and where we can all weigh into the factuality of claims.
I disagree that maineman is confused. He's trying to create a straw man argument. This is SOP for liberals; make up a position for your opposition and then argue against that. The OP of this thread is a perfect example.
I disagree that maineman is confused. He's trying to create a straw man argument. This is SOP for liberals; make up a position for your opposition and then argue against that. The OP of this thread is a perfect example.

Your both starting to talk past each other, something that regularly happens around here and stifles real debate.
Your both starting to talk past each other, something that regularly happens around here and stifles real debate.
You're trying to deflect here with some obscure reference. The fact is that he is attempting a straw man argument. You can't simply acknowledge that?
Ishy said that the left doesn't know anything about business. Rightie said that successful businessmen only become liberal AFTER they are successful. I think it's pretty clear that that is a ridiculous over-generalization with ZERO basis in fact. There are successful business owners and creators from all corners of the political philosophical landscape, and to suggest that business acumen is somehow confined to conservatives is nothing but uber-partisan hackery.
You're right. Let's see...Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and Obama have run for president. Oh yeah, great men. I bet you went to Harvard, huh!

And how many of those actually WON the Democratic NOMINATION?

It's sad that you're just too stupid to respond to what was ACTUALLY said...why am I not surprised?

I said when Democrats NOMINATE a black candidate...the group that gets culled during the primaries means nothing.
And how many of those actually WON the Democratic NOMINATION?

It's sad that you're just too stupid to respond to what was ACTUALLY said...why am I not surprised?

I said when Democrats NOMINATE a black candidate...the group that gets culled during the primaries means nothing.

One. Oh my. Too damn bad the only one you nominate is a Marxist who hates his own country and is a habitual liar. Nice.
So what are you fishing for today? We give up. You win.

It's about time!

For all the histrionics coming from the Right regarding this issue, not a single person can tell me specifically HOW gay marriage is going to destroy traditional marriage.

Oh sure we all get to hear their grand proclamations of the DOOOOM that will befall us if we allow such an abomination to occur, but no one can articulate exactly how that DOOM will come about or what will trigger it.
I love it the way debates here have small shifts in word meaning, and then both sides get confused, and then people start shouting baby killer/Misogynist woman hater at each other, and it pretty much becomes World Wrestling Federation fake wrestling here. We need to perhaps move to format where we have moderated debates, where posters are held accountable for statements, and where we can all weigh into the factuality of claims.

It's one of the tried and true "debate" tactics practiced by Righties here all the time.

We had one clown named Yurt who used to specialize in fixating on one single word of a post and endlessly debating it's meaning, refusing to move the discussion forward unless he was satisfied with the "definition" of the word in question....meaning you'd given in and finally agrees with HIS definition.

He'd refuse to move on and continue to drag the discussion back to the same point, knowing eventually people would get tire of his stupefying circular logic and which point he'd claim victory.
It's about time!

For all the histrionics coming from the Right regarding this issue, not a single person can tell me specifically HOW gay marriage is going to destroy traditional marriage.

Oh sure we all get to hear their grand proclamations of the DOOOOM that will befall us if we allow such an abomination to occur, but no one can articulate exactly how that DOOM will come about or what will trigger it.

No one has to satisfy your deranged false premise, pal. I'm a free man and I can push my agenda just like you. Grow up, bitch.