Dick Cheney Was Right

You said they turn "human" as soon as the sperm & egg combine, but then qualified your characterization with "frozen" or "stasis."

Do you consider the use of the morning after pill to be murder?

No, that is YOUR strawman.

A unique human life is formed when the egg cell and sperm cell combine. A frozen fertilized egg is still a unique human. The stasis came into play as to whether or not it was alive or not. You said that freezing it equated to it being dead... hence killing it. I told you that once again your ignorance was shining bright.
I am not preaching about a clump of cells dear emotional one. I am talking about a LIVE HUMAN CHILD. You on the other hand are being a good little fanatic and trying to dehumanize the child so that you can justify the MILLIONS that are killed each year.

You pretend to cry over the hundreds of thousands, yet ignore and belittle the MILLIONS murdered for convenience all under the guise of 'choice'. Good little Hitlerite.

Speaking of the War of Choice... is that not what you and your fellow 'lets kill the unborn and pretend they aren't human' are hiding behind?

I can't waste another day here with you! I'll be back to look at this in the morning. You are going to ruin me if this keeps up. I knew I should never have started posting here again.
Do you see how he has appointed himself boss of my thread?

You need to learn to read. I simply told her what "I" was going to do. I provided her a suggestion. I did not say she couldn't continue trying to desperately turn the thread away from killing innocent kids into yet another 'Bush bad' thread.
You need to learn to read. I simply told her what "I" was going to do. I provided her a suggestion. I did not say she couldn't continue trying to desperately turn the thread away from killing innocent kids into yet another 'Bush bad' thread.

You ordered her to start another thread if she wants to talk about the iraq war, as if she can't talk about that anywhere on here, and especially on my thread! Why are you on here bossing people about what they can or can't post on my thread? That's what I call appointing yourself boss of the thread.
Actually lets be clear. Most forms of pharmaceutical birth control do not prevent the sperm from fertilizing the ovum. They prevent the fertilized ovum from adhering to the wall of the uterus and the fertilized ovum (a human life if you define human life as begining at fertilization, a valid scientific definition) will die and be flushed from the uterus.

So the questions I ask you. If human life begins at fertilization and "the pill" prevents the fertilized ovum from implanting on the uterus thus resulting in it's death, have you killed a human life? If so, would not pharmaceutical birth control then be just as immoral as an early stage abortion?
And I answered, "It would depend on where you stand on the philosophical question of "personhood"." I then went further and explained what I have stated in this thread. No need to repeat that.

Are you again pretending that it is not the first stage of human life? Are you interjecting a philosophical position onto a definition where such a philosophical element doesn't exist to make yourself feel better? If you are I would ask, "Why?"

So far, my main position in this thread has been to point out that the first stage of a human life is the zygote. That it is both a life, and human. Just getting a supposed "scientist" in life science to just recognize a simple fact has been amazingly difficult as they keep trying to get into "right" and "wrong".

Will you recognize the first stage of human life? If so, then we can move onto the "right" and "wrong". If we can't agree on such a simple starting point the argument fails because it begins with different definitions of the same thing.

It would be like arguing directions to "Springfield" when we had maps of different states. One can get to "Springfield" but we wouldn't be talking about the same place at all.
I can't waste another day here with you! I'll be back to look at this in the morning. You are going to ruin me if this keeps up. I knew I should never have started posting here again.
Just limit it by time slots. It helps. Believe me.
Had the thread been about the doctor being murdered, then yes, you could expect me to not post what I did. But when you post that bullshit story to somehow justify what the doctor did, then I am absolutely going to respond to that.

So quit acting innocent. Your intent was to justify the doctor's lust to kill kids.
That is it, this guy HATED kids, forced himself to have 4 and they then had 10 themselves. Great cover for a child killer. We should expose them all for what they are. That has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard you say on here. Tiller didn't just perform late term abortions for the fun of it. I lived in Kansas for 3 years, went to law school there. One of my class mates wife was pregnant. First sonogram somehow missed the fact that her child was going to be anecephalic. Meaning that while the child would have made a perfect right wing republican prolifer, the child was otherwise not going to have a brain. They caught it in the 8th month. She was crushed, she wanted a child more than anything. She had to go to Tiller, and your friends protesting outside yelled at her calling her a murderer and a whore. This woman who wanted nothing more than to have a child but instead got stuck with a body that had half a head. Tiller did not perform that abortion because he lusted to kill another child. He did it to save her the pain of going through the birth process only to see that her child was not a child at all and then watch as the brain stem slowly wound down and the body ceased to function. This is what is wrong with your side of the argument. You see nothing but fetuses and think they should all be forced into the world. That would mean another 1.3 million unwanted children in the world, clogging an already over taxed system that has 10s of thousands of unadoptable children stuck in limbo. This made all the more difficult because many of your prolife friends also don't want nasty old fags and dykes adopting children. The right wing in this country, like the left, very rarely EVER looks at the long term unintended consequences. All they see are the pictures of in utero children at 8 10 12 weeks of conception and see the cute little fingers and toes, and immediately equated aborting that fetus with putting a gun to 4 year olds head a shooting her. Nanny state do gooderism from the right is no better than it is from the left.
Dumbass... the use of 'dear emotional one' is simply a mockery of Darla's constant need to project what she thinks my emotional condition is upon me.

