Dems Continue to Rehabilitate and Unify With Bush-Era Neocons

get the fuck outta here with your Russiaphobia.

I am looking out for the long-term interests of the Russian people, unlike you. I doubt you'd have any admiration or interest in Russia if it was run like a real democracy. Lets cut to the chase. You admire Putin, and not the Russian people.

It's already been established Putin is free to run his own country

People don't own countries, contrary to the wishes and actions of Putin.
I am looking out for the long-term interests of the Russian people, unlike you. I doubt you'd have any admiration or interest in Russia if it was run like a real democracy. Lets cut to the chase. You admire Putin, and not the Russian people.
People don't own countries, contrary to the wishes and actions of Putin.
you ain't doing shit except hyping Russiaphobia.
Your sanctimonious pile of shit that I have no interest blah blah blah is your mental masturbation to furiously try to nail my wide interest on co-existence and improving US/Russian relations into some narrow definition democracy.

STFU & quit telling me what motives you ascribe to what I am saying.
you ain't doing shit except hyping Russiaphobia.
Your sanctimonious pile of shit that I have no interest blah blah blah is your mental masturbation to furiously try to nail my wide interest on co-existence and improving US/Russian relations into some narrow definition democracy.

STFU & quit telling me what motives you ascribe to what I am saying.

I'm following where you lead me, regarding your motivation. You have admitted to being an admirer of Putin, how Russia is run under Putin. You think it's 'his business' how he runs 'his country'. You shrug and wink at Putin's atrocities in Syria, while barking at Hillary and McCain for their foreign intervention. You think Putin made tremendous gains, but seem to concede that those gains go right in Putin's pocket and are to the detriment of the Russian people. You clearly think democracy is an annoyance, since you are a critic of American-style liberal governments because 'stuff doesn't get done', and criticize Republicans and Democrats for not laying down their values and convictions to support Trump's gutter-shit policies (which outside of giving foreign policy fellatios to Russia you haven't positively identified). You hate American media, think its all fake (unlike Russia's state-run media, the talking points of which you readily adopt). You think there's a Deep State that tries to sabotage Trump's efforts (again, what polices are they trying to prevent exactly?), something no one without a tinfoil hat thought of prior to 2015 and which I'm pretty sure originates from Russian media.
I'm following where you lead me, regarding your motivation. You have admitted to being an admirer of Putin, how Russia is run under Putin. You think it's 'his business' how he runs 'his country'. You shrug and wink at Putin's atrocities in Syria, while barking at Hillary and McCain for their foreign intervention. You think Putin made tremendous gains, but seem to concede that those gains go right in Putin's pocket and are to the detriment of the Russian people. You clearly think democracy is an annoyance, since you are a critic of American-style liberal governments because 'stuff doesn't get done', and criticize Republicans and Democrats for not laying down their values and convictions to support Trump's gutter-shit policies (which outside of giving foreign policy fellatios to Russia you haven't positively identified). You hate American media, think its all fake (unlike Russia's state-run media, the talking points of which you readily adopt). You think there's a Deep State that tries to sabotage Trump's efforts (again, what polices are they trying to prevent exactly?), something no one without a tinfoil hat thought of prior to 2015 and which I'm pretty sure originates from Russian media.
I admire Putin's efficiency,and he's also a world class geo-political wizard.
I admire his tactics.that doesn't mean I admire him as the man.
HE IS a "KGB thug" - but what the Russiaphobes won't admit s he's much more effective in expanding into the ME and neutering our meddling in the UK.'s Euromaiden

He has an inferior military and an inferior economy,and yet he's triumphed all over Obama's feckless indifference
where Obama "warned" him of the "quagmire" of Syria.
He's made inroads into the Egyptian economy/security partnership..all these breakthroughs under Obama
( who was a babe in the woods on foreign policy)

I admire any chess game that is a brilliant play ( yes I play chess) but like Bobby Fisher I loathed the jew hating
part of him, while I admire his games.

Putin has made tremendous gains. The economy is bad mostly because of energy prices. His long term gambit is to use hard power now -despite the sanctions- to rebuild Russia prestige and economy..
see how it goes.

I don't "hate US media" I hate the fake news and spin of WAPO and the "advocacy journalism" of the NYTimes.

Finally i find your narrow interest in me- and not just my ideas- girlishly gossipy and pseudo-intellectually vapid.
I admire Putin's efficiency,and he's also a world class geo-political wizard.
I admire his tactics.that doesn't mean I admire him as the man.
HE IS a "KGB thug" - but what the Russiaphobes won't admit s he's much more effective in expanding into the ME and neutering our meddling in the UK.'s Euromaiden

He has an inferior military and an inferior economy,and yet he's triumphed all over Obama's feckless indifference
where Obama "warned" him of the "quagmire" of Syria.
He's made inroads into the Egyptian economy/security partnership..all these breakthroughs under Obama
( who was a babe in the woods on foreign policy)

I admire any chess game that is a brilliant play ( yes I play chess) but like Bobby Fisher I loathed the jew hating
part of him, while I admire his games.

