Did God cause the Coronavirus?

that's nice

Bg Chapter 4, Verse 5

The Blessed Lord said to the Prince Arjuna:
"Many, many births both you and I have passed.
I can remember all of them, but you cannot,
O subduer of the enemy!"

Therefore, the Lord and the living entity can never be equal in all respects, even if the living entity is as liberated as Arjuna. Although Arjuna is a devotee of the Lord, he sometimes forgets the nature of the Lord, but by the divine grace a devotee can at once understand the infallible condition of the Lord, whereas a nondevotee or a demon cannot understand this transcendental nature. Consequently these descriptions in the Gita cannot be understood by demonic brains. Krsna remembered acts which were performed by Him millions of years before, but Arjuna could not.

We may also note herein that a living entity forgets everything due to his change of body, but the Lord remembers because He does not change His sac-cid-ananda body. He is advaita, which means there is no distinction between His body and Himself. Everything in relation to Him is spirit—whereas the conditioned soul is different from his material body. And, because the Lord's body and self are identical, His position is always different from the ordinary living entity, even when He descends to the material platform. The demons cannot adjust themselves to this transcendental nature of the Lord, as the Lord explains in the following verse.

the following verse:

Bg Chapter 4, Verse 6

The Blessed Lord said to the Prince Arjuna:
"Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates,
and although I am the Lord of all sentient beings,
I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental form.

The Lord has spoken about the peculiarity of His birth: although He may appear like an ordinary person, He remembers everything of His many, many past "births," whereas a common man cannot remember what he has done even a few hours before. If someone is asked what he did exactly at the same time one day earlier, it would be very difficult for a common man to answer immediately. He would surely have to dredge his memory to recall what he was doing exactly at the same time one day before. And yet, men often dare claim to be God, or Krsna. One should not be misled by such meaningless claims. Then again, the Lord explains His prakrti or His form. Prakrti means nature as well as svarupa, or one's own form. The Lord says that He appears in His own body. He does not change His body, as the common living entity changes from one body to another. The conditioned soul may have one kind of body in the present birth, but he has a different body in the next birth. In the material world, the living entity has no fixed body but transmigrates from one body to another. The Lord, however, does not do so.
Same here. Still, it's stupid to say over 58,000 Americans didn't die because none of us knows one that died.

58,000 Americans died in the Vietnam war.

Do you not know any? Wounded? Maimed?

Gita Chapter 11 text 32

The Blessed Lord Krishna, said to the Prince Arjuna:
"Time I am, destroyer of the worlds,
and I have come to engage all people.
With the exception of you
[Arjuna and his four brothers, aka the Pandavas],
all the soldiers here on both sides will be slain."

Although Arjuna knew that Krsna was his friend and the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, he was nonetheless
puzzled by the various forms exhibited by Krsna.
Therefore he asked further about the actual mission
of this devastating force. It is written in the Vedas
that the Supreme Truth destroys everything, even
Eventually all the brahmanas, ksatriyas and everyone
else are devoured by the Supreme.
This form of the Supreme Lord is an all-devouring giant,
and here Krishna presents Himself in that form of all-devouring time.
Except for a few Pandavas, everyone who was present in that battlefield
would be devoured by Him.
Arjuna was not in favor of the fight, and he thought it was
better not to fight; then there would be no frustration.
In reply, the Lord is saying that even if he did not fight,
every one of them would be destroyed, for that is His plan.
If he stopped fighting, they would die in another way.
Death cannot be checked, even if he did not fight.
In fact, they were already dead.
Time is destruction, and all manifestations are to
be vanquished by the desire of the Supreme Lord.
That is the law of nature.


The first atomic bomb was successfully detonated on July 16, 1945, in the Trinity test in New Mexico. Oppenheimer later remarked that it brought to mind words from the Bhagavad Gita: "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." In August 1945, the weapons were used in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

J. Robert Oppenheimer - Wikipedia
It seems whatever you believe in, be it nature, science, or God seems to be forcing our hands. Look at the batshit craziness and stubbornness at play here. Now ask yourself what you would do if you had to force people's hands and get them to change without being able to affect upon free will. Pollution in massive decline, communities coming together, shelter animals being adopted in record numbers. People's humanity is being put to the test more than ever. You really get to see the lines in the sand in these times. They wear how selfish or selfless they are on their sleeves. Those that actually are full of grace and care about life will shine while those of the self will show their true colors. Good chance to see a lot of claimed pro-lifers saying we should risk lives for monetary and economical sake. This virus, the swarms of locust, and the unquestioning following of what should be an obvious phony supposedly representing God's will. Now, where have I heard that before? God or no God just let your humanity shine through.
Only mankind which is the enemy of the animals and planet earth

Maybe God thinks the Earth needs styrofoam and plastic water bottles.

The planet is going to be fine. Nothing humans do to it will harm it. The Earth has not always been like it's present environment.
Maybe God thinks the Earth needs styrofoam and plastic water bottles.

The planet is going to be fine. Nothing humans do to it will harm it. The Earth has not always been like it's present environment.

At least You listened to Carlin.

Not all hope has been lost.
I am a Truth Seeker/Truth Teller.

A hyper educated one.

Just sarcasm, hyperbole educated by relative time distortions of only really existing as reproduced as the numbers per species now occupying space conception to decomposition like all life in this atmospehre has, is, added or not alive anymore from now on.

Simple compounding adapt or become extinct rule. no vocabulary necessary, just ability to navigate as 1 of a kind. Choice means a hell of a lot more now doesn't it. Becareful what you manifest into trutisms used historically.
Just sarcasm, hyperbole educated by relative time distortions of only really existing as reproduced as the numbers per species now occupying space conception to decomposition like all life in this atmospehre has, is, added or not alive anymore from now on.

Simple compounding adapt or become extinct rule. no vocabulary necessary, just ability to navigate as 1 of a kind. Choice means a hell of a lot more now doesn't it. Becareful what you manifest into trutisms used historically.

Are you the cunt from Dp....I get over 30 quotes a day but only get to see the last 10 when I log in...DP gives me 25...25 is better than 10 if this must be explained to the dimwits..,I asked before but I never heard an answer.
Are you the cunt from Dp....I get over 30 quotes a day but only get to see the last 10 when I log in...DP gives me 25...25 is better than 10 if this must be explained to the dimwits..,I asked before but I never heard an answer.

obviously not. Serenity is peace in a state of mind where a brain actually understands its one of a kind proportion to life outside one's skin. Not always a female name as both genders can achieve understanding things that can be changed and how life works never exceeding the moment here.