The comparison to Hitler is a valid one. No matter how much you dislike it. Like pro-abortionists, Hitler tried to dehumanize a group of human beings in order to justify killing them.

If you feel that is wrong, please again, explain where it is wrong in your opinion.

Side note.... if your explanation is going to go to the 'well they are just potential humans' again, then please explain when it is that they magically turn human. Because you keep ducking that point.
You are completely wrong. Hitler systematically rounded up jews, gypsies, slaves etc, and FORCED them into camps where he had them worked to the point of death and then shot or gassed. NO ONE forces women to do anything, at least from the pro-choice side of the equation. Women in America are allowed to freely decide for themselves if they want to have the child or terminate the pregnancy. The fact that you can't see the difference, excluding the extraction of gold teeth, the theft of jewish homes and treasure, between the two proves my point perfectly. Your position comes solely from the emotional side and has very little foundation in logical discourse.
You ordered her to start another thread if she wants to talk about the iraq war, as if she can't talk about that anywhere on here, and especially on my thread! Why are you on here bossing people about what they can or can't post on my thread? That's what I call appointing yourself boss of the thread.

LMAO... no I suggested she start a thread on it. My comments were to inform her that I wasn't planning on discussing Iraq on this thread. Once again your overly emotional state has caused you to mis-interpret what another person has written.

side note... this thread and all threads technically are Damo's... his board and all that... also... you may start a thread, but that doesn't make you boss of it.... :bleh:
You are completely wrong. Hitler systematically rounded up jews, gypsies, slaves etc, and FORCED them into camps where he had them worked to the point of death and then shot or gassed. NO ONE forces women to do anything, at least from the pro-choice side of the equation. Women in America are allowed to freely decide for themselves if they want to have the child or terminate the pregnancy. The fact that you can't see the difference, excluding the extraction of gold teeth, the theft of jewish homes and treasure, between the two proves my point perfectly. Your position comes solely from the emotional side and has very little foundation in logical discourse.

And you either in ignorance or in stubborness miss the actual analogy of the comparison.

Hitler stated that Jews were less than human so he could rally support to mass murder them. Get the connection yet?
You are completely wrong. Hitler systematically rounded up jews, gypsies, slaves etc, and FORCED them into camps where he had them worked to the point of death and then shot or gassed. NO ONE forces women to do anything, at least from the pro-choice side of the equation. Women in America are allowed to freely decide for themselves if they want to have the child or terminate the pregnancy. The fact that you can't see the difference, excluding the extraction of gold teeth, the theft of jewish homes and treasure, between the two proves my point perfectly. Your position comes solely from the emotional side and has very little foundation in logical discourse.

Stop. Think. I know that can be hard for a lawyer, but do try. In the above you are equating the Jews and the Women who have the abortions. That is not the correct relationship. The VICTIMS are the Jews and the UNBORN children.

The dehumanization is NOT of the women. It is of the children. The dehumanization allows for pro-abortionists to justify taking that innocent life.

I am not saying that every aspect is the same as what Hitler did. But the dehumanization of a group of people to justify being able to kill them.... THAT is most certainly the same.

So.... do you believe an abortion ends a human life or do you, like Darla and others, pretend that it isn't human and thus the woman should have a 'choice' as to whether or not to kill the child?
That is it, this guy HATED kids, forced himself to have 4 and they then had 10 themselves. Great cover for a child killer. We should expose them all for what they are. That has got to be one of the stupidest things I have ever heard you say on here. Tiller didn't just perform late term abortions for the fun of it. I lived in Kansas for 3 years, went to law school there. One of my class mates wife was pregnant. First sonogram somehow missed the fact that her child was going to be anecephalic. Meaning that while the child would have made a perfect right wing republican prolifer, the child was otherwise not going to have a brain. They caught it in the 8th month. She was crushed, she wanted a child more than anything. She had to go to Tiller, and your friends protesting outside yelled at her calling her a murderer and a whore. This woman who wanted nothing more than to have a child but instead got stuck with a body that had half a head. Tiller did not perform that abortion because he lusted to kill another child. He did it to save her the pain of going through the birth process only to see that her child was not a child at all and then watch as the brain stem slowly wound down and the body ceased to function. This is what is wrong with your side of the argument. You see nothing but fetuses and think they should all be forced into the world. That would mean another 1.3 million unwanted children in the world, clogging an already over taxed system that has 10s of thousands of unadoptable children stuck in limbo. This made all the more difficult because many of your prolife friends also don't want nasty old fags and dykes adopting children. The right wing in this country, like the left, very rarely EVER looks at the long term unintended consequences. All they see are the pictures of in utero children at 8 10 12 weeks of conception and see the cute little fingers and toes, and immediately equated aborting that fetus with putting a gun to 4 year olds head a shooting her. Nanny state do gooderism from the right is no better than it is from the left.