Putin has made tremendous gains. The economy is bad mostly because of energy prices. His long term gambit is to use hard power now -despite the sanctions- to rebuild Russia prestige and economy..
see how it goes.

I don't "hate US media" I hate the fake news and spin of WAPO and the "advocacy journalism" of the NYTimes.

Finally i find your narrow interest in me- and not just my ideas- girlishly gossipy and pseudo-intellectually vapid.

You speak from a place of ignorance. Although since you have admitted to admiring the deception and dishonesty of your hero Trump, I can't tell if you actually believe what you write, or if you just relentlessly lie your ass off.

You don't know any Russians. You have never been to Russia. You know nothing of the culture. You know precious little of the history. You have no scholarly knowledge of the East Slavs. The only rudimentary knowledge- which is generally incorrect - you have gleaned and repeated verbatim are from the NeoCon publications and alt-right blog you visit. I doubt you have actually even read anything by an authentic East Slavic scholar.

Your reasons for idolizing and worshipping Putin are all incorrect. They are the half baked imaginings lifted from the depths of the pro-Kremlin alt-right blogosphere, and Russian state media.

Putin has gotten Russia stuck in a quagmire in Syria. He has squandered whatever reputation Russia built up as an emerging democratic nation. Your pro-Kremlin fantasies about Putin pulling of a stunning geopolitical upset in Ukraine sounds like the fantasizing of a school boy. Russia is stuck in a quagmire in Donbass, and the Russian people have no interest in waging war on Ukraine. The Kiev government is more than safe from Putin's expanstionist fantasies.

An extraordinary wave of antigovernment protests swept across Russia on Monday

MOSCOW — An extraordinary wave of antigovernment protests swept across Russia on Monday, as thousands of demonstrators gathered in more than 100 cities to denounce corruption and political stagnation despite official attempts to stifle the expression of outrage.

The protests were ostensibly focused on government corruption, but other issues, like economic doldrums and the mass demolition of apartments, brought people onto the street. Many participants said they were disgusted at the gradual dismantling of democracy in Russia, and of any semblance of a real opposition

Putin is a clever ex-KGB strong man, and authoritarian who through ineptitude and miscalculation is never going to achieve his stated goals of a unified, 21st union of all the Russian-speaking people of the former USSR.

It is unfathomable to me how someone who knows nothing about Russia, and does not actually know any Russian people can be so pro-Kremlin. There is no legitimate reason for you to be pro-Kremlin and anti-American. I guess I never wanted to admit you actually wanted a foreign adversary to collude with your Orange Clown to win an election. But all signs point to you being a pathetic Kremlin stooge.
He has an inferior military and an inferior economy,and yet he's triumphed all over Obama's feckless indifference
where Obama "warned" him of the "quagmire" of Syria.

You mean he assisted in and facilitated the butchering of largely innocent people and suppressing a legitimate uprising against a brutal dictator.

He's made inroads into the Egyptian economy/security partnership..all these breakthroughs under Obama
( who was a babe in the woods on foreign policy)

And yet America thrived under Obama, and Russia suffered and continues to suffer under Putin. I admit that it's easier to be a villain and Putin is certainly a villain.

I admire any chess game that is a brilliant play ( yes I play chess) but like Bobby Fisher I loathed the jew hating
part of him, while I admire his games.

Meanwhile, this is not a game, and your admiration of Putin is no different than a neo-Nazi's admiration of Hitler.

Putin has made tremendous gains.

Such as? I'm not talking about bragging rights and territory, but actual gains that have benefited him and the Russian people. Putin is a billionaire a hundred times over, but his oligarch power base is not happy since they are all losing piles of money.

The economy is bad mostly because of energy prices.

It's not the Russian people's fault that they have an oil-based economy that is destined to crash and burn with Putin at the helm.

I don't "hate US media" I hate the fake news and spin of WAPO and the "advocacy journalism" of the NYTimes.

You hate whatever interferes with your world view, which is largely centered around Russia, and to a much lesser extent, Donald Trump (who is merely a vessel through which you feel sanctions/foreign policy can be bent in Russia's favor). Plain as day.

Finally i find your narrow interest in me- and not just my ideas- girlishly gossipy and pseudo-intellectually vapid.

