Definition of religion

Doubt it's coincidence after more than 20 years of Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking suicidal super egos continuation of SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July 9/11 diatribe Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam from those burning Bush's "it's just a God damn piece of paper" thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights Christiananality pedophilia arsonists being dumb as ....... "one nation under God with equal justice under law".

I wish this got boring for you.
Good point. You are a vegetable. You can't very well "envy" anyone, really.

OK, I take back what I wrote.

If I'm a vegetable, how can you converse with me, Sybil....or are you the Doctor Doolittle of vegetables where you talk with the plants every day?
Zen never qualified because there is no sacred text, no credo, and no deity. Zen gives hints and markers but the route is always decided by the individual, not the group, and not overlords.
Zen never qualified because there is no sacred text, no credo, and no deity. Zen gives hints and markers but the route is always decided by the individual, not the group, and not overlords.
Ahh, now I see what's wrong with you. Thanks! :thup:
Zen never qualified because there is no sacred text, no credo, and no deity. Zen gives hints and markers but the route is always decided by the indnoividual, not the group, and not overlords.

Irreligious Hollywood stars, urban meteosexuals, and coffee house hipsters in the West want the urban chic coolness factor of calling themselves Buddhists, while claiming Zen isn't a religion and it's just a form of meditation and mindfulness.

That is not how the inventors of Zen in Asia see it

The Zen ethos that people in each new generation can and must attain spiritual awakening does NOT imply any rejection of the usual forms of Buddhist spiritual cultivation, such as the study of scriptures, the performance of good deeds, and the practice of rites and ceremonies, image worship, and ritualized forms of meditation. Zen teachers typically assert rather that all of these practices must be performed correctly as authentic expressions of awakening, as exemplified by previous generations of Zen teachers
Tuckers lead on Good Friday is to talk about how Christian churches have been converted into WOKE churches....with zero transparency I might add.....because the WOKE only believe in power, they practice truth not at all.....these are supreme abusers.

Good on him.
Tuckers lead on Good Friday is to talk about how Christian churches have been converted into WOKE churches....with zero transparency I might add.....because the WOKE only believe in power, they practice truth not at all.....these are supreme abusers.

Good on him.

Jesus = woke and you hate woke. Guess what that means, #10?
Jesus = woke
Of course, Terry. Jesus was WOKE and HATED white men. In fact, he envied John and always wanted to be Baptist.

Matthew 25:41 - Then shall he say also unto the Evangelicals and other Caucasian males, depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Of course, Terry. Jesus was WOKE and HATED white men. In fact, he envied John and always wanted to be Baptist.

Matthew 25:41 - Then shall he say also unto the Evangelicals and other Caucasian males, depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:

I have no doubt that's the version of the Bible you read at night, Sybil.