Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

new sanctions would add punishments against Russian energy, financial, rail, shipping and metals and mining sectors.
talk about overkill - all this for hacking Podesta and the DNC ? ( maybe)

European law could be used to prevent the application of “extraterritorial” measures by the United States, and it hinted at trade retaliation.
fantastic. lets get into litigation with the EU and start trade wars over stupid sanctions :palm:

new round of sanctions has been driven by the United States Congress,
fantastic. Congress is so dysfunctional it can't even tie it's own shoes - but it has no problem violating
Separation of Powers and interfering with US foreign policy. what a bunch of butt hurt crybabies

threatened to become yet another wedge dividing the United States from its traditional European allies
all the #Nevertrumps were wailing that Trump wanting NATO to pay it's fair share and was
"threatening NATO unity"..but this pile of feel good garbage really IS a wedge!
Notice the #Nevertrumps like this one though -it plays into their Russiaphobia:awesome:
that will show Trump!

As written, the sanctions target any company that contributes to the development, maintenance or modernization of Russia’s energy export pipelines.
let the pipelines go to hell.
Let Putin drill in the Arctic without the best western tech ( Exxon) - because of sanctions.
What a pile of counter-productive crap this all is

Nord Stream 2 is important for Germany. But it has been fiercely criticized by central and eastern Europeans.
Congress speaks: "Fvck the EU!"
talk about overkill - all this for hacking Podesta and the DNC ? ( maybe)

fantastic. lets get into litigation with the EU and start trade wars over stupid sanctions :palm:

fantastic. Congress is so dysfunctional it can't even tie it's own shoes - but it has no problem violating
Separation of Powers and interfering with US foreign policy. what a bunch of butt hurt crybabies

all the #Nevertrumps were wailing that Trump wanting NATO to pay it's fair share and was
"threatening NATO unity"..but this pile of feel good garbage really IS a wedge!
Notice the #Nevertrumps like this one though -it plays into their Russiaphobia:awesome:
that will show Trump!

let the pipelines go to hell.
Let Putin drill in the Arctic without the best western tech ( Exxon) - because of sanctions.
What a pile of counter-productive crap this all is

Congress speaks: "Fvck the EU!"

must....protect.....Mother Russia,
Fuck the US
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must....protect.....Mother Russia,
Fuck the US
a perfect denouement to the enlightened schooling I gave on why Russiaphobia benefits no-one.
Not Russia or Europe or the USA...China is the winner as all this junk just pushes Putin more into the Eurasian sphere
must....protect.....Mother Russia,
Fuck the US

It's not even about Russia, it's specifically about Putin. anatta would have zero interest in Russia if not for Putin. If Russia were run like a democracy, again, zero interest from anatta. And this partially explains his fascination with Trump, a guy that tries to strong-arm government. anatta hates governments that aren't dominated by the will of one man.
^ Putin Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
( not to be confused w/Trump Derangement Syndrome, although symptomology may overlap)
a perfect denouement to the enlightened schooling I gave on why Russiaphobia benefits no-one.
Not Russia or Europe or the USA...China is the winner as all this junk just pushes Putin more into the Eurasian sphere

perfect irony
^ Putin Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
( not to be confused w/Trump Derangement Syndrome, although symptomology may overlap)

Just like Putin admiration tends to overlap with Trump admiration. Since one begets the other.

Either way, it's treason by another name.
Leave it to trumptards to object to a patriotic bipartisan effort to stop Rusdia from interfered g in democracy. I guess we can add this opposition of Trumptards to the giant woodpile of evidence of Trumps collusion. An accessory after the fact, coverup and treachery.
It's not even about Russia, it's specifically about Putin. anatta would have zero interest in Russia if not for Putin. If Russia were run like a democracy, again, zero interest from anatta. And this partially explains his fascination with Trump, a guy that tries to strong-arm government. anatta hates governments that aren't dominated by the will of one man.