It's true that I loathe you as the Putin-equivalent of a neo-Nazi skinhead who professes a semblance of Buddhist values.
You speak from a place of ignorance. Although since you have admitted to admiring the deception and dishonesty of your hero Trump, I can't tell if you actually believe what you write, or if you just relentlessly lie your ass off.
you are projecting you feeling s of Putin onto Trump -key word here is "deception"..are you seriously claiming Trump is "deceptive?" He's a blathering fool on Twitter.
He runs and gives interviews to the NYTimes - his mortal enemy and you call him"deceptive?

You don't know any Russians. You have never been to Russia. You know nothing of the culture. You know precious little of the history. You have no scholarly knowledge of the East Slavs. The only rudimentary knowledge- which is generally incorrect - you have gleaned and repeated verbatim are from the NeoCon publications and alt-right blog you visit. I doubt you have actually even read anything by an authentic East Slavic scholar.
most Americans are ignorant of Russia and have not been there. But there is this thing called the internet that gives one as much knowledge of any situation/place that one cares to dig into.
Americans are blind Sheeple being pulled further and further into the abyss of Russiaphobia.

Look at this thread I posted.

Pulling the plug on the FSA ( CIA rebels) in Syria is according to WaPO:

"The Washington Post noted that its anonymous sources view Trump’s move as a “major concession” to Moscow"

a "major concession to Putin" ?
WaPo doesn't even report the FSA is the weak sister in Syria, and the CIA weapons/trained personnel we gave them wound up w/ Jabhat Fateh al-Sham - while General Idris long ago flew the coop to Turkey.

The fact I can understand the Syrian factions, the ebb and flow of the war, and look at WaPo's disengenuous Russia bashing in a clumsy attempt to go after Trump while never going to Syria attests to the fact one doesn't have to be there to understand it there.
I'm not upon Russian literature or the brooding souls of Russians/Slavs

I'm not interested in Russia/Slavic people other then someone we have to deal with and protect as part of NATO or deal with on a military level like Putin.
Dostoyevsky's exploration of "human psychology in the troubled political, social, and spiritual atmospheres of 19th-century Russia" ( wiki) bores me to tears. You can deal with your Slavic roots.

I'm not digging into anything except realpolitik it's all that matters to me as an American

Your reasons for idolizing and worshipping Putin are all incorrect. They are the half baked imaginings lifted from the depths of the pro-Kremlin alt-right blogosphere, and Russian state media.
sure often do you see me citing RT? Oh that's right -like never.
Oh and Neo-cons? It's not me that supports the warmonger Hillary Clinton like you do.

Putin has gotten Russia stuck in a quagmire in Syria. He has squandered whatever reputation Russia built up as an emerging democratic nation. Your pro-Kremlin fantasies about Putin pulling of a stunning geopolitical upset in Ukraine sounds like the fantasizing of a school boy. Russia is stuck in a quagmire in Donbass, and the Russian people have no interest in waging war on Ukraine. The Kiev government is more than safe from Putin's expanstionist fantasies.
The "little green men" was a brilliant play.
we all knew they were Russian..well their transports didn't have Russian license plates, and the personnel had no maybe they weren't..and in the short time of that doubt was all it took to annex Crimea.
we never fired a shot at them.

That is a deception of war the Mossad would be proud of! - "By way of deception thou shalt do war"
( i assume you get the reference)..It was a brilliant strategy, and a brilliant tactic both.

Donbass is his federation of the Ukraine's east away from Kyiv.

Our meddling in their Euromaiden created a hostile Uk. state towards Russia.
You can say what you want to about Putin.
we fucked around and drove out Yanukovych with our USAID money and put his lease/access in doubt to Sevastopol. we created that set up on the chessboard.

Talk abut neocons? Your Russian hating hero John McCain was all over Independence Square
along with Victoria Nuland's 'cupcakes' to assure the Euromaiden was the putstch to remove Yanukovych.
The US neocons created the situation we are in today.

Putin is a clever ex-KGB strong man, and authoritarian who through ineptitude and miscalculation is never going to achieve his stated goals of a unified, 21st union of all the Russian-speaking people of the former USSR.
more soothsaying analysis without backing. You might be right, you might be wrong.
Who cares? are you familiar with the golf term "the ball is played as it lies?"
That's all i've ever advocated - I don't pretend to try to know the future.
i do know where the US/Europe and Russia 'lie' (sic) now doesn't benefit any of us.
It is unfathomable to me how someone who knows nothing about Russia, and does not actually know any Russian people can be so pro-Kremlin. There is no legitimate reason for you to be pro-Kremlin and anti-American. I guess I never wanted to admit you actually wanted a foreign adversary to collude with your Orange Clown to win an election. But all signs point to you being a pathetic Kremlin stooge.
Typical Obama ( and neocon type) analysis that everything do do with US/Russian relations must be a win for one side,
and a loss for another. Monopolaristic madness.

Go back to my example of Syria..the cease fire benefits all of us as well as the Syrian people .
Who knows? maybe we can even extend the ceasefire zone?

