Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

It is foolish, I think, to take comments someone makes in the heat of an escalating battle of insults and draw some arbitrary line having to do with the ages of people. DY insults my wife and my adult children, my career, my patriotism, my manhood and that's all good and beyond reproach...but I go one step further in this back and forth war of words, and BAM! He get's to take it beyond words in cyberspace and bring it into my home, my church, my children's real lives? Whatever dude.
I never insulted your family until you insulted mine, and then I never went to the depths that you did, homoerotic stories, rape stories, etc. Many have seen your work.
I never insulted your family until you insulted mine, and then I never went to the depths that you did, homoerotic stories, rape stories, etc. Many have seen your work.

It is ancient history. Leave it there. You have paid him back, in spades, so leave it be.
You're no man. A real man defends his family as I have done.

A real man would have met me and taken an ass whipping, instead of posting that "metal box under the bridge" cowardly crap.

And you are not defending your family. Unless you tell them about it, they will never even know what was said. It was words on a computer screen. And given the lengths you have gone to when you try and insult someone, your righteous indignation is more like hypocrisy.
Christians (like me) know that the Bible talks about the end of time and it has lots of gays. Christians (unlike me) want to stop gays because they will stop the end of time.

Sometimes people create their destiny by trying to avoid it...
A real man would have met me and taken an ass whipping, instead of posting that "metal box under the bridge" cowardly crap.

And you are not defending your family. Unless you tell them about it, they will never even know what was said. It was words on a computer screen. And given the lengths you have gone to when you try and insult someone, your righteous indignation is more like hypocrisy.
A real man would have opened that box, called the number inside and gotten his ass whipped by the owner of that number.
I never insulted your family until you insulted mine, and then I never went to the depths that you did, homoerotic stories, rape stories, etc. Many have seen your work.

fuck you very much you shitty assed lying hunk of rat vomit.

Lies don't become truth because you cross your fingers while you lie taintlapper
A real man would have opened that box, called the number inside and gotten his ass whipped by the owner of that number.

Oh yeah!! That is why that "metal box under the bridge" has become a joke on these forums.

I offered to come to NC and meet you. You refused. Next time you are in Atlanta let me know. :D
Just one question for the folk who keep claiming gay marriage will destroy the traditional family and society as we know it...

How SPECIFICALLY will that happen?

These Grandfathers Getting Married Might Just Make You Well Up

Together 46 years, Lewis Duckett and Billy Jones were introduced through a mutual friend. While Billy was deployed in Vietnam, the two were forced to write coded letters to each other to keep their relationship a secret. Eventually they adopted a baby, became grandfathers and then, finally, got married.

Watch the full video here:

How-SPECIFICALLY-will the marriage of those two fine gentlemen destroy the fabric of American society?

Enlighten me please.

Back to the question in the OP, can anyone give a reasonable answer?
No because its an unreasonable position to take on an Americans life.

that doesn't stop the idiot right