Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

Cold War 2 is a euphemism for crippling sanctions on Russia.
no it's not.
It's the (mindless) build up of weapons and personnel in Europe by both NATO and Russia.
How about you STFU and quit polluting this thread with your 1/2 baked knowledge? thanks
You are obsessed with Russia and Putin. Why do you get upset when people call Putin a KGB thug?
because that's ALL THEY KNOW.
It's some kina f*cking mantra that every dullard repeats because they hear John McCain constant refrains of such.
They use that instead of critical thinking and strategic comparisons..etc etc..
because that's ALL THEY KNOW.
It's some kina f*cking mantra that every dullard repeats because they hear John McCain constant refrains of such.
They use that instead of critical thinking and strategic comparisons..etc etc..

Putin is a murderer, a dictator, an ex-KGB agent, runs a campaign of anti-gay bigotry and promotes beatings of homosexuals in Russia, steals from the Russian economy (to the personal tune of 200 billion dollars, excluding what the oligarchs take in), props up war-mongers and dictators complicit in crimes against humanity, and you are looking for some kind of fair strategic comparison?

Is this because you saw a 'Fair and Balanced' documentary from Oliver Stone, whose son works for Russia Today?
so if you read her post you would know why I responded as I did. You're not dumb why the fvck yell at me unless it's just talking shit to be personal

ttq made the point that white men made a lot of bad calls.
that pissed you off.
we can all see right through your bullshit this time.
because that's ALL THEY KNOW.
It's some kina f*cking mantra that every dullard repeats because they hear John McCain constant refrains of such.
They use that instead of critical thinking and strategic comparisons..etc etc..

are you claiming Putin is not a murderous KGB thug?
Actually, I am not certain of that. It's 100% clear to me that anatta is a new-comer to the Republican party, since prior to Trump, the Republican party was anti-Putin.

Most likely anatta has been an ideological leper, shifting alliances, until watching some documentary on Putin and then falling in love with Kremlin politics.

nope but nice try
anatta is just an idiot who hates Hillary and went all in on Trump and doesn't have the manhood to admit he was wrong.
He has the innate racism/misogyny of a lifelong southerner or republican though yet is blissfully unaware of it.
You do know the great depression was caused by a white man right?

You can't blame it on a Black person or a woman.

Which is most of the point of my post.

Bush's war was still worse. .....still caused by a white man.

Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life TTQ64
nope but nice try
anatta is just an idiot who hates Hillary and went all in on Trump and doesn't have the manhood to admit he was wrong.
He has the innate racism/misogyny of a lifelong southerner or republican though yet is blissfully unaware of it.

He's the only poster here who has any real anti-war cred.

The rest of you are fakes.
holy shit dude, you remember the tall guy who called you a fairy and hit you with a rubber truncheon?......that was me!.....
It was outside of University of Maryland -1970. I remember the skirmish lines. This was a monster demonstration that shut down US-1

Cops on horseback with truncheons/tear gas vs.protestors throwing rocks and the tear gas back at them.
Ambulances took out the injured.
I remember 1 cop rearing up next to me and ready to club me:
I flinched, and for some unknown reason he spun around and went chasing after some other dudes.
It went on for hours. That was it for me.
I got scared i was gonna get killed and found a stairwell to hide in and spent the rest of the night there.

The rest of the demonstrations were cake walks
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nope but nice try
anatta is just an idiot who hates Hillary and went all in on Trump and doesn't have the manhood to admit he was wrong.
He has the innate racism/misogyny of a lifelong southerner or republican though yet is blissfully unaware of it.
Gotta love modern Democrats..hate Hillary's warmongering ways,and they burp out "misogyny"
I can't blame them, they listen to Hillary claim the same things.

Anything except self examination or serious candidate comparison : join the "resistance"
and let the mind washing roll over your reasoning. Revel in the bliss of ignorance
"southerner or Republican" while I was a Maryland Democrat for the first 50 years of my life.

Stick to groaning posts's all you'll ever understand because you lack intellectual honesty in favor of sheepish partisan comfort.
are you claiming Putin is not a murderous KGB thug?
what do you NOT understand about 2 superpowers existing together on the same planet's northern hemisphere?

It's like the press hounding Trump for not pushing Putin on election meddling.

He tells them he did. 2x. they ignore it and ask. "Why didn't you confront Putin?"

Tillerson steps in and says it's an "intractible problem" (meaning there are other pressing issues for the 2 to cover.)

Then the press asks..."why didn't you confront Putin?"