Dear CHRISTIANS-How will this marriage destroy traditional marriage?

It has been highly rewarding watching the heads of the right explode in a battle that they are going to lose badly, though.

58 + pages now and still not a single rational answer to the question from anyone of this board's Righties.

Not a one can tell me precisely how gay marriage is going to destroy the America as we know it and tear apart the traditional family unit.
as I said, the "wrath" you unleashed in the real world in your futile attempts to harm me, my family, and my livelihood, was undeserved.

You are and will always be a sick little fuck.

Isn't it hysterical how they've always got some way to rationalize their sick and demented behavior?
Again, why not let your peers judge YOU. What words did you write to deserve this wrath?

There are no words he could have written that might justify what you did with his child's picture or the correspondence you sent to his place of work. But it's enlightening watching you continue to justify the sickening things you did and said and trying to rationalize your reasons for doing what you did.

Of course your motivation was hatred and a malicious need to get even...pure and simple.
There are no words he could have written that might justify what you did with his child's picture or the correspondence you sent to his place of work. But it's enlightening watching you continue to justify the sickening things you did and said and trying to rationalize your reasons for doing what you did.

Of course your motivation was hatred and a malicious need to get even...pure and simple.

that was my take on it all along. Thanks for affirming my belief!
that was my take on it all along. Thanks for affirming my belief!

MM, whether it was justified or not, in the interest of fairness, why don't you explain to the newbies what you wrote that set DY off so much. Granted, setting DY off is not difficult, but you DID cross a pretty serious line.
MM, whether it was justified or not, in the interest of fairness, why don't you explain to the newbies what you wrote that set DY off so much. Granted, setting DY off is not difficult, but you DID cross a pretty serious line.

In the midst of an heated and escalating series of insults between us, I made a comment on another board about glockmail and his sons that would get me banned here for violating rule 12(b). And I apologized for it. To go into any further detail would risk a ban here for just such a violation. In response to that, glockmail posted pictures of my home, threatened to come to Maine to assault me, sent me threatening emails to my work email account, and posted pictures of one of my children as his avatar. That's the whole story. If folks think that my comments warranted such action on his part, there is little else I can say.
In the midst of an heated and escalating series of insults between us, I made a comment on another board about glockmail and his sons that would get me banned here for violating rule 12(b). And I apologized for it. To go into any further detail would risk a ban here for just such a violation. In response to that, glockmail posted pictures of my home, threatened to come to Maine to assault me, sent me threatening emails to my work email account, and posted pictures of one of my children as his avatar. That's the whole story. If folks think that my comments warranted such action on his part, there is little else I can say.
You forgot the part where I forgave you, then within a day or so you repeated the same offense. Since I don't play Charlie Brown to your Lucy and the football, I don't forgive a second time. Since then you've slyly repeated your offense many times by mentioning certain items of clothing, most recently just last night.
You forgot the part where I forgave you, then within a day or so you repeated the same offense. Since I don't play Charlie Brown to your Lucy and the football, I don't forgive a second time. Since then you've slyly repeated your offense many times by mentioning certain items of clothing, most recently just last night.

/verified for accuracy.....
/verified for accuracy.....

so... do I take it you support the idea of whenever a nasty name calling argument on the internet spans more than one day, it's perfectly acceptable to stalk your opponent into the real world and harass them and threaten them?

Can I verify THAT for accuracy as well, you little brown nosing twit?