Agreed, but I don't think he knows what he believes in.

A supposed antiwar Buddhist who is in love with a brutal ex-KGB agent with a long track record of murder, brutality, and oppression.

Vladimir Putin, war criminal
The Russian leader has a long record of inhumanity.

When Putin came to power in 1999, he almost certainly approved, and perhaps even orchestrated, the bombings of two apartment buildings in Moscow, in which hundreds of innocent Russians lost their lives. As Amy Knight, a specialist on the KGB, argues, the evidence makes it “abundantly clear” that the Russian security service, the FSB (which succeeded the KGB), was “responsible for carrying out the attacks.” Concludes Knight: It is “inconceivable” that the bombings would have been done “without the sanction of Putin,” who exploited the panic they created to crack down on the Chechens and present himself as an indispensable leader.

Putin used the bombings to reignite the Second Chechen War, in which he launched a massive air and land campaign that produced thousands of refugees, reduced much of the Chechen capital Grozny to rubble and killed at least 25,000 civilians.

Putin has funded, promoted, supplied and aided and abetted the Russian and pro-Russian terrorists in eastern Ukraine. Thus far, that war has taken 10,000 lives. It was Putin’s proxies who shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014, killing 298 innocent people aboard.

Russia’s ruthless bombing of Syria’s civilian population and targets has been termed criminal by various Western leaders and human rights organizations, prompting U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power to ask her Russian counterpart: “Is there no act of barbarism against civilians, no execution of a child, that gets under your skin? That just creeps you out a little bit? Is there nothing you will not lie about or justify?”

During Putin’s years in office, a series of Russian democrats, journalists and opposition leaders have been killed in mysterious circumstances — the most prominent being Alexander Litvinenko, Anna Politkovskaya, Boris Nemtsov, Sergei Magnitsky, Natalia Estemirova, Sergei Yushenkov, Paul Klebnikov, Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova.

The record speaks for itself: Putin is a killer and war criminal — no different in the breadth and depth of his criminality than the Serbian war criminal, Slobodan Milošević. He must be treated as such by world leaders with even a minimal commitment to human rights and basic decency.

... policymakers should avoid doing anything that aids and abets Putin’s criminal proclivities. Sanctions must not only be maintained, they should be intensified — not because they will change Putin’s barbaric behavior, but because the West and the world must demonstrate they oppose barbarism.

One day, Putin will be gone, and Russia’s democratic opposition will be able to make their country a decent, law-abiding state. In the meantime, Putin must be told in no uncertain terms that the world will not tolerate any more imperialist land grabs and wars.

Antiwar Buddhist .. doubt it.
Agreed, but I don't think he knows what he believes in.

A supposed antiwar Buddhist who is in love with a brutal ex-KGB agent with a long track record of murder, brutality, and oppression.

Vladimir Putin, war criminal
The Russian leader has a long record of inhumanity.

When Putin came to power in 1999, he almost certainly approved, and perhaps even orchestrated, the bombings of two apartment buildings in Moscow, in which hundreds of innocent Russians lost their lives. As Amy Knight, a specialist on the KGB, argues, the evidence makes it “abundantly clear” that the Russian security service, the FSB (which succeeded the KGB), was “responsible for carrying out the attacks.” Concludes Knight: It is “inconceivable” that the bombings would have been done “without the sanction of Putin,” who exploited the panic they created to crack down on the Chechens and present himself as an indispensable leader.

Putin used the bombings to reignite the Second Chechen War, in which he launched a massive air and land campaign that produced thousands of refugees, reduced much of the Chechen capital Grozny to rubble and killed at least 25,000 civilians.

Putin has funded, promoted, supplied and aided and abetted the Russian and pro-Russian terrorists in eastern Ukraine. Thus far, that war has taken 10,000 lives. It was Putin’s proxies who shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014, killing 298 innocent people aboard.

