Dick Cheney Was Right

I fail to see what working in the pig farming fields has to do with this, abba you cheerleading shit stirring 60 year old developmentally retarded fool.

A high school drop out, who got knocked up at 16 years of age and doesn't even have a ged did not "work in this field".

Jesus Christ on a cross you people never stop with your bullshit stories.

You've become so desperate for attention, that now you have to hi-jack posts that have nothing to do with you.

Ah, those key words! Pro life! that means, you don't support war or the death penalty, right?

I am for individual rights to decide for themselves. I can not possible make such a personal decision for another woman.

LOL... ok... Pro-innocent life. In cases that are certain... as in 100% (Dahmer, Bundy etc) I am fine with the death penalty. But I do think that the vast majority of death row should be moved to life without parole. Especially older cases.

I am for individual rights as well. Which leads us to the real question on abortion. Should the unborn child be entitled to those same basic human rights protections?
LOL... ok... Pro-innocent life. In cases that are certain... as in 100% (Dahmer, Bundy etc) I am fine with the death penalty. But I do think that the vast majority of death row should be moved to life without parole. Especially older cases.

I am for individual rights as well. Which leads us to the real question on abortion. Should the unborn child be entitled to those same basic human rights protections?

All the pregnant women, babies and children killed in Iraq by American firepower weren't innocent?
All the pregnant women, babies and children killed in Iraq by American firepower weren't innocent?

Hmmm... I don't recall saying they were or weren't. Yes, innocent people are killed in war. When at war we should do everything possible to avoid the loss of innocent lives. That said, we are talking about abortion here. That is where people DELIBERATELY kill innocent children.... by the millions.
Hmmm... I don't recall saying they were or weren't. Yes, innocent people are killed in war. When at war we should do everything possible to avoid the loss of innocent lives. That said, we are talking about abortion here. That is where people DELIBERATELY kill innocent children.... by the millions.

No, we were talking about the murder of a doctor here. I should know, I created the thread. You started talking about abortion, as usual.

"When at war we should do everything possible to avoid the loss of innocent lives."

No, what we should do is is everything possible to avoid war in the first place. And while people of good will can debate Afghanistan, at this point in history with what we know now, it is no longer possible of anyone of good will to debate iraq.

It was an unnecessary preemptive war in which hundreds of thousands were murdered. The absolute worst thing possible, and it's always been a point of dark irony that the people preaching about cell clumps and stem cells, don't give a fuck and still support that War of Choice.
LOL... ok... Pro-innocent life. In cases that are certain... as in 100% (Dahmer, Bundy etc) I am fine with the death penalty. But I do think that the vast majority of death row should be moved to life without parole. Especially older cases.

I am for individual rights as well. Which leads us to the real question on abortion. Should the unborn child be entitled to those same basic human rights protections?

YES-which is precisely the position of pro life advocates!
Hmmm... I don't recall saying they were or weren't. Yes, innocent people are killed in war. When at war we should do everything possible to avoid the loss of innocent lives. That said, we are talking about abortion here. That is where people DELIBERATELY kill innocent children.... by the millions.

Then maybe it would be more accurate to use the term "anti-abortion" rather than "pro-life".

bush's immoral, illegal war was responsible for DELIBERATELY killing innocent people.
pro life advocates = domestic terrorist who kill dr's and the group at the home cell celebrates

Only to idiots.

pro life advocates really = trying to save the lives of unborn babies who are called anything but human to ease the conscience of those who want to kill them.
No, we were talking about the murder of a doctor here. I should know, I created the thread. You started talking about abortion, as usual.

"When at war we should do everything possible to avoid the loss of innocent lives."

No, what we should do is is everything possible to avoid war in the first place. And while people of good will can debate Afghanistan, at this point in history with what we know now, it is no longer possible of anyone of good will to debate iraq.

It was an unnecessary preemptive war in which hundreds of thousands were murdered. The absolute worst thing possible, and it's always been a point of dark irony that the people preaching about cell clumps and stem cells, don't give a fuck and still support that War of Choice.