I realize you cannot conceive of any thought other then "Putin is a KGB thug"and like the rest of the Russiaphobes/neocons ( they are one and the same) have to knee jerk your mind to that zero sum game -
but I'm not playing. I'm looking past the simplistic insanity of Cold War 2 to a better way for the world.
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I admire Putin's efficiency,and he's also a world class geo-political wizard.
I admire his tactics.that doesn't mean I admire him as the man.
HE IS a "KGB thug" - but what the Russiaphobes won't admit s he's much more effective in expanding into the ME and neutering our meddling in the UK.'s Euromaiden

He has an inferior military and an inferior economy,and yet he's triumphed all over Obama's feckless indifference
where Obama "warned" him of the "quagmire" of Syria.
He's made inroads into the Egyptian economy/security partnership..all these breakthroughs under Obama
( who was a babe in the woods on foreign policy)

I admire any chess game that is a brilliant play ( yes I play chess) but like Bobby Fisher I loathed the jew hating
part of him, while I admire his games.

Putin has made tremendous gains. The economy is bad mostly because of energy prices. His long term gambit is to use hard power now -despite the sanctions- to rebuild Russia prestige and economy..
see how it goes.

I don't "hate US media" I hate the fake news and spin of WAPO and the "advocacy journalism" of the NYTimes.

Finally i find your narrow interest in me- and not just my ideas- girlishly gossipy and pseudo-intellectually vapid.

I'm no Buddhist, but doesn't the name Buddha mean "Awakened One?" I ask because you seem lacking in mindfulness and awareness.

Don't take this as an attack .. because it isn't .. but you're being carpet-bombed with bombers loaded with statistics, information, and truth that you've never mentioned in the propaganda that you're spewing. But you keep right on spewing it full of holes anyway.

If there are any reading who have been frightened by your folk tales of an invincible Putin .. surely their fears have been put to rest by the bombers blowing giant gaping holes in your fear-mongering propaganda. It's propaganda because it's absent of truth .. and you know it.

I can't speak for anyone else, but that's exactly what I set out to do .. expose that nonsense as propaganda.

You should go back to wherever you got that bullshit from and tell them they shouldn't show up here. :0) We've got American bombers here that will blow that spoon-fed ignorance apart. :0)

QUESTION: What's wrong with a Cold War? I almost yearn for those days of clarity.

I doubt if most people know what the hell is going on in Syria because there is no clarity.
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I'm no Buddhist, but doesn't the name Buddha mean "Awakened One?" I ask because you seem lacking in mindfulness and awareness.

Don't take this as an attack .. because it isn't .. but you're being carpet-bombed with bombers loaded with statistics, information, and truth that you've never mentioned in the propaganda that you're spewing. But you keep right on spewing it full of holes.

If there are any reading who have been frightened by your folk tales of an invincible Putin .. surely their fears have been put to rest by the bombers blowing giant gaping holes in your fear-mongering propaganda. It's propaganda because it's absent of truth .. and you know it.

I can't speak for anyone else, but that's exactly what I set out to do .. expose that nonsense as propaganda.

You should go back to wherever you got that bullshit from and tell them they shouldn't show up here. :0) We've got American bombers here that will blow that spoon-fed ignorance apart. :0)

QUESTION: What's wrong with a Cold War? I almost yearn for those days of clarity.

I doubt if most people know what the hell is going on in Syria because there is no clarity.
Brother you have lost your memory.
that "clarity" you yearn for was the world one slip away from nuclear winter.
no matter. we're right back at it!

say "hello" to the 9K720 Iskander-M ; Russia's answer to NATO's Cold War 2 buildup.

Russia can't match our troops or total tanks or obscene permanent deployments in Finland.
It can only buzz our Joint Exercises with the Polish Navy from it's outpost in Kaliningrad Oblast
So it builds nuclear tipped short range cruise missiles ( so called "battlefield nukes") as compensation.
The Iskander was designed to evade missile defenses. According to Missile Threat, the weapon can maneuver at more than 30g during its terminal phase. It’s also equipped with decoys to spoof interceptor missiles. As such, the Iskander is extremely difficult to intercept with current missile defense technologies.

The Iskander is not a strategic weapon—it’s a tactical ballistic missile. During combat operations, it would be used to destroy both stationary and moving targets. Targets would range from surface-to-air missile batteries, enemy short-range missiles, airfields, ports, command and communication centers, factories and other hardened targets.

Isn't this fun?
now we don't just have ICBMS to worry about we got battlefield nukes as a dividend from Cold War 2.
Remember when we used to hide under our school desks and practice "nuclear drills?"

