Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

when ones says "which means" one is offering a definition. that is what means means, idiot.

you can backpedal scream and shout but you are being buried alive in this thread.

Bill is kicking you so hard your limbs are falling off, you are just too fucking stupid to realize what is happening.

stupid little arogant child.

Take it to an English class. your points are poorly written slip-shod and unorganized.
Most un-imporatantly they are picayune ankle biting.. boorish and inane

LOL, no denial of your taking a blind eye...:evilnod:
Yea, the deep state, the deep state are doing the illegalities not dirty...........

We are now on the path to find out........ dirty looks scared, he knows he has lots to hide & his only weapon is firing the very folks coming for the evidence........

I am afraid you are going to be very disappointed.........
i'd be lying if i said I wasn't concerned by a Special Prosecutor. They got a license to kill :)
Given the nature of Russian business dealing ( always murky/oligarchs) i'm sure there will be "illegalities".

But i'd be surprised if there was any collusion ( which was the point of all this jazz)

I still don't think you still get the Deep matter. remain un-curious if you wish.
anatta is a neocon of a different flavor. The only thing he alters in the neoconology is that Russia is the BEST THING EVER, and that America must make concessions to Russia and ease sanctions to forestall Cold War 2.0.
Russia is the NEXT BEST MILITARY. not "concessions". talks/deals

anatta is still vehemently anti-Iran, pro-Saudi Arabia (including arming SA against Iran), pro-Middle East-intervention (as long as its from Russia), and pro-Big-Military-Spending.
Obama set up the arms deal with SA that was just put thru.
Obviously you have no clue about the US/SA special relationship FDR started.
considering Sequester, there needs to be some upgrading. Pilots should not have to search thru "boneyards" for parts

A bigger hypocrite doesn't exist on these forums.
you and rune should get a room.
both of you got nothing but ankle bites
Take it to an English class. your points are poorly written slip-shod and unorganized.
Most un-imporatantly they are picayune ankle biting.. boorish and inane

That is the difference fool, I actually took English classes.
My posts are written well enough, it is you who uses slang and inappropriate grammar, but go down this road...if you choose.
i'd be lying if i said I wasn't concerned by a Special Prosecutor. They got a license to kill :)
Given the nature of Russian business dealing ( always murky/oligarchs) i'm sure there will be "illegalities".

But i'd be surprised if there was any collusion ( which was the point of all this jazz)

I still don't think you still get the Deep matter. remain un-curious if you wish.

No, I guess you're right, I don't.. Never heard a word of them until they were needed to explain away lots of things. I find it rather convenient I guess.........

Perhaps the dirty can do some purges like the dictator in turkey, maybe that will help..
That is the difference fool, I actually took English classes.
My posts are written well enough, it is you who uses slang and inappropriate grammar, but go down this road...if you choose.
you froth without purpose except to ankle bite.
Like I told you a long time ago I consider you a toy to play with when in the mood, but mostly I ignore you despite your constant *groaning * for attention. It's so bad I even set up a thread in warzone to document your pussy behavior.

Rune is a gutless wus
I'm in a good mood today, lots of sales so far. so i play with you until i'm bored and drop you on the floor
Obama was wrong to have anything to do with SA without massive concessions on SA's part. Trump has doubled-down on the neocon-inspired Saudia Arabia strategy.
do you recall the Obama sanctions on Sisi for having a junta government? where did Sisi turn for weapons? Russia.
( and agriculture/nuclear expertise -Sisi visited Moscow shortly thereafter too)
This after 40 years of shutting the Russians out of Egypt

Do you think maybe SA would do the same if we backed out of a weapons deal?
Russia made enormous gains in the ME under Obama,, do you want more?
No worries, I generally don't pay any attention to Sailor. He thinks that by insulting Canada (and Trudeau) that I get irked and upset, but it is water off a duck's back. It doesn't matter where I live. Glad you like Canada and Canadians. Just remember that there are some ugly Canadians, too. Maybe I'm one of them. Or at least I am on these forums.

In my younger years I spent a good bit of time in Windsor, Toronto, and Montreal .. with Toronto being one of my favorite places ever. I always found the architecture along Front and Young Streets in Toronto absolutely fascinating, the people quite friendly, and the food delicious. Even potatoes taste different. :0)

The history of the Underground Railroad has always been intriguing and my visits to Toronto gave me the other half of the story, what happened to the slaves once they completed the journey. How were they treated, how did Canadians receive them? I used to walk up to Canadians in passing and say 'thank you for the humanity' .. which of course would bring on conversations about a wide range of issues. I really enjoyed those conversations.

