Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

Really shouldn't. That's the point, don't trust anyone. That would be taking an argument from authority. Look at the evidence, think for yourself, and come up with your own conclusion. Then present it in a logical manor as a gentleman and convince others.
Liberals are too closed minded to be convinced. For them it's about power, and agenda that must remain hidden.
how disingenuous is it that you pretend that your side is without stain... without fault? It is soooooo boring to listen to righties pontificate about their purity.
Actually what I inferred was that conservatives are not all about power, not closed minded, and therefore don't need a hidden agenda.
how disingenuous is it that you pretend that your side is without stain... without fault? It is soooooo boring to listen to righties pontificate about their purity.

Where in this thread have we had honest input from the right? We have had mindless sarcasm from Postmortem Prophet, vile rancid crap from Ishmael, right is pretty much trolling, a few other people come in and spill their spleens.....ugh....
because, if you and your ilk really take yourselves that seriously, and you really have demonized your opposition that irrationally, you will NOT be taken seriously by the middle of the curve of the electorate.... you may win your right fringe, but you really would never have lost them no matter what you did, because there's a reason they call it "the fringe"... but to the average voter, such haughty high mindedness is seen as untrustworthy, and, quite frankly, more than a little ridiculous. But hey... it's YOUR schtick... run with it! Don't ever say I didn't tell ya so.
because, if you and your ilk really take yourselves that seriously, and you really have demonized your opposition that irrationally, you will NOT be taken seriously by the middle of the curve of the electorate.... you may win your right fringe, but you really would never have lost them no matter what you did, because there's a reason they call it "the fringe"... but to the average voter, such haughty high mindedness is seen as untrustworthy, and, quite frankly, more than a little ridiculous. But hey... it's YOUR schtick... run with it! Don't ever say I didn't tell ya so.

....and the sad part of this is that so many people I know who are intelligent have left the republican party for just this reason.
that makes ME chuckle...

if pompous assholes like yourself hold sway in the GOP, the democratic party is headed for certain victory.
Except of course, the Democrat Party has made up positions that they claim are held by their opposition. MM's post is more of the same...
I've made up nothing. Your own words show your pompous self righteousness.... and your irrational demonization and contempt for your opposition. Those attitudes, if held by a majority of your party, will damage your party's image in the eyes of the general voting public. You aren't gonna win any elections with just the tea baggers... you'll need the middle, and you'll never get it.
It's all about power for everybody... power gives a party the ability to enact its platform.... and if you believe that your party's platform is a good thing, then getting it enacted it is a good thing as well. For you to try and make "power" a dirty word even as you try to gain power, is laughable.