Deranged trump posts”what gives her the right to run for president”

No he isn't and no he doesn't. Got anything to back that up with troll? I'll wait.
Illiests are often gaslighters and narcissists. Your posts are the proof, comrade dumbass. The same goes for when you used to post in pink, pinko. LOL

Everyone has something to hide. Thanks.

When a gaslighter/narcissist speaks in the third person, his statement is said as if it is coming from a supporter. When his quote is published in the media, readers scanning the news may see just the quote and assume it is attributable to someone else. This then gives the quote more credibility. It then becomes apocryphal. It is a form of spreading propaganda. Gaslighters/narcissists speak with the intention that a lie will be heard so many times that it will become the truth and that their use of the third person gives their quotes more clout.
It will be 2020 redux. The day after he loses, he will file to run for POTUS in 2028. That gives him the ability to continue to fundraise in order to pay his legal bills, and funnel said funds into his own coffers via 'campaign' events on his properties.
A large swath of his MAGA minions will crawl back under their rocks. They never voted pre trump, and they will never vote again in the future. He might have the same power to sway primary challenges to any Republican who doesn't kiss the ring, but I believe they will formally end their relationship with MAGA.

It will be as amusing as when they dredged up Michael Steele to run the RNC after Obama won. After all, black people must be fashionable. They'll twist themselves into knots in an attempt to appease the masses, but it won't work.
Do you foresee any MAGAT violence after a loss? Endless court challenges? Any states trying to change the votes in his favor?
Do you foresee any MAGAT violence after a loss? Endless court challenges? Any states trying to change the votes in his favor?
You will see a few challenges in the courts, but there will be no violence. For one, trump isn't POTUS. He won't stage another rally like the last one.
And...after countless pro trump terrorists were put in prison, I'm guessing nobody wants to do trump's bidding this time.

He could have pardoned them, but opted to throw them under the bus.
I foresee MAGAt violence. I hope a lot of them are shot dead to save court costs. :thup:
If that happens, the Cult will promptly turn them into martyrs. I dunno. I think #TRE45ON still has plenty of voters. But not so many followers who would be willing to riot, get arrested, lose their jobs, go to prison. Remember all the precautions the various courts took before/during a Trump trial? Thankfully few of his whackjobs showed up and there wasn't any significant rowdiness. Lots easier to spew rhetoric, spittle, and hate on social media from the comfort of your 1997 Wide Glide Model Laz-E-Boy recliner.
Illiests are often gaslighters and narcissists. Your posts are the proof, comrade dumbass. The same goes for when you used to post in pink, pinko. LOL

When a gaslighter/narcissist speaks in the third person, his statement is said as if it is coming from a supporter. When his quote is published in the media, readers scanning the news may see just the quote and assume it is attributable to someone else. This then gives the quote more credibility. It then becomes apocryphal. It is a form of spreading propaganda. Gaslighters/narcissists speak with the intention that a lie will be heard so many times that it will become the truth and that their use of the third person gives their quotes more clout.
Projecting, and poorly, again. You are a fucking clown.
You will see a few challenges in the courts, but there will be no violence. For one, trump isn't POTUS. He won't stage another rally like the last one.
And...after countless pro trump terrorists were put in prison, I'm guessing nobody wants to do trump's bidding this time.

He could have pardoned them, but opted to throw them under the bus.
That's my take, too. I think he'll try to tie up everything in the courts and try to get some pet state legislatures to change their electoral votes.
The Left are the violent ones. In fact, your post proves it. My God you are stupid.:laugh:
I'm retired military, Comrade Pinko. I support violence when necessary and, if violence is necessary, I advise shoot to kill.

BTW, if the CIA ever puts a Hellfire on your shack, you'll never know what hit you. LOL
You will see a few challenges in the courts, but there will be no violence. For one, trump isn't POTUS. He won't stage another rally like the last one.
And...after countless pro trump terrorists were put in prison, I'm guessing nobody wants to do trump's bidding this time.

He could have pardoned them, but opted to throw them under the bus.
I hope you are correct, but there's more than a few nutjobs who will try something stupid.
I'm a fucking pinko clown.
FTFY, Comrade Pinko. :)
Mr. Tiny Penis, more threats to want your opposition shot dead? You are quite the tough guy.
People like you are why we have red flag laws.
Legina supports gun control. More proof he's not supportive of the Constitution.

It's a good thing you can't own guns where you're at, Legina. LOL
Do you foresee any MAGAT violence after a loss? Endless court challenges? Any states trying to change the votes in his favor?

This is kind of scary this year. I've seen a few things about how that side has prepared for this election. It's different from 2020 - they have so many election deniers in positions of power now.

It could be chaos. We KNOW that Trump will not concede, no matter what happens. That's fine. What's scary is all of the cultists who will believe him and do everything in their power to deny the will of the people.
Legina supports gun control. More proof he's not supportive of the Constitution.

It's a good thing you can't own guns where you're at, Legina. LOL
Mr. Tiny Penis,
Form 4473, question 11, e through j should eliminate the public worrying about you assuming you don't pull a Hunter biden on us.
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