I met a lot of Canadians again while in Seattle. Lots of Canadian expatriates there .. which contributed to the tolerant Seattle society. I got to visit the Great Bear Rainforest in BC .. again fascinating, breath-taking.

I've enjoyed my time in Canada, enjoyed my interactions with Canadian people .. glad you're posting here .. and thanks for the humanity. :0)
do you recall the Obama sanctions on Sisi for having a junta government? where did Sisi turn for weapons? Russia.
( and agriculture/nuclear expertise -Sisi visited Moscow shortly thereafter too)
This after 40 years of shutting the Russians out of Egypt

Do you think maybe SA would do the same if we backed out of a weapons deal?
Russia made enormous gains in the ME under Obama,, do you want more?

So your argument is that the US should NOT back away from neocon-inspired policies because Russia will move in and form evil alliances and act like the international skunk in America's absence?
do you recall the Obama sanctions on Sisi for having a junta government? where did Sisi turn for weapons? Russia.
( and agriculture/nuclear expertise -Sisi visited Moscow shortly thereafter too)
This after 40 years of shutting the Russians out of Egypt

Do you think maybe SA would do the same if we backed out of a weapons deal?
Russia made enormous gains in the ME under Obama,, do you want more?

No one believes a word you say about President Obama.

You hate the Black man so any lie you can bestow on him you will.

This shit started way before President Obama was in office. You racist white men started all the shit overseas. Stop lying and trying to blame President Obama and Hilary for it.

And that's a fact!
In my younger years I spent a good bit of time in Windsor, Toronto, and Montreal .. with Toronto being one of my favorite places ever. I always found the architecture along Front and Young Streets in Toronto absolutely fascinating, the people quite friendly, and the food delicious. Even potatoes taste different. :0)

The history of the Underground Railroad has always been intriguing and my visits to Toronto gave me the other half of the story, what happened to the slaves once they completed the journey. How were they treated, how did Canadians receive them? I used to walk up to Canadians in passing and say 'thank you for the humanity' .. which of course would bring on conversations about a wide range of issues. I really enjoyed those conversations.

I met a lot of Canadians again while in Seattle. Lots of Canadian expatriates there .. which contributed to the tolerant Seattle society. I got to visit the Great Bear Rainforest in BC .. again fascinating, breath-taking.

I've enjoyed my time in Canada, enjoyed my interactions with Canadian people .. glad you're posting here .. and thanks for the humanity. :0)

Cheers! As I've mentioned elsewhere, I'm originally from the US, but I came to Canada before I had a choice in the matter. My parents have told me stories of North Carolina and how black people were talked about when in an all-white social gathering ('Every white person should have a black person chained up in their lawn'; 'Do you have THOSE people in Canada?'). My parents have said racially insensitive stuff due to their generation, but they felt uncomfortable in the southern part of the US. That said, I have a natural affinity for the US, and speak of my US birth status with pride.

Canada looks at the US favorably for the most part. And just FYI, there are significant pockets of Trump supporters in Canada. So you're not alone.
So your argument is that the US should NOT back away from neocon-inspired policies because Russia will move in and form evil alliances and act like the international skunk in America's absence?
you are an idiot. your terminology is weak at best.
How is selling weapons to a country we have security agreements with being a "neocon inspired policy"
If we sell to Egypt as well -why are we neocons?

the rest of your rhetoric is meaningless. hot air without any context.
It's long been the policy to keep the Russians contained from the ME -especially Egypt
No one believes a word you say about President Obama.

You hate the Black man so any lie you can bestow on him you will.

This shit started way before President Obama was in office. You racist white men started all the shit overseas. Stop lying and trying to blame President Obama and Hilary for it.

And that's a fact!