Teach your children's baaaack!! *Brought to you by Cold War 2 madness*
Brother you have lost your memory.
that "clarity" you yearn for was the world one slip away from nuclear winter.
no matter. we're right back at it!

say "hello" to the 9K720 Iskander-M ; Russia's answer to NATO's Cold War 2 buildup.

Russia can't match our troops or total tanks or obscene permanent deployments in Finland.
It can only buzz our Joint Exercises with the Polish Navy from it's outpost in Kaliningrad Oblast
So it builds nuclear tipped short range cruise missiles ( so called "battlefield nukes") as compensation.
The Iskander was designed to evade missile defenses. According to Missile Threat, the weapon can maneuver at more than 30g during its terminal phase. It’s also equipped with decoys to spoof interceptor missiles. As such, the Iskander is extremely difficult to intercept with current missile defense technologies.

The Iskander is not a strategic weapon—it’s a tactical ballistic missile. During combat operations, it would be used to destroy both stationary and moving targets. Targets would range from surface-to-air missile batteries, enemy short-range missiles, airfields, ports, command and communication centers, factories and other hardened targets.

Isn't this fun?
now we don't just have ICBMS to worry about we got battlefield nukes as a dividend from Cold War 2.
Remember when we used to hide under our school desks and practice "nuclear drills?"

Teach your children's baaaack!! *Brought to you by Cold War 2 madness*

Stomping your feet, yelling "Cold War 2.0!", and blaming NATO for forcing Putin to invade Crimea does not change these simple fact:

You deal in slogans and buzzwords - likely lifted right out of NeoCon publicans and alt-right webpages - which have no real, tangible meaning. I mean, that's what a buzzword is after all.

You don't know any real Russians.

You don't understand Russia, nor do you know anything material and substantive about its culture and history.

You have no real knowledge, scholarly or otherwise, about Russia, about the East Slavic peoples.

Your worship of Putin belies the fact you have an affinity for authoritarians - which is probably why you love Trump - and you have a palpable disrespect for democratic institutions.

You are neither Russian, you have no connection to Russia, you don't know any Russians, and you therefore have not legitimate reason to feel camaraderie and loyalty to PUtin and Russia, and you have not legitimate reason to be a Russophile. Your worship of Vladimir Putin and his authoritarian regime can merely be chalked up to your affinity for dictatorship, perhaps even bordering on anti-Americanism. Obviously, your worship of Putin is tied up in weird ways to your worship of the corpulent Orange Clown.

Nobody said Putin was the worst dictator in the world. Nobody - except your hero Trump - said we need a new arms race, a new cold war. You are shadow boxing; relentlessly throwing out the same buzzwords and slogans, the same empty rhetoric, which bespeaks of your lack on intellectual weight, and in fact is an indication of your voracious appetite for parroting NeoCon and AltRight blogs.

It is frankly insulting to those of us who respect and honor scholarly knowledge, compelling insight, and a respect for the truth that you inexplicably pass yourself off as an armchair expert on Russia.
Stomping your feet, yelling "Cold War 2.0!", and blaming NATO for forcing Putin to invade Crimea does not change these simple fact:
You deal in slogans and buzzwords - likely lifted right out of NeoCon publicans and alt-right webpages - which have no real, tangible meaning. I mean, that's what a buzzword is after all.
you tell me i sloganere and use buzzwords ( is that a bad thing? it's what Americans do!)
but you don't give references .

You don't know any real Russians.
I know fake Russians. the kind that use a refrigerator in the Arctic to keep their kill fresh.
Do they count?
You don't understand Russia, nor do you know anything material and substantive about its culture and history.
You have no real knowledge, scholarly or otherwise, about Russia, about the East Slavic peoples.
I promise you I will find the Russian community in Orlando. There is a Russian who moved in the neighborhood on a bank distressed property, and he is refurbishing by himself/ He does that for work too,,..umm where was I..
oh yeah. he's a Yankee Doodle dandy, hard working American setting down roots...
*background music "this land is my land this land is your land"*

Yourworship of Putin belies the fact you have an affinity for authoritarians - which is probably why you love Trump - and you have a palpable disrespect for democratic institutions.
word salad thanks. I had enough roughage today. list them.
worshiping Putin
disrespect for democratic institutions
affinity for authoritarians
impressive, turn me over to Joe McCarthy

You are neither Russian, you have no connection to Russia, you don't know any Russians, and you therefore have not legitimate reason to feel camaraderie and loyalty to PUtin and Russia, and you have not legitimate reason to be a Russophile.
lol.. be are clinging to your 'Russianess' I'm not interested in taking it.
Your worship of Vladimir Putin and his authoritarian regime can merely be chalked up to your affinity for dictatorship, perhaps even bordering on anti-Americanism. Obviously, your worship of Putin is tied up in weird ways to your worship of the corpulent Orange Clown.
rap rap

