defining the atheist life....

If I missed the answer, my apologies. Perhaps post the post number?

You have asked me many questions...and I have answered each of them. That is why I said, "I answered the other question also."

If my response to any question you have asked of me is something you would like to discuss...please mention the response and your trouble with it.
You have asked me many questions...and I have answered each of them. That is why I said, "I answered the other question also."

If my response to any question you have asked of me is something you would like to discuss...please mention the response and your trouble with it.

This post in question is what you had a problem with:

"Do you believe that aliens exist?" "No."
"Do you believe that aliens don't exist?" "No."

I asked you why you had a problem with it. You didn't answer as far as I could see.
This post in question is what you had a problem with:

I asked you why you had a problem with it. You didn't answer as far as I could see.

My initial response to reading that posting was, "Oh, shit, he's gone off the edge." I saw nothing of importance to that posting...particularly since you did not offer a predicate for why you posted it.

Nifty posted a kind of light-hearted response that I thought to be appropriate...and I thanked the post for the thought.

My feelings were...this is sad...mostly, I now realize, because of the lack of predicate.

In another forum I initiated a post that was titled (and began with) "I do not believe gods exist…but I do not believe there are no gods."

Took a lot of shit in that thread...people accusing me of saying contradictory things.

But there was no contradiction.

I mention this because in essence, I agree with what you wrote...

...I do not "believe" that aliens exist...but I also do not "believe" there are no aliens.

What you wrote is entirely consistent.

But I saw no reason for it being written...and (perhaps erroneously) felt a note of desperation in it.

My apologies if I was flip in my response.
Plato talked about monotheism, too. But the US is not Platonist.

what does the United States have to do with your claim that Christianity invented monotheism?........Christians believed in one God for about over a thousand years before anyone knew there was a North America let alone a United States.....
: a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods : one who subscribes to or advocates atheism

:a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

(source: Oxford Languages)

The dictionary definitions clearly make the distinction between someone who disbelieves and someone who lacks belief. I fall in the latter category.

atheists changed the definition of atheist about twenty years ago.......I think it was because they were afraid of being atheist denies the existence of deity, agnostics are the ones who withhold belief.....
My initial response to reading that posting was, "Oh, shit, he's gone off the edge." I saw nothing of importance to that posting...particularly since you did not offer a predicate for why you posted it.


"Do you believe that God exists?" "No."
"Do you believe that God doesn't exist?" "No."


"Does God exist?" "I don't know."
"Does God not exist?" "I don't know."

In another forum I initiated a post that was titled (and began with) "I do not believe gods exist…but I do not believe there are no gods."

Took a lot of shit in that thread...people accusing me of saying contradictory things.

But there was no contradiction.

I mention this because in essence, I agree with what you wrote...

...I do not "believe" that aliens exist...but I also do not "believe" there are no aliens.

What you wrote is entirely consistent.

But I saw no reason for it being written...and (perhaps erroneously) felt a note of desperation in it.

My apologies if I was flip in my response.

No apologies needed. Just curious why you found it "sad" or me "going off the edge". That is all. ;)

But yes you're right. There is no contradiction.
'Atheist' and 'Theist' are kind of the same in that it portrays*a 'Belief', that neither can prove or disprove.

'Agnostic', is probably a better descriptor of 'Non-Believers'.

Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God, of the divine or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable.Wikipedia"

this thread isn't about non-believers.......its about god-deniers......
Where did she say all that you lying sack of shit

You racists confuse easily

You see Black Lives Matter means that people who are black have lives and those lives are important

For some reason you racists think it says ONLY BLACK LIVES Matter and no other lives mean anything and because we are black we are going to kill everyone else

Much like thinking that when your mother told your sister she loved her YOU heard “I love you and I hate your brother because he is scum and I’m going to kill him in his sleep some day”

You people are insane and hear weird things that are not there

Racists have malformed brains or something

:good4u: "racists think it says ONLY BLACK LIVES Matter and no other lives mean anything" This should be printed on posters and t-shirts. It's exactly how they think.
this thread isn't about non-believers.......its about god-deniers......

My apologies. I thought I was adding something to the Discussion here by noting that the 'God-Deniers' and the 'God-Believers' had something in common.
Neither Group could PROVE their position. Each Group operated solely on 'Belief'.
Hmm. More likely something else less easily diagnosed and fixed by going to church... marital issues, financial and/or career problems, or just clinical depression.

If it were me having more than one convo with the person, I'd ask if they ever considered checking out different religions to see if another belief resonated.
Shopping for 'Gods' rather than delving into a/your Personal Philosophy?

First, I'm going by Dork Soul's claim that the woman wasn't happy being an atheist. Second, this is how women talk to each other, sharing stories and offering suggestions. Think of it as recipes.
Or soap stories.;)

Soap operas? Sure. General Hospital v. The Young and the Restless.