Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

The white man was at the helm of every war we've had.........

Now they want to blame the Black man and the if Libya is worse than 9/11

The white man was at the helm of every war we've had.........
Now they want to blame the Black man and the if Libya is worse than 9/11

Hillary's fuck ups in Iraq and Syria means she should have known better, but she's a warpig
who still to this day doesn't get it.
Obama's reaction to Putin was crawling under the desk,while bleating about a "Russian quagmire" in Syria
coupled with spineless acceptance of regime change in Libya - and this from the man who wouldn't back Iraq.

It was a study in craven geopolitics. Taking "intelligence" reports from CNN and stabbing Qadaffi
in the back despite his working with the west on counter-terrorism.

may they both rot in hell
Hillary's fuck ups in Iraq and Syria means she should have known better, but she's a warpig
who still to this day doesn't get it.
Obama's reaction to Putin was crawling under the desk,while bleating about a "Russian quagmire" in Syria
coupled with spineless acceptance of regime change in Libya - and this from the man who wouldn't back Iraq.

It was a study in craven geopolitics. Taking "intelligence" reports from CNN and stabbing Qadaffi
in the back despite his working with the west on counter-terrorism.

may they both rot in hell

STFU. I don't buy the lies from the racist right. Stop telling me about your false fairyland in Libya.
STFU. I don't buy the lies from the racist right. Stop telling me about your false fairyland in Libya.
i'll happily shove it down your throat from here to doomsday or whenever Libya gets whole again.
I'm thinking doomsday will come first
i'll happily shove it down your throat from here to doomsday or whenever Libya gets whole again.
I'm thinking doomsday will come first

Where is your outrage against the racist President who lied us into a real war?

The war that led to the greatest economic disaster world wide and killed millions of people?
I mean, there should actually be PhD dissertations in psychology written at prestigious universities about this phenomena:

Former Republicans and Republican-sympathizers presenting themselves as flower child anti-NeoCon peaceniks, but who never, ever actually attended an Iraq War protest, never started threads and forcefully spoke out against the war on message boards in the run up to the war, have a record of either voting for Dumyba, or providing him cover, and despised and propagandized against the one President we have had who was actually prescient in being against the Iraq War - Obama.

I mean, it's kind of like the people at work who everyone despises - those people who belatedly take the ideas and vision of other co-workers, and falsely present it as their own.
BUSH but you knew that.

You like to give racist white guys a pass when they fuck up.

Ummmm, some think FDR lied us into war and the Great Depression was far worse than the Great Recession. It was my mistake for thinking you were using facts instead of being a female Donald Trump like you are and just make things up.
I mean, there should actually be PhD dissertations in psychology written at prestigious universities about this phenomena:

Former Republicans and Republican-sympathizers presenting themselves as flower child anti-NeoCon peaceniks, but who never, ever actually attended an Iraq War protest, never started threads and forcefully spoke out against the war on message boards in the run up to the war, have a record of either voting for Dumyba, or providing him cover, and despised and propagandized against the one President we have had who was actually prescient in being against the Iraq War - Obama.

I mean, it's kind of like the people at work who everyone despises - those people who belatedly take the ideas and vision of other co-workers, and falsely present it as their own.


Like I said. They try to blame everyone but themselves.
I mean, there should actually be PhD dissertations in psychology written at prestigious universities about this phenomena:

Former Republicans and Republican-sympathizers presenting themselves as flower child anti-NeoCon peaceniks, but who never, ever actually attended an Iraq War protest, never started threads and forcefully spoke out against the war on message boards in the run up to the war, have a record of either voting for Dumyba, or providing him cover, and despised and propagandized against the one President we have had who was actually prescient in being against the Iraq War - Obama.

I mean, it's kind of like the people at work who everyone despises - those people who belatedly take the ideas and vision of other co-workers, and falsely present it as their own.

Where was the lefts anti-Libya protest? Did I miss it?
Ummmm, some think FDR lied us into war and the Great Depression was far worse than the Great Recession. It was my mistake for thinking you were using facts instead of being a female Donald Trump like you are and just make things up.

Just because some think it doesn't make it true.

Please point out the false statement I posted.
Just because some think it doesn't make it true.

Please point out the false statement I posted.

the greatest economic disaster world wide. It's actually not your fault as you have no economic knowledge so you don't know any better

Like I said. They try to blame everyone but themselves.

I mean, there should actually be PhD dissertations in psychology written at prestigious universities about this phenomena:

Former Republicans and Republican-sympathizers presenting themselves as flower child anti-NeoCon peaceniks, but who never, ever actually attended an Iraq War protest, never started threads and forcefully spoke out against the war on message boards in the run up to the war, have a record of either voting for Dumyba, or providing him cover, and despised and propagandized against the one President we have had who was actually prescient in being against the Iraq War - Obama.

I mean, it's kind of like the people at work who everyone despises - those people who belatedly take the ideas and vision of other co-workers, and falsely present it as their own.
Dude i was a teenager who was tear gassed @ Vietnam anti-war demonstrations when you were still a gleam in your daddy's eye.
I was tuned in to the organizers, and know more about populist "resistance" then any of today's limousine liberals who hate Trump because..
well they don't know why... but they know Trump is a "fascist".

Take your sanctimonious claptrap else where, and cram your excuse making for Libya.
Hillary and Obama already have that rap down cold.

Hilary still talks about "democracy" ( which is a 100% neocon way to view interventionism as a goal in itself)
while Obama says Libya was "his greatest failure" -and then turns around and blames Cameron for not nationbuilding Libya afterwards .

what a crock from both of them.
no way in hell were we ever going to do anything positive like committing personnel or resources
We used Hillary's "smart power" to reign death from above,but that's as far as we were ever gonna go on rebuilding Libya
Dude i was a teenager who went to Vietnam anti-war demonstrations when you were still a gleam in your daddy's eye.
I was tuned in to organizers,and know more about populist "resistance" thenany of today's limousine liberals who hate Trump..
well they don't know why... but they know Trump is a "fascist".

Take your sanctimonious claptrap else where, and cram your excuse making for Libya.
Hillary and Obama already have that rap down cold.

Hilary still talks about "democracy" ( which is a 100% neocon way to view interventionism as a goal in itself)
while Obama says Libya was "his greatest failure" -and then turns around and blames Cameron for not nationbuilding Libya afterwards .

what a crock from both of them.
no way in hell were we ever going to do anything positive like committing personnel or resources
We used Hillary's "smart power" to reign death from above,but that's as far as we were ever gonna go on rebuilding Libya

Putin sympathizers and apologists, such as yourself, cannot protest war-mongering or foreign intervention from anything resembling a moral high ground.
Dude i was a teenager who was tear gassed @ Vietnam anti-war demonstrations when you were still a gleam in your daddy's eye.
I was tuned in to the organizers, and know more about populist "resistance" then any of today's limousine liberals who hate Trump because..
well they don't know why... but they know Trump is a "fascist".

Take your sanctimonious claptrap else where, and cram your excuse making for Libya.
Hillary and Obama already have that rap down cold.

Hilary still talks about "democracy" ( which is a 100% neocon way to view interventionism as a goal in itself)
while Obama says Libya was "his greatest failure" -and then turns around and blames Cameron for not nationbuilding Libya afterwards .

what a crock from both of them.
no way in hell were we ever going to do anything positive like committing personnel or resources
We used Hillary's "smart power" to reign death from above,but that's as far as we were ever gonna go on rebuilding Libya


you're a liar.

You have always been a racist right winger in support of republican racist ways.

You are only fooling yourself.