Oh I am so sorry Soc. I had never heard of this condition and didn't even know a baby could be born without a brain until several years ago. It's so horrible, and I know i cannot even begin to imagine that. I did watch my dad die slowly from a traumatic brain event, and that almost put me down. That's why when I say that I think that the people who would force a woman, and let's face it, the father too because that is just has horrific for him, to give birth to a baby in that state and have to hold it in your arms and somehow get it through your heart that because it has no brain it's not a baby, it doesn't feel, it's not smiling at you, oh Jesus, and then to watch it die, and I think that those are the monsters. The true monsters. I know of no other word for it.
You are completely wrong. Hitler systematically rounded up jews, gypsies, slaves etc, and FORCED them into camps where he had them worked to the point of death and then shot or gassed. NO ONE forces women to do anything, at least from the pro-choice side of the equation. Women in America are allowed to freely decide for themselves if they want to have the child or terminate the pregnancy. The fact that you can't see the difference, excluding the extraction of gold teeth, the theft of jewish homes and treasure, between the two proves my point perfectly. Your position comes solely from the emotional side and has very little foundation in logical discourse.

Side note... my position comes from

1) Scientific FACT

2) The belief that all human beings are entitled to basic human rights protections.

Both are completely logical.

The illogical ones are those who:

1) Ignore the Scientific FACT

2) Believe that one persons convenience is a higher priorty than anothers right to live.

Neither of which is logical.
When it's an abortion we hear about "killing a child," but when it's a fertility clinic destroying and discarding fertilized eggs we hear about "embryos in stasis."

Very interesting position paper on abortion by third way.


Of interest to me,

30% of minors seeking abortions attributed their decision in part to the fact that their parents wanted them to have abortions.

Upon learning of their daughters’ pregnancies, parents favored abortion over
childbirth by a 4 to 1 ratio

Of the 1.3 million abortions in America each year, about 90,000 occur due to the
health of the fetus, mother, or rape or incest

For every 100 pregnancies in America, 52 were planned and 48 were unplanned.

Among the 48% of pregnancies that were unintended, the percentage of
abortions to live births is 54% to 46%.

The argument that abortion is widely used as a method of birth control is not borne
out by the data. Slightly over half of those having an abortion will have only one. Of the
remaining group that has had more than one abortion, more than half will have only
two. It is more likely that a woman who has an abortion has already had a previous birth
than a previous abortion.
• 61% of women who have an abortion have had a prior birth
• 48% of women who have an abortion have had a previous abortion

Abortion is the last worst choice a woman has to make when she gets pregnant. Third Way wants to make unintended pregnancy less common, it already is among teens and abortions have been declining in the country steadily for a while now. Making it illegal is not going to stop it. When Romania was ruled by communism they had a law that forbid abortion, women were required to go through regular exams and STILL a country that size had almost as many abortions as we do today. I sometimes think that is the US the right would like. One where the government forces women into a gynecological chair on a regular basis to make sure they stay pregnant.
"That is it, this guy HATED kids, forced himself to have 4 and they then had 10 themselves. Great cover for a child killer."

Right, because we all know that psychotic killers never lead double lives with stable families etc...

"You see nothing but fetuses and think they should all be forced into the world. That would mean another 1.3 million unwanted children in the world, clogging an already over taxed system that has 10s of thousands of unadoptable children stuck in limbo."

Bullshit. I see nothing but a unique human life. A life that YOU are deciding doesn't have the right to exist. A life that could be the next Einstein or Bach. A life that could have been the one to cure cancer. etc.... I see all the potential that they might have. You on the other hand, like others in your camp, toss out extreme cases like the one you set forth and then try to use that as justification for all abortions.

"This made all the more difficult because many of your prolife friends also don't want nasty old fags and dykes adopting children."

I do not have any friends who are against gay couples adopting children. While some would give preference to straight couples in situations where all else was equivalent, none of them would deny a child a happy loving home just because a couple was gay. So do save your bullshit projections and faux outrage for someone else. Because again you attempt to project the extreme onto all those who take a certain position.

"The right wing in this country, like the left, very rarely EVER looks at the long term unintended consequences. All they see are the pictures of in utero children at 8 10 12 weeks of conception and see the cute little fingers and toes, and immediately equated aborting that fetus with putting a gun to 4 year olds head a shooting her. Nanny state do gooderism from the right is no better than it is from the left".

This is where you fail. Because it most certainly IS the same as pulling that trigger on a 4 year old. Both are unique human lives. In both cases you are choosing to end that life.

I beleive they are both entitled to basic human rights protections. You don't.

That is not nanny state, that is protecting the innocent. If some group of psychotics were running around killing new-borns, you would rise up and defend them against the psychotics.

What changes in that minute that the child emerges that makes you defend one and not the other?