Nobody said Putin was the worst dictator in the world. Nobody - except your hero Trump - said we need a new arms race, a new cold war. You are shadow boxing; relentlessly throwing out the same buzzwords and slogans, the same empty rhetoric, which bespeaks of your lack on intellectual weight, and in fact is an indication of your voracious appetite for parroting NeoCon and AltRight blogs.
the cold war Trump reference was to remind Putin he can't outlast or outspend us long term.
It wasn't the ginned up DC hysteria you suck on night after night to warm your cockles
It is frankly insulting to those of us who respect and honor scholarly knowledge, compelling insight, and a respect for the truth that you inexplicably pass yourself off as an armchair expert on Russia.
I've never passed myself off as anything my ideas are my own
( well there was that time i passed myself off as a preacher - but the couple knew that.)
I officially resign my "armchair" status -are you happy now? :)
Let's compare and contrast.

Paraphrasing anonymous message board poster Annatta:

"Putin is a geopolitical genius, and his intervention is Syrian is a historic and brilliant master stroke! -- Annatta

What actual experts and professional journalists who live in the Middle East say:

Russia is at a dead-end in Syria
Russia is struggling and failing to find a way out of the Syrian quagmire.

Recent events in Syria, especially the incidents that took place in the Raqqa area and near the city of Tanf at the Syrian-Iraqi border, make Russian-US cooperation increasingly illusory. This, in turn, makes the Russian exit from Syria that much more difficult.

The Kremlin's gamble to use the conflict in Syria to normalise relations with the West after the disaster in Ukraine is not paying off. Moscow is appearing to be stuck in Syria, entangled in Damascus and Tehran's desperate plots.
Let's compare and contrast.

Paraphrasing anonymous message board poster Annatta:

Putin is a geopolitical genius, and his intervention is Syrian is a historic and brilliant master stroke! -- Annatta
no Putin is a geopolitical master who knows all the players and all their capabilities.
Most important he knows international power plays -military and hard power, but also soft power alliances.
It's why he threw his lot in fully with the Shi'a -he knows we are on the outs with them, and now even the Iraqi Shia government of Iraq is closer to Iran then us.

He know where to make the plays and where not to....
You link is hilarious..:rolleyes:
What actual experts and professional journalists who live in the Middle East say:

Putin is like the helpless, but cunning, Br'er Rabbit pleads, "Please don't throw me in the briar patch," prompting Fox to do exactly that. in your eyes, and the "article" ( wonder who the author is -did you check?)

Putin is all in on a permanent presence in Syria. Putin has airbases and combat and support bases there
It's also upgrading Tartus to full drydock capability for carriers and nuke subs..this is a quagmire??


Russia Expands its Naval Base at Tartus
On Wednesday, Russia and Syria finalized an agreement that would expand the territory of the Russian naval base at Tartus. In return, Russia will help Syria refurbish its naval vessels.

Tartus was the southern terminus of Russia's "Syrian Express" supply convoy during the Syrian civil war. It has been in Russia's possession in one form or another since 1971, and the treaty gives Russia a new 49-year lease with automatic renewal every 25 years thereafter. It provides for berthing for up to 11 Russian ships at a time, including nuclear-powered vessels, and gives Russia the right to permanently store any type of munitions.

Notably, the base will be outside of Damascus' jurisdiction, and Syria has agreed not to object to any military activities related to its operations.

Viktor Ozerov, head of the Russian Federation Council's defense committee, told RIA Novosti that Russia would quickly build out the base's facilities to accommodate aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines. The existing base has four relatively small mooring jetties and a small dry dock, but the adjacent civilian cargo terminals are up to 2,000 feet long with depths alongside of up to 42 feet. (Russia's largest naval vessel, the Admiral Kuznetsov, is 1,000 feet long with a draft of 33 feet.)

Russia will have responsibility for sea and air defense of the installation. Adm. Viktor Kravchenko told RIA Novosti that protecting Tartus from attack would require an anti-ship missile system like the Bal or the Bastion.

The agreement also formalizes the indefinite deployment of Russian air force assets at Hmeymim air field, free of charge.
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Brother you have lost your memory.
that "clarity" you yearn for was the world one slip away from nuclear winter.
no matter. we're right back at it!

say "hello" to the 9K720 Iskander-M ; Russia's answer to NATO's Cold War 2 buildup.

Russia can't match our troops or total tanks or obscene permanent deployments in Finland.
It can only buzz our Joint Exercises with the Polish Navy from it's outpost in Kaliningrad Oblast
So it builds nuclear tipped short range cruise missiles ( so called "battlefield nukes") as compensation.
The Iskander was designed to evade missile defenses. According to Missile Threat, the weapon can maneuver at more than 30g during its terminal phase. It’s also equipped with decoys to spoof interceptor missiles. As such, the Iskander is extremely difficult to intercept with current missile defense technologies.

