Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

this guy is a real piece of work... I have known him for years.... glockmail, southern man, damnyankee... he goes by lots of screen names, but his unfounded arrogance, and subtle racism are his unmistakable calling cards. When I lived in Maine, he somehow found out my home address and posted pictures of my home online... he threatened to come to Maine and assault me, he sent me threatening emails at my work, he even used the picture of my young son as his avatar for a while in a subtle threat. He left here for six of seven months.... maybe because he was doing time for some crime... I dunno... but nonetheless, he is uniquely twisted and beyond redemption, imo.
And what did you do to deserve this wrath?

only a sick twisted little fuck would think that words on a computer screen "deserved" taking issues out of the online world and attempting to damage someone's life and livelihood in the real world.... a sick twisted little fuck just like you.
So......back to the original topic, exactly how does a gay couple marrying effect your marriage or destroy anything?

they got nothin'

gay marriage has absolutely zero impact on anyone else's marriage and destroys nothing but homophobe's unrealistic sense of moral superiority.
I'm kinda surprised you could get out of bed with all those bruises I gave you. LOL!

you mean your failed attempts to make what I pay an independent contractor here in Mexico who submits a bid for his services - which I voluntarily exceed in my payments to him - somehow relevant to what an employer pays his employee in the United States?

that's some funny shit.
only a sick twisted little fuck would think that words on a computer screen "deserved" taking issues out of the online world and attempting to damage someone's life and livelihood in the real world.... a sick twisted little fuck just like you.
So, what words did you write to deserve this wrath?
you mean your failed attempts to make what I pay an independent contractor here in Mexico who submits a bid for his services - which I voluntarily exceed in my payments to him - somehow relevant to what an employer pays his employee in the United States?

that's some funny shit.
Actually, your bigotry exposed: three times and you're out! LOL!
I have no bigotry whatsoever. I am a guest in this country and I do business according to their practices. My largesse is my own personal decision which is greatly appreciated by the business people with whom I do business. And the end result is a gorgeous home and a lovely garden here in paradise... well worth the extra 25% I tack onto their invoices.
So, what words did you write to deserve this wrath?

as I said, the "wrath" you unleashed in the real world in your futile attempts to harm me, my family, and my livelihood, was undeserved.

You are and will always be a sick little fuck.
I seek no judgment from peers or anyone else for that matter. I am perfectly capable of judging your actions all by myself.
I have no bigotry whatsoever. ...
Sure you do, as demonstrated here:

Strike One:
...the former states of the confederacy.... way too creepy and redneck-ish ....

Strike Two:
... the party where southern racists are always welcome.

Strike Three:
and my distaste for the south has been field by a lifetime of interactions with asshole, redneck, racist southerners like you...


what part of, "I seek no judgment from peers or anyone else for that matter. I am perfectly capable of judging your actions all by myself" did you fail to fully understand the first time I posted it?
Sure you do, as demonstrated here:

Strike One:

Strike Two:

Strike Three:



it is not "bigotry" to dislike a certain geographical area. I am not suggesting that my tastes are inherently BETTER than anyone else's... I merely state my preference for the places I enjoy and the people with whom I chose to associate. Some folks like southern food... some folks don't. Some folks like a whole host of other regional distinctions of the south... I don't. Just a matter of personal taste, not bigotry. Sorry. I happen to prefer castacan con queso to hog jowls and collards.... YMMV