Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

so... do I take it you support the idea of whenever a nasty name calling argument on the internet spans more than one day, it's perfectly acceptable to stalk your opponent into the real world and harass them and threaten them?

Can I verify THAT for accuracy as well, you little brown nosing twit?

What was the name of the magazine that was doing an article on your home in Mexico?
no....seriously.....either you already know the answer or you're totally adult needs it explained, and probably no child over the age of 9.......


All I see is you making more excuses instead of just explaining yourself.

I guess if you knew the answer you'd be explaining it to me instead of ducking it repeatedly.

No sweat...not having an answer is what everyone's come to expect from low information's how we wound up with a 59+ page thread on the devastation gay marriage is supposed to cause.
so... do I take it you support the idea of whenever a nasty name calling argument on the internet spans more than one day, it's perfectly acceptable to stalk your opponent into the real world and harass them and threaten them?

you'll probably take it where you want to go.....that's your usual program......I merely pointed out that what he said was accurate.......

now, feel free to spin it where ever you want it to end up.......
In the same way that my jumping all over DY for threatening to send info to your congregation was not my defending what you had said.
In a sense, I understand your point. You did, however make a choice in that situation and, it seemed that you decided that when someone took an online disagreement in cyberspace and brought it into the real world, that was the more objectionable behavior. I guess I find someone who makes the other choice to be standing on less defensible ground.
In a sense, I understand your point. You did, however make a choice in that situation and, it seemed that you decided that when someone took an online disagreement in cyberspace and brought it into the real world, that was the more objectionable behavior. I guess I find someone who makes the other choice to be standing on less defensible ground.

At the time I made that choice, and for a good while afterwards, I was unaware of what had been said. Some people take things like that pretty seriously.
At the time I made that choice, and for a good while afterwards, I was unaware of what had been said. Some people take things like that pretty seriously.
It is foolish, I think, to take comments someone makes in the heat of an escalating battle of insults and draw some arbitrary line having to do with the ages of people. DY insults my wife and my adult children, my career, my patriotism, my manhood and that's all good and beyond reproach...but I go one step further in this back and forth war of words, and BAM! He get's to take it beyond words in cyberspace and bring it into my home, my church, my children's real lives? Whatever dude.
It is foolish, I think, to take comments someone makes in the heat of an escalating battle of insults and draw some arbitrary line having to do with the ages of people. DY insults my wife and my adult children, my career, my patriotism, my manhood and that's all good and beyond reproach...but I go one step further in this back and forth war of words, and BAM! He get's to take it beyond words in cyberspace and bring it into my home, my church, my children's real lives? Whatever dude.

Just like a liberal.
Two people start arguing.
One says something.
Then the second one says something.
The first guy slaps the second guy and then looks shocked when he gets punched in the face.
so... do I take it you support the idea of whenever a nasty name calling argument on the internet spans more than one day, it's perfectly acceptable to stalk your opponent into the real world and harass them and threaten them?

Can I verify THAT for accuracy as well, you little brown nosing twit?

Did you have a pleasant conversation with your employer that day. :)