LMAO.... go read your original post dear emotional one.... you could have posted another thread on his being shot and how the idiot that shot him should be thrown in jail.... and I would have agreed. Yet instead you posted this 'tragic' story on how people NEEDED this man so they could get an abortion.... blah blah blah.

You made this about abortion... deal with it.
No, we were talking about the murder of a doctor here. I should know, I created the thread. You started talking about abortion, as usual.

"When at war we should do everything possible to avoid the loss of innocent lives."

No, what we should do is is everything possible to avoid war in the first place. And while people of good will can debate Afghanistan, at this point in history with what we know now, it is no longer possible of anyone of good will to debate iraq.

It was an unnecessary preemptive war in which hundreds of thousands were murdered. The absolute worst thing possible, and it's always been a point of dark irony that the people preaching about cell clumps and stem cells, don't give a fuck and still support that War of Choice.

I am not preaching about a clump of cells dear emotional one. I am talking about a LIVE HUMAN CHILD. You on the other hand are being a good little fanatic and trying to dehumanize the child so that you can justify the MILLIONS that are killed each year.

You pretend to cry over the hundreds of thousands, yet ignore and belittle the MILLIONS murdered for convenience all under the guise of 'choice'. Good little Hitlerite.

Speaking of the War of Choice... is that not what you and your fellow 'lets kill the unborn and pretend they aren't human' are hiding behind?
Does anyone find SF's use of "dear emotional one" somewhat ironic, when it is followed by angry diatribes decrying the alleged murder of millions of "babies" (a.k.a. zygotes), and comparisons to Hitler?

I guess emotional might not even be the best description for that; "psychotic" certainly fits...
Then maybe it would be more accurate to use the term "anti-abortion" rather than "pro-life".

bush's immoral, illegal war was responsible for DELIBERATELY killing innocent people.

No, I am pro-life. I support protecting the lives of innocent people as much as we can.

No, we do not deliberately target civilians and kill them. Anyone who does deliberately target civilians should be prosecuted. Oddly enough though, those that we fought over there do indeed deliberately target civilians.... and those civilians have rebelled against them because of it.

That said, yes, I take note that you desperately want to talk about the war in Iraq rather than the MILLIONS killed each year here in America. Feel free to start a thread on Iraq if you wish. As for this thread I will continue to discuss the MILLIONS of innocent children killed by the pro-abortionists.
Does anyone find SF's use of "dear emotional one" somewhat ironic, when it is followed by angry diatribes decrying the alleged murder of millions of "babies" (a.k.a. zygotes), and comparisons to Hitler?

I guess emotional might not even be the best description for that; "psychotic" certainly fits...

Dumbass... the use of 'dear emotional one' is simply a mockery of Darla's constant need to project what she thinks my emotional condition is upon me.

The comparison to Hitler is a valid one. No matter how much you dislike it. Like pro-abortionists, Hitler tried to dehumanize a group of human beings in order to justify killing them.

If you feel that is wrong, please again, explain where it is wrong in your opinion.

Side note.... if your explanation is going to go to the 'well they are just potential humans' again, then please explain when it is that they magically turn human. Because you keep ducking that point.
Dumbass... the use of 'dear emotional one' is simply a mockery of Darla's constant need to project what she thinks my emotional condition is upon me.

The comparison to Hitler is a valid one. No matter how much you dislike it. Like pro-abortionists, Hitler tried to dehumanize a group of human beings in order to justify killing them.

If you feel that is wrong, please again, explain where it is wrong in your opinion.

Side note.... if your explanation is going to go to the 'well they are just potential humans' again, then please explain when it is that they magically turn human. Because you keep ducking that point.

You said they turn "human" as soon as the sperm & egg combine, but then qualified your characterization with "frozen" or "stasis."

Do you consider the use of the morning after pill to be murder?
pro life advocates = domestic terrorist who kill dr's and the group at the home cell celebrates

Some most certainly are as we have witnessed in Wichita. But to define an entire group by the most extreme of the group is rather silly.

It would be like saying all liberals are severely retarded, emotionally crippled simpletons who should keep a dictionary at hand at all times so that they quit misspelling 'cat'.

You see it would be quite unfair to judge all liberals based on you... now wouldn't it?