The Iskander is not a strategic weapon—it’s a tactical ballistic missile. During combat operations, it would be used to destroy both stationary and moving targets. Targets would range from surface-to-air missile batteries, enemy short-range missiles, airfields, ports, command and communication centers, factories and other hardened targets.

Isn't this fun?
now we don't just have ICBMS to worry about we got battlefield nukes as a dividend from Cold War 2.
Remember when we used to hide under our school desks and practice "nuclear drills?"

Teach your children's baaaack!! *Brought to you by Cold War 2 madness*

Still fear-mongering with half truths.

What? You don't think we have an answer for Russian tactical nukes? :0) Do you think the Russians don't know we have an answer for their tactical nukes?

Do you think Putin doesn't know that if he uses nukes at all that there will be a terrible response he won't like?

By 2020, Russia is projected to spend only $41 billion on the military. That’s less than France spends, with only 46 percent of Russia’s population. Furthermore, spiraling costs in Syria and Ukraine could either force early Russian withdrawal or bankrupt the regime. Indeed, a Russian newspaper recently revealed that the government spends $1.8 billion a year just on military contractors in Syria.

Compare that $41 billion to NATO’s military spending of $892 billion in 2015. That’s a big gap, which looks set to widen. Russia simply cannot outspend — or even match up to — a well-funded and unified Alliance.

Fear-mongering .. it's all you have .. and you're not very good at that.

Seek therapy.
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Still fear-mongering with half truths.

What? You don't think we have an answer for Russian tactical nukes? :0) Do you think the Russians don't know we have an answer for their tactical nukes?

Do you think Putin doesn't know that if he uses nukes at all that there will be a terrible response he won't like?

By 2020, Russia is projected to spend only $41 billion on the military. That’s less than France spends, with only 46 percent of Russia’s population. Furthermore, spiraling costs in Syria and Ukraine could either force early Russian withdrawal or bankrupt the regime. Indeed, a Russian newspaper recently revealed that the government spends $1.8 billion a year just on military contractors in Syria.

Compare that $41 billion to NATO’s military spending of $892 billion in 2015. That’s a big gap, which looks set to widen. Russia simply cannot outspend — or even match up to — a well-funded and unified Alliance.

Fear-mongering .. it's all you have .. and you're not very good at that.

Seek therapy.

you are warmongering, and tell me to stop the fear mongering! You've lost your mind.
Sitting there and telling me how NATO will out spend Russia (endorsing Cold War) so forget Russia.

You don't know a damn thing about weapon systems. what's the answer for the Iskander?
did you read the link I provided? It has built in decoys to spoof intercepts,and high degree of manueverability
during it's last attack ( terminal ) phase.. now imagine about 2 or 3 of these being fired at a target..
how do you stop them? ( you don't)

But again listen to yourself trying to justify that we can deal with battlefield nukes.
You' ve become the ultimate Cold Warrior -gaming out how we survive tactical nukes..

Oh and you link about Russian spending was written by some grad student who clams Russian economy
is in a free fall.
First off it's not - and if oil prices comeback up it will be doing much better then just the modest growth it's getting now.
and I do read all the links provided about the regional areas going broke, etc.

What you fail to even think about -what COMPLETELY zooms by your head- is that you've gone 100&
cold warrior 2.
I keep telling you there is a better way then mindless escalation of military spending,
and you keep coming back with more militaristic responses.

So much for your anti-war posture,or doesn't cold war spending/escalation on weapons systems -personnel
matter to you? what happens when something goes wrong and we are in a trip wire conflict?
( unwanted -caused by local response to perceived threat, or weapons failure)

How about if we had a peace dividend instead and used that for Health care? hmm?

The old BAC i knew would be thinking like that..I don't know this new guy you are fronting.
I don't want to. you are advocating the military industrial complex,and confrontation-
damn the possibility of hot war.
You are becoming a neocon. *yuck*
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you are warmongering, and tell me to stop the fear mongering! You've lost your mind.
Sitting there and telling me how NATO will out spend Russia (endorsing Cold War) so forget Russia.

You don't know a damn thing about weapon systems. what's the answer for the Iskander?
did you read the link I provided? It has built in decoys to spoof intercepts,and high degree of manueverability
during it's last attack ( terminal ) phase.. now imagine about 2 or 3 of these being fired at a target..
how do you stop them? ( you don't)

But again listen to yourself trying to justify that we can deal with battlefield nukes.
You' ve become the ultimate Cold Warrior -gaming out how we survive tactical nukes..

Oh and you link about Russian spending was written by some grad student who clams Russian economy
is in a free fall.
First off it's not - and if oil prices comeback up it will be doing much better then just the modest growth it's getting now.
and I do read all the links provided about the regional areas going broke, etc.