2017 United States–Saudi Arabia arms deal–Saudi_Arabia_arms_deal

Obama administration arms sales offers to Saudi top $115 billion: report
September 7, 2016
U.S. President Barack Obama's administration has offered Saudi Arabia more than $115 billion in weapons, other military equipment and training, the most of any U.S. administration in the 71-year U.S.-Saudi alliance, a report seen by Reuters has found.
you are an idiot. your terminology is weak at best.
How is selling weapons to a country we have security agreements with being a "neocon inspired policy"
If we sell to Egypt as well -why are we neocons?

the rest of your rhetoric is meaningless. hot air without any context.
It's long been the policy to keep the Russians contained from the ME -especially Egypt

Yes, deep state neocon policies have steered America's role in the Middle East towards Saudi Arabia, blocking out Iran (a much more liberal and amiable nation than Saudi Arabia). How can you be both FOR non-intervention, ANTI-traditional policies, and PRO-arms deals that aid one side in a sectarian holy war? You hypocrite.
Yes, deep state neocon policies have steered America's role in the Middle East towards Saudi Arabia, blocking out Iran (a much more liberal and amiable nation than Saudi Arabia). How can you be both FOR non-intervention, ANTI-traditional policies, and PRO-arms deals that aid one side in a sectarian holy war? You hypocrite.
good lord your lack of knowledge is frightening .

Yes, deep state neocon policies have steered America's role in the Middle East
towards Saudi Arabia,
sales to SA are not interventionism, nor do they have anything to do w/DeepState. These are long term policies -nothing "neocon" about them.

blocking out Iran (a much more liberal and amiable nation than Saudi Arabia).
I'd like nothing better then do deal w/Iran -but Iran wants no part of dealing with the USA!
Obama tried that, and Iran kicked him in the teeth, took the money for the Iran deal, yet aligns w/Russia
and will not deal with the USA in anyway.
All Obama did was set the Sunni states on edge with his non-alignment strategy.

Even against ISIS ( on the ground) Iran will not work with anything American. They run their own operations, and to the best of my knowledge they don't even inform us so we can "deconflict" like we do w/Russia in Syria

How can you be both FOR non-intervention, ANTI-traditional policies, and PRO-arms deals that aid one side in a sectarian holy war? You hypocrite.
we sell arms so SA can defend itself. SA does not use expeditionary forces ( unlike Iran).
Ideally we want the region to settle their own differences without US intervention.

Russia supplies Iran, or Iran has their own weapons (and for the most part they are sophisticated)-
so if anything we balance out the sales by supplying SA.
I can ASSURE YOU that SA is not going to not buy weapons.
So where do you think they will turn to? Just like Egypt did -to Russia
Don't fall for the propaganda/hype.


As a result, Russia lacks soft power, and although Putin looks like a power-broker on the international stage, the Russian economy remains in the toilet with huge domestic problems.

During the Great Depression in the US, the US economy dropped a maximum of 26% .. whereas, the sharp drop in oil prices since 2014 has crippled Russia's economy and its GDP has dropped 40% since the year before energy prices tanked

Despite its large land mass, Russia has a smaller population size than Brazil, Nigeria, Indonesia and Bangladesh. Russia's aging population and economic weakness are at odds with its military spending and global aspirations. In fact, its economic weakness will soon restrict Putin's global adventurism and his ability to project military power abroad.

The US economy is 10 times the size of Russia's.

A Tale of Two Economies: Russia and the US

The greatest threats to Putin and Russia are internal .. and unless they can correct those internal problems, Russia may well implode on its own.
Can Russia afford to be a great world power?
June 3, 2017

POOR Russia. The country is not only struggling economically, but it’s also fighting to keep its superpower status.

And if the current economic situation is anything to go by, Russia risks losing it all together.

Those are among the key findings in a new analysis by the Lowy Institute which questioned whether Russia can afford to be a great power.

Written by Stephen Fortescue, the report said that Moscow wants to be recognized as one of the world’s great powers, but is restrained by resistance to policy action and its own economic limits.

It also notes the Russian economy faces renewed challenges including stagnant growth, falling oil prices and sanctions.

Meanwhile, remoteness, climate, market size and the location of its industry make it increasingly difficult for the Russian economy to remain globally competitive.

Putin's Economy is so Bad, Many Russians Can't Afford New Shoes

Under President*Putin, Russia's economy has seen real income drop for the third consecutive year and poverty*climb*by 15 percent as global oil prices remain low. Russians now spend about*50 percent of their money on food.

Western sanctions and languid Russian economy

Stringent international sanctions imposed on Russia for its role in the Ukraine conflict have sucked the momentum out of the Russian economy over the past couple of years. The nation's growth prospects remain lethargic.

Desperate Putin can't fix Russia's flagging economy

Far from the US having to be Russia's bitch, Putin badly needs sanctions lifted off his weak economy .. and the West still has that hand to play.

ALL of this has been completely missed by the analysis by Putin's American supporters.