Democrat Andy Beshear Wants JD Vances Wife to Be Raped

Oh, you mean democracy?

Democracy? Are you joking. It was the COURTS that decided it. AFTER your guy stole at least one seat on SCOTUS and your party spent about 50 solid years trying to pack the court with lying pro-lifers who think it's OK to lie for God. All of them espoused stare decisis in their hearings and when they got in position, they kicked it to the curb so they could enact their religious beliefs on others.

That isn't democracy fuck up. Letting people CHOOSE WHAT THEY WANT TO DO WITH THEIR OWN BODIES is democracy.

It really looks like you and your fellow Stalinists DO wand to see women raped.

There is nothing out of bounds for the evil that is democrats.
what the FUCK can't you read???
Nobody on here is saying they want any woman raped.
show us where even one person on here said that.
You are a lying POS,
the point Governor Andy Beshear was trying to make is if assholes like YOU and Vance had it happen to you , your wife , your daughter or somebody in your family you wouldn't want the woman to HAVE ( be forced ) to give birth to a rapist child, do you have any idea what that would be like for that woman?
what she would go through mentally?
and then if she had it how she might treat it being a rapist child.
I have known several kids like this get almost beat to death, having been on an EMT squad and there were some times the child was lucky to still be alive.
and MY daughter was the head nurse on the midnight shift in the ER at a large Children's hospital in the area and said she saw a lot of kids come in beat up and some of the worse ones were from women that were forced to give birth to the kid.
I know it is hard for a lot of women to have an abortion and it takes a tole on them but when she was raped a lot of women would have second thoughts and have one with no problem.
Have a nice day
what the FUCK can't you read???
Nobody on here is saying they want any woman raped.
show us where even one person on here said that.
You are a lying POS,
the point Governor Andy Beshear was trying to make is if assholes like YOU and Vance had it happen to you , your wife , your daughter or somebody in your family you wouldn't want the woman to HAVE ( be forced ) to give birth to a rapist child, do you have any idea what that would be like for that woman?
what she would go through mentally?
and then if she had it how she might treat it being a rapist child.
I have known several kids like this get almost beat to death, having been on an EMT squad and there were some times the child was lucky to still be alive.
and MY daughter was the head nurse on the midnight shift in the ER at a large Children's hospital in the area and said she saw a lot of kids come in beat up and some of the worse ones were from women that were forced to give birth to the kid.
I know it is hard for a lot of women to have an abortion and it takes a tole on them but when she was raped a lot of women would have second thoughts and have one with no problem.
Have a nice day
So you think women who were raped like Roe of Roe v Wade should be able to get an abortion correct?
So you think women who were raped like Roe of Roe v Wade should be able to get an abortion correct?
Why should She be FORCED to give birth to the rapist child?
why would you put a woman through that mental abuse?
IMO any body that forces a woman to bare a rapist child is a sick mother fucker and doesn't give a shit about the woman or her mental health.
IF a woman is RAPED it should be HER choice to have the child or an abortion she should NOT be forced to give birth ti it.
it is her body and it should be HER choice to do what she wants with it.
I am sure being FORCED to give birth to a child conceived because of RAPE has to be very mentally abusive to the woman, maybe as bad as the rape itself was.
Have a nice day
And abortion will always be legal in the United States. Would you allow abortion up till the moment before delivery?

This is where the left starts to duck.

If a woman or girl has been raped, they know it. Immediate action is required. But the left claims that unless abortion until the day of birth is allowed and paid for by taxpayers, "girls raped by their stepfathers are forced to carry their rapist's baby"

It's disingenuous.
Democracy? Are you joking. It was the COURTS that decided it.

No son - the SCOTUS THREW OUT a law illegally and unconstitutionally made by the Burger Court.

What Dobbs did is return the question to the voters in the many states.

And you Commies fucking lost it - because democracy goes against everything you believe.

AFTER your guy stole at least one seat on SCOTUS and your party spent about 50 solid years trying to pack the court with lying pro-lifers who think it's OK to lie for God. All of them espoused stare decisis in their hearings and when they got in position, they kicked it to the curb so they could enact their religious beliefs on others.

That isn't democracy fuck up. Letting people CHOOSE WHAT THEY WANT TO DO WITH THEIR OWN BODIES is democracy.

The idea of people in the many states voting offends you as a totalitarian and a Communist. The only thing democrats hate more than America is democracy.
No son - the SCOTUS THREW OUT a law illegally and unconstitutionally made by the Burger Court.

The right for women across the country, regardless of zip code, to have bodily autonomy. Sorry that bothered you so much.

What Dobbs did is return the question to the voters in the many states.

Which is a dodge.

And you Commies fucking lost it - because democracy goes against everything you believe.