What you fail to even think about -what COMPLETELY zooms by your head- is that you've gone 100&
cold warrior 2.
I keep telling you there is a better way then mindless escalation of military spending,
and you keep coming back with more militaristic responses.

So much for your anti-war posture,or doesn't cold war spending/escalation on weapons systems -personnel
matter to you? what happens when something goes wrong and we are in a trip wire conflict?
( unwanted -caused by local response to perceived threat, or weapons failure)

How about if we had a peace dividend instead and used that for Health care? hmm?

The old BAC i knew would be thinking like that..I don't know this new guy you are fronting.
I don't want to. you are advocating the military industrial complex,and confrontation-
damn the possibility of hot war.
You are becoming a neocon. *yuck*

How is there going to be a peace dividend when the Donald is increasing the MIC budget by 59 billion, fool?
How is there going to be a peace dividend when the Donald is increasing the MIC budget by 59 billion, fool?
they are not exclusionary. you remove the US committment to European expansionist spending.
Much of the budget is not set yet.
Expensive upgrades for the Navy and AF are needed because of sequestor. They are not long term
European Reassurance Initiative spending alone would save 5 billion a year.

I'm no fan of the "2 wars" spending -the biggest long term drive of costs. But if you ratchett down tensions
with our biggest rival,that 2 war spending goes away too.
There is no reason to endorse more Cold War spending
E.U. Uneasy About Impact of New U.S. Sanctions on Russia

The European Union is threatening unspecified retaliation if the United States imposes new sanctions on Russia that affect its energy supplies. But as usual, the 28-nation bloc is divided, with central European countries more willing to see limits on the bloc’s dependence on Russian oil and gas.

The new round of sanctions has been driven by the United States Congress, which is intent on punishing Russia for its suspected meddling in last year’s presidential election. Bipartisan support in Congress for the new sanctions is so strong that the White House has suggested that President Trump will sign the bill that emerges and not veto it.

But the new sanctions have important implications for Europe and have immediately threatened to become yet another wedge dividing the United States from its traditional European allies.

As written, the sanctions target any company that contributes to the development, maintenance or modernization of Russia’s energy export pipelines.

That would almost surely affect a controversial pipeline project between Russia and Germany known as Nord Stream 2, which is owned by Gazprom but includes financial stakes from European companies. The project aims to carry Russian natural gas under the Baltic Sea, bypassing countries like Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic States.

The new pipeline, in rough parallel to the existing Nord Stream 1, is being built to carry another 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year, underscoring Europe’s continuing need for Russian energy.

“We are following the draft bill on Russia sanctions with some concern, notably because of its possible impact on the E.U.’s energy independence,”
a European Commission spokesman, Margaritis Schinas, said on Monday.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, the bloc’s bureaucratic arm, has called for an urgent review of how the European Union should respond.

Brussels should be prepared to act “within days” if the sanctions are adopted “without E.U. concerns being taken into account,” according to a position paper drafted by the European Commission dated July 19.

The paper argued that the sanctions could affect the maintenance or upgrading of existing pipelines from Russia into Ukraine and elsewhere around the Caspian Sea.

It also raised concerns that unity could be broken between the United States and the European Union on how to deal with Russia for its annexation of Crimea and sponsorship of warfare in eastern Ukraine.

The European Union — which does much more business with neighboring Russia than the United States does — imposed a series of sanctions on Russia, including on specific energy companies, beginning in 2014 over its actions in Ukraine.


^The central facility where the Nord Stream 1 Baltic Sea gas pipeline reaches western Europe in Lubmin, Germany, after the pipeline’s official inauguration in 2011

The new sanctions would add punishments against Russian energy, financial, rail, shipping and metals and mining sectors.

The European Commission is seeking assurances from Washington that, if passed, the new measures will not be applied in a way that affect European Union interests or energy companies.

It has also suggested that European law could be used to prevent the application of “extraterritorial” measures by the United States, and it hinted at trade retaliation.

Nord Stream 2 is important for Germany. But it has been fiercely criticized by central and eastern Europeans.
Donald Tusk, the president of the European Council and a former Polish prime minister, is a vocal critic of the pipeline, urging strict regulation of a project he has said would strengthen Moscow.

In a June letter to the European Commission, Mr. Tusk expressed his “negative view” of the project.

It will allow Russia “to close down the transit route through Ukraine,* meaning no revenues for Ukraine as a transit toll* < my comment
leaving our partners at Russia’s mercy, while its aggression has not ended,” he wrote.

“It also contradicts the objective we have set for the energy union,” making Europe “more dependent on Russian supplies,” and “will strengthen Gazprom’s position as the E.U.’s dominant gas supplier. In short, it will not serve the best European interest.”