Russia’s ruthless bombing of Syria’s civilian population and targets has been termed criminal by various Western leaders and human rights organizations, prompting U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power to ask her Russian counterpart: “Is there no act of barbarism against civilians, no execution of a child, that gets under your skin? That just creeps you out a little bit? Is there nothing you will not lie about or justify?”

During Putin’s years in office, a series of Russian democrats, journalists and opposition leaders have been killed in mysterious circumstances — the most prominent being Alexander Litvinenko, Anna Politkovskaya, Boris Nemtsov, Sergei Magnitsky, Natalia Estemirova, Sergei Yushenkov, Paul Klebnikov, Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova.

The record speaks for itself: Putin is a killer and war criminal — no different in the breadth and depth of his criminality than the Serbian war criminal, Slobodan Milošević. He must be treated as such by world leaders with even a minimal commitment to human rights and basic decency.

... policymakers should avoid doing anything that aids and abets Putin’s criminal proclivities. Sanctions must not only be maintained, they should be intensified — not because they will change Putin’s barbaric behavior, but because the West and the world must demonstrate they oppose barbarism.

One day, Putin will be gone, and Russia’s democratic opposition will be able to make their country a decent, law-abiding state. In the meantime, Putin must be told in no uncertain terms that the world will not tolerate any more imperialist land grabs and wars.

Antiwar Buddhist .. doubt it.

It's even funnier when he says it's just realpolitik. Realpolitik Buddhist. Buddhist Kissinger.
ANYTHING is better than Trump.

I'm sure there a millions of Americans happy to see the formation of any group hostile to Russia .. thanks to Donald Trump.

After we get rid of Trump, we can discuss the makeup of this group.

It's hilarious how far Trump disciples' principles extend. Like not past their noses. They are if nothing else ultra nationalist. That appears the primary organizing
principle. Somehow that translates in the real world to admiration of Putin's Russia. Laugh my spleen out.
It's even funnier when he says it's just realpolitik. Realpolitik Buddhist. Buddhist Kissinger.

He obviously has no clue of what he believes in.

Realpolitik .. politics without morals.

A Buddhist without morals who admires a brutal killer is no Buddhist at all.
Leave it to trumptards to object to a patriotic bipartisan effort to stop Rusdia from interfered g in democracy. I guess we can add this opposition of Trumptards to the giant woodpile of evidence of Trumps collusion. An accessory after the fact, coverup and treachery.
"patriotic bipartisan effort"
as if sanctions did anything else but punish like kick the dog. It doesn't train the dog

Your righteous bullshit is what causes Russiaphobia, and that causes Cold War spending that robs our budget for peaceful uses. Futher it hurts Europe and the USA and Russia as I have documented.

But please go on about "interfering in democracy" while ignoring we did the same especially the Yelsin election -or assassinated leaders like allende
Just like Putin admiration tends to overlap with Trump admiration. Since one begets the other.

Either way, it's treason by another name.
ahh. so a US election of Trump is treason.
hypocritical bullshit pulled out of your ass.
So lets use IC leaking,and unmasking -which are real threats to our Constitutional rule to undermine Trump.
Because we hate Trump, and dammiit as long as he goes rule of law doesn't it
ahh. so a US election of Trump is treason.
hypocritical bullshit pulled out of your ass.
So lets use IC leaking,and unmasking -which are real threats to our Constitutional rule to undermine Trump.
Because we hate Trump, and dammiit as long as he goes rule of law doesn't it

When Putin admiration overlaps with Trump admiration, I would consider it treasonous ideation. Trump is a conman who suckered tens of thousands of people. Then there are people like you who jump on the bandwagon because of Trump's love of Putin.
ahh. so a US election of Trump is treason.
hypocritical bullshit pulled out of your ass.
So lets use IC leaking,and unmasking -which are real threats to our Constitutional rule to undermine Trump.
Because we hate Trump, and dammiit as long as he goes rule of law doesn't it

Have you noticed that there is no one else arguing your bullshit propaganda here but you?
Agreed, but I don't think he knows what he believes in.

A supposed antiwar Buddhist who is in love with a brutal ex-KGB agent with a long track record of murder, brutality, and oppression.

Vladimir Putin, war criminal
The Russian leader has a long record of inhumanity.

When Putin came to power in 1999, he almost certainly approved, and perhaps even orchestrated, the bombings of two apartment buildings in Moscow, in which hundreds of innocent Russians lost their lives. As Amy Knight, a specialist on the KGB, argues, the evidence makes it “abundantly clear” that the Russian security service, the FSB (which succeeded the KGB), was “responsible for carrying out the attacks.” Concludes Knight: It is “inconceivable” that the bombings would have been done “without the sanction of Putin,” who exploited the panic they created to crack down on the Chechens and present himself as an indispensable leader.

Putin used the bombings to reignite the Second Chechen War, in which he launched a massive air and land campaign that produced thousands of refugees, reduced much of the Chechen capital Grozny to rubble and killed at least 25,000 civilians.

Putin has funded, promoted, supplied and aided and abetted the Russian and pro-Russian terrorists in eastern Ukraine. Thus far, that war has taken 10,000 lives. It was Putin’s proxies who shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014, killing 298 innocent people aboard.

Russia’s ruthless bombing of Syria’s civilian population and targets has been termed criminal by various Western leaders and human rights organizations, prompting U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power to ask her Russian counterpart: “Is there no act of barbarism against civilians, no execution of a child, that gets under your skin? That just creeps you out a little bit? Is there nothing you will not lie about or justify?”

During Putin’s years in office, a series of Russian democrats, journalists and opposition leaders have been killed in mysterious circumstances — the most prominent being Alexander Litvinenko, Anna Politkovskaya, Boris Nemtsov, Sergei Magnitsky, Natalia Estemirova, Sergei Yushenkov, Paul Klebnikov, Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova.

The record speaks for itself: Putin is a killer and war criminal — no different in the breadth and depth of his criminality than the Serbian war criminal, Slobodan Milošević. He must be treated as such by world leaders with even a minimal commitment to human rights and basic decency.

... policymakers should avoid doing anything that aids and abets Putin’s criminal proclivities. Sanctions must not only be maintained, they should be intensified — not because they will change Putin’s barbaric behavior, but because the West and the world must demonstrate they oppose barbarism.

One day, Putin will be gone, and Russia’s democratic opposition will be able to make their country a decent, law-abiding state. In the meantime, Putin must be told in no uncertain terms that the world will not tolerate any more imperialist land grabs and wars.

Antiwar Buddhist .. doubt it.
like you have ANY clue of what Buddhism is. One thing it always is a search for the truth.
.Your simplistic article is saying "go ahead and damage relations, go ahead and support mindless Russiaphobia to counter "barbarism", go ahead and damage EU/Russian business ties, go ahead and stack NATO so heavily that Russia looks to battlefield nukes as a tactical counter, go ahead and do not talk to Putin and get cease fires in Syria"...for what was it again?? Oh yeah. fulfilling our righteous indignation.

such reactionary bullshit.
I don't know how your mind got so warped it thinks this is a good Path (Buddhist implied meaning)
Have you noticed that there is no one else arguing your bullshit propaganda here but you?
searching for the truth as always below the noise levelof Russiaphobia..

Have you noticed I've destroyed every practical argument for sanctions -except the righteous bullshit it make sus feel good?

maybe like reading a mantra page after page it will sink into your Cold war skull. Maybe not.
My job is to expose the fallacy of sanctions and mono-polarism as being good for the world.

what's your job? criticizing my religion..uh huh
It's even funnier when he says it's just realpolitik. Realpolitik Buddhist. Buddhist Kissinger.
idiot. you can't attack realpolitik as a rational means of evaluating & managing international relationships -
so you chirp out some buzzword phrase-thought that means nothing