Let me know how you like it when someone takes away YOUR bodily autonomy and tells you what to do with your body. I bet you'd be FIRST IN LINE for the whines.

The idea of people in the many states voting offends you as a totalitarian and a Communist. The only thing democrats hate more than America is democracy.

No, the idea of some women in red states having to carry a rapists child to term or who have to face the possibility of DEATH because there's no built-in conditions for that in the regressive abortion laws in that state offends me.

The fact that you are OK with that offends me as well.
Let me know how you like it when someone takes away YOUR bodily autonomy and tells you what to do with your body. I bet you'd be FIRST IN LINE for the whines.
can we be okay with some abortion provider severing your spinal chord and selling your body parts for science........I mean, fair is fair.....
what the FUCK can't you read???
Nobody on here is saying they want any woman raped.
show us where even one person on here said that.

The thread is based on Beshear saying he wants someone raped.

You are a lying POS,
the point Governor Andy Beshear was trying to make is if assholes like YOU and Vance had it happen to you , your wife , your daughter or somebody in your family you wouldn't want the woman to HAVE ( be forced ) to give birth to a rapist child, do you have any idea what that would be like for that woman?

And unregulated abortion until the moment of birth is the only answer?

what she would go through mentally?
and then if she had it how she might treat it being a rapist child.
I have known several kids like this get almost beat to death, having been on an EMT squad and there were some times the child was lucky to still be alive.
and MY daughter was the head nurse on the midnight shift in the ER at a large Children's hospital in the area and said she saw a lot of kids come in beat up and some of the worse ones were from women that were forced to give birth to the kid.
I know it is hard for a lot of women to have an abortion and it takes a tole on them but when she was raped a lot of women would have second thoughts and have one with no problem.
Have a nice day

See, this is the big lie from you Marxists - that any restriction on abortion - on the profit margins of the Abortion-Industrial Complex means a woman has to carry a rapist's baby.

But women actually know if they've been raped and don't have any real reason to wait 9 months.
The right for women across the country, regardless of zip code, to have bodily autonomy. Sorry that bothered you so much.

Yet you seek to do violence against someone else's body.

The idea that the people of the many states have the right to vote on the issue greatly offends you - democracy goes against everything you of the left stand for.

Which is a dodge.

No, it's democracy.

But as a Communist you oppose democracy.

Let me know how you like it when someone takes away YOUR bodily autonomy and tells you what to do with your body. I bet you'd be FIRST IN LINE for the whines.


What silliness.

No, the idea of some women in red states having to carry a rapists child to term or who have to face the possibility of DEATH because there's no built-in conditions for that in the regressive abortion laws in that state offends me.

Oh? And in which state is abortion prohibited even in the first 6 weeks?

Yes, I understand that there isn't much profit for Planned Parenthood? Are you a stock holder in an abortion mill?

The fact that you are OK with that offends me as well.

Democracy offends you. See, people in states will make their own decisions rather than bowing to you. And you can't stand that. You know better how they should live - you should manage their lives. All you ask is that everyone obey you - is that so much?
Yet you seek to do violence against someone else's body.

Actually no. I personally am not a fan of abortion. But then I'm a dude so I will never face that choice. What I AM in favor of is letting women decide how their bodies are used.

I know that doesn't compute for the Right. On the Right women are PROPERTY.

The idea that the people of the many states have the right to vote on the issue greatly offends you - democracy goes against everything you of the left stand for.

Correct. It offends me that there are people who will VOTE TO TAKE AWAY WOMEN'S BODILY AUTONOMY. I don't think they should be able to vote to remove basic human rights just because they were born women.

Democracy offends you.

And freedom apparently offfends you.

See, people in states will make their own decisions rather than bowing to you.

Correction: SOME people will make their own decisions which makes OTHER PEOPLE INCAPABLE OF MAKING THEIR OWN DECISIONS.

That's what this is all about. You want women as property. I want them as humans.

And you can't stand that. You know better how they should live - you should manage their lives. All you ask is that everyone obey you - is that so much?
Irony upon irony.
Actually no. I personally am not a fan of abortion. But then I'm a dude so I will never face that choice. What I AM in favor of is letting women decide how their bodies are used.

I know that doesn't compute for the Right. On the Right women are PROPERTY.

Correct. It offends me that there are people who will VOTE TO TAKE AWAY WOMEN'S BODILY AUTONOMY. I don't think they should be able to vote to remove basic human rights just because they were born women.

And freedom apparently offfends you.

Correction: SOME people will make their own decisions which makes OTHER PEOPLE INCAPABLE OF MAKING THEIR OWN DECISIONS.

That's what this is all about. You want women as property. I want them as humans.

Irony upon irony.

Do women only know that they were raped when they are in their 9th month of pregnancy? Is that why you of the left demand abortion until the moment of birth?