Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons


you're a liar.

You have always been a racist right winger in support of republican racist ways.

You are only fooling yourself.

Actually, I am not certain of that. It's 100% clear to me that anatta is a new-comer to the Republican party, since prior to Trump, the Republican party was anti-Putin.

Most likely anatta has been an ideological leper, shifting alliances, until watching some documentary on Putin and then falling in love with Kremlin politics.
Putin sympathizers and apologists, such as yourself, cannot protest war-mongering or foreign intervention from anything resembling a moral high ground.
blah blah blah.
The main reason to work towards a lessening of tensions w/Putin is to reduce the chance of Cold War 2 escalation from becoming a trip wired hot war.

There are other benefits like not having to spend money to support the Military Industrial Complex,
or put Americans into permanent deployment rotations in Finland (ex.).
but the basics of anti-war are the same whether it's interventionism, or cooling down superpowers brinkmanship
Ohhh, the Great Depression was only in America? Did you even go to high school?

You do know the great depression was caused by a white man right?

You can't blame it on a Black person or a woman.

Which is most of the point of my post.

Bush's war was still worse. .....still caused by a white man.
Dude i was a teenager who was tear gassed @ Vietnam anti-war demonstrations when you were still a gleam in your daddy's eye.
I was tuned in to the organizers, and know more about populist "resistance" then any of today's limousine liberals who hate Trump because..
well they don't know why... but they know Trump is a "fascist".

Take your sanctimonious claptrap else where, and cram your excuse making for Libya.
Hillary and Obama already have that rap down cold.

Hilary still talks about "democracy" ( which is a 100% neocon way to view interventionism as a goal in itself)
while Obama says Libya was "his greatest failure" -and then turns around and blames Cameron for not nationbuilding Libya afterwards .

what a crock from both of them.
no way in hell were we ever going to do anything positive like committing personnel or resources
We used Hillary's "smart power" to reign death from above,but that's as far as we were ever gonna go on rebuilding Libya

To the extent Iraq was a mistake, its proponents at least had the excuse of *not knowing* the outcome before hand. IOW, democracy may take hold in Iraq if we topple Saddam or it may not---no one has ever tried.

But one definition of insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.

Hence, the left and their neocon bedfellows are insane.
Actually, I am not certain of that. It's 100% clear to me that anatta is a new-comer to the Republican party, since prior to Trump, the Republican party was anti-Putin.

Most likely anatta has been an ideological leper, shifting alliances, until watching some documentary on Putin and then falling in love with Kremlin politics.

He's been spewing right wing nonsense since I've been posting with him.

He hated President Obama, lied about voting for him.

He hasn't changed in my eyes. I smelt his BS from day one I started posting on the old DCJ boards and called him out then.

Lots of people from DCJ was fooled as well..............Just saying.
Actually, I am not certain of that. It's 100% clear to me that anatta is a new-comer to the Republican party, since prior to Trump, the Republican party was anti-Putin.

Most likely anatta has been an ideological leper, shifting alliances, until watching some documentary on Putin and then falling in love with Kremlin politics.
I'm not a Republican. I support Trump's MAGA agenda.
economic nationalism, tax reform (simplification) , and repatriation of overseas profits.
I'm a populist

I loathe globalism and the TPP, and want better terms for NAFTA/CAFTA
I oppose specious agreements like the Paris Accords that are nothing more then subsidizing China and India's coal plants.

If the Republicans do any of this -i'll be a Republican for a day, if the Dems somehow wandered into a superior idea,
i'll join them for the time being.

Partisanship is for dolts. They don't give a fig about you or me, only their own power acquisition.
You can cling to that crap if you want to -count me out.
Actually, I am not certain of that. It's 100% clear to me that anatta is a new-comer to the Republican party, since prior to Trump, the Republican party was anti-Putin.

Most likely anatta has been an ideological leper, shifting alliances, until watching some documentary on Putin and then falling in love with Kremlin politics.

What American political party are you part of?
blah blah blah.
The main reason to work towards a lessening of tensions w/Putin is to reduce the chance of Cold War 2 escalation from becoming a trip wired hot war.

There are other benefits like not having to spend money to support the Military Industrial Complex,
or put Americans into permanent deployment rotations in Finland (ex.).
but the basics of anti-war are the same whether it's interventionism, or cooling down superpowers brinkmanship

You are obsessed with Russia and Putin in particular. 100% of your arguments are geared towards softening America's stance on Russia. Even though Russia has a pitiful economy and outside of hacking and espionage, is an inconsequential regional power that poses no threat to America. You are aligned with Trump specifically because he's sympathetic to Putin. You have no allegiance to the Republican party, or the traditional conservative movement.

Who cares about a Cold War 2.0? Russia and no one else. We're not talking about the Soviet Union, but rather a has-been power that is sustained by low-priced oil, and can't quit dictators.

I've watched you get upset that people call Putin a KGB thug, which is exactly what he is. Why get upset at an apt description?
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Dude i was a teenager who was tear gassed @ Vietnam anti-war demonstrations when you were still a gleam in your daddy's eye.
I was tuned in to the organizers, and know more about populist "resistance" then any of today's limousine liberals who hate Trump because..
well they don't know why... but they know Trump is a "fascist".

Take your sanctimonious claptrap else where, and cram your excuse making for Libya.
Hillary and Obama already have that rap down cold.

Hilary still talks about "democracy" ( which is a 100% neocon way to view interventionism as a goal in itself)
while Obama says Libya was "his greatest failure" -and then turns around and blames Cameron for not nationbuilding Libya afterwards .

what a crock from both of them.
no way in hell were we ever going to do anything positive like committing personnel or resources
We used Hillary's "smart power" to reign death from above,but that's as far as we were ever gonna go on rebuilding Libya

Yet you despise Obama, who was wisely against the Iraq War Disaster, and you worship Trump who not only was in favor of invading Iraq, but wants to vastly increase defense spending at the expense of everything else in the federal budget, is constantly talking about bombing shit, and speaks in the belligerent and militaristic lexicon of a petty dictator.

You don't have a leg to stand on, chief.
You are obsessed with Russia and Putin in particular. 100% of your arguments are geared towards softening America's stance on Russia. Even though Russia has a pitiful economy and outside of hacking and espionage, is an inconsequential regional power that poses no threat to America. You are aligned with Trump specifically because he's sympathetic to Putin. You have no allegiance to the Republican party, or the traditional conservative movement.

Who cares about a Cold War 2.0? Russia and no one else. We're not talking about the Soviet Union, but rather a has-been power that is sustained by low-priced, and can't quit dictators.

I've watched you get upset that people call Putin a KGB thug, which is exactly what he is. Why get upset at an apt description?
most stupid post ..ever..that is straight from the Obama playbook " regional power"
Putin's military is 2nd only to ours. he's modernized, diversified and his weapons are every bit as powerful
as ours. This isn't some "has been power" like the USSR's old junk military.

You've become a poster child for foolish confused statements.. do some research you hack.
I'm not a Republican. I support Trump's MAGA agenda.
economic nationalism, tax reform (simplification) , and repatriation of overseas profits.
I'm a populist

I loathe globalism and the TPP, and want better terms for NAFTA/CAFTA
I oppose specious agreements like the Paris Accords that are nothing more then subsidizing China and India's coal plants.

The withdraw from TPP was the biggest gift to China in the history of the universe, and the Paris Accords was a voluntary standard set by each country and that was by its nature unenforceable and open to adjustment. You are the hack for believing in this tripe.
most stupid post ..ever..that is straight from the Obama playbook " regional power"
Putin's military is 2nd only to ours. he's modernized, diversified and his weapons are every bit as powerful
as ours. This isn't some "has been power" like the USSR's old junk military.

You've become a poster child for foolish confused statements.. do some research you hack.

Did he just say you were obsessed with Russia?? Lol
most stupid post ..ever..that is straight from the Obama playbook " regional power"
Putin's military is 2nd only to ours. he's modernized, diversified and his weapons are every bit as powerful
as ours. This isn't some "has been power" like the USSR's old junk military.

America has a 10x more powerful military than Russia at minimum, and Russia's economy is smaller than Texas.
Yet you despise Obama, who was wisely against the Iraq War Disaster, and you worship Trump who not only was in favor of invading Iraq, but wants to vastly increase defense spending at the expense of everything else in the federal budget, is constantly talking about bombing shit, and speaks in the belligerent and militaristic lexicon of a petty dictator.

You don't have a leg to stand on, chief.
I despise Libya. we turned it into a failed terrorist state from one that allowed SAS and CIA to roam it's east. Libyan weapons are all over Syria to this day.

The defense spending (upgrades) has to be done because of Sequestor -does that ring a bell? It was Obama's idea.

I don't care what Trump says as much as what he does,and his foreign policy of engagement with Russia
has already paid off more in Syria then all the CIA funded rebels Obama dumped advanced weapons to.

It looks like a lasting ceasefire,and it's something to build on,despite the Russiaphobic nonsense coming out of DC other wise.
He's getting NATO to pay their share..while at the same time looking to ratchett down Cold War 2.

Obama's foreign policy was warmongering and failure to engage Putin.
I despise Libya. we turned it into a failed terrorist state from one that allowed SAS and CIA to roam it's east. Libyan weapons are all over Syria to this day.

The defense spending (upgrades) has to be done because of Sequestor -does that ring a bell? It was Obama's idea.

I don't care what Trump says as much as what he does,and his foreign policy of engagement with Russia
has already paid off more in Syria then all the CIA funded rebels Obama dumped advanced weapons to.
It looks like a lasting ceasefire,and it's something to build on,despite the Russiaphobic nonsense coming out of DC other wise.
He's getting NATO to pay their share..while at the same time looking to rachett down Cold War 2.

Cold War 2 is a euphemism for crippling sanctions on Russia.
I never claimed otherwise. Got it?

You never claim anything that you truly are. Some limp dick wannabe Canadian that is too embarrassed by his own country to talk about it. Things were OK up there until Trudeau. Shiny